Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 5 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock | Type
| - Kill an enemy while prone.
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| - Complete twenty Objectives in New York.
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| - Complete all Objectives and extract from 5 incursions with a Level 10 Operator.
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| - Kill fifty enemies with explosives or abilities.
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| - Eliminate hundred Grunts.
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| - Complete twenty Objectives in Truth or Consequences.
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| - Interact with a Point of Interest.
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| - Kill five Smashers with a Takedown.
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| - Take down fifty Breachers or Bloaters.
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| - Kill 150 Tormentors and Spikers.
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| - Scan fifty enemies with REACT Tech.
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| - Kill 75 Sludges with explosives.
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| - Interact with hundred Points of Interest.
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| - Interact with five Points of Interest in each Region.
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| - Complete twenty Objectives in San Francisco.
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| - Complete all Objectives in an incursion with only female Operators.
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| - Equip fifteen Weapon Attachments.
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| - Earn a score of 55,000 XP in a single incursion.
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| - Read each Region's final Study Description.
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| - Kill five different enemies in a single incursion.
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| - Extract from an incursion after completing all Research Studies.
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| - Extract from an incursion with all Objectives completed and no one MIA.
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| - Kill fifty Rooters without being caught by them.
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| - Destroy Sprawl with the REACT Laser in an incursion.
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| - Complete all Objectives in an incursion with only male Operators.
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| - Complete all other Trophies.
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| - Equip Headgear on 18 different Level 10 Operators.
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| - Hit three enemies with melee attacks.
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| - Earn at least 30000 XP on 5 Assignment or Crisis incursions.
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| - Equip a Uniform on 9 different Operators.
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| - Kill thirty Blinding Spores.
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| - Complete five different Objectives.
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| - Complete twenty Objectives in Alaska.
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| - Complete fifteen Objectives in the third Sub-Zone or further without falling DBNO.
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| - Extract from an incursion at 80% health or above after completing all Objectives.
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| - Rescue one of your Operators.
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