If you find yourself facing off against fortified enemies, remember that you can even the playing field by eliminating their cover. You can also destroy their footing, which could cause them to fall and take damage while also enduring the harm caused by the initial explosion. It's an especially good strategy when applied to nasty turrets.
Easy "Brutal Collection" trophy
Use Skulljack on the four different ADVENT soldier types listed below to get the "Brutal Collection" trophy. The hacking outcome does not matter.
Officer (the red unit). This is story related.
Stun Lancer (unit with the sword)
Shieldbearer (unit with white armor)
Easy "Heavy Metal" trophy
Research the EXO and War Suits from the Proving Grounds to be able to research Experimental Heavy Weapons and Experimental Powered weapons, respectively. Do this enough times to obtain one of each type of the following weapons:
Heavy Weapons (requires EXO Suit)
Rocket Launcher (unlocked EXO Suit is researched)
Shredder Gun
Powered Weapons (requires EXO or WAR Suit)
Blaster Launcher
Hellfire Projector
Plasma Blaster
Shredstorm Cannon
After obtaining the required weapons, equip your soldiers with W.A.R armor. Give each of them a different heavy or powered weapon. Start a mission with Advent soldier enemies. Get into position, then save the game. Kill an Advent soldier with one of the weapons, reload the saved game, then kill the same enemy with another type of weapon. Repeat this process until all the weapons were used to kill an enemy to get the "Heavy Metal" trophy.
Easy "Heroes Of The Resistance" trophy
To do this without losing your entire squad, focus on killing enemies as quickly as possible instead of rescuing the civilians one-by-one. Also, try drawing the enemies attention to have them attack you instead of the civilians.
Easy "Now Am I Become Death" trophy
Use the "Faceoff" Sharpshooter ability to fire at every visible target in range using the pistol. If there are at least three wounded or weak enemies in range, use that ability. This can also be done with the Ranger's "Reaper" ability. Kill an enemy with the sword to get another action so you can kill another enemy. Repeat the process in a chain.
Enter a soldier's customization menu, go to the character info menu, and enter one of the following names to unlock the corresponding character. Note: This only works in the single player campaign and disables trophies from being earned and removes all your previous soldiers' attributes.
Hero | Name
| |
- Peter Van Hoorn (Assault Build Ranger Colonel)
| |
- Sid Meier (Psi Operative Magnus)
| |
Shen's Last Gift: Trophies
Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock | Type
| - Beat the Lost Towers mission
| |
| - Hit three shots on a single turn with a SPARK unit after using its Overdrive ability
| |
- Axles to Axles, Bolts to Bolts
| - Defeat a robotic enemy with a SPARK unit
| |
| - Outfit a SPARK unit with the highest tier weaponry and armor
| |
- Just Like Dad Used To Make
| | |
| - Kill an enemy primed Derelict MEC before it can self-destruct
| |
| - Defeat an Avatar with a SPARK unit
| |
| - Promote a SPARK unit to Champion rank
| |
| - Complete a mission with three or more SPARK units in the squad
| |
| - A SPARK unit survives a mission it started with less than half health
| |
Trophies - DLC: Alien Hunters
Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock | Type
| - Investigate the Abandoned Research Facility
| |
| | |
| | |
| - Purchase all of the final tier hunter weapons
| |
| - Use a ruler armor ability against an alien ruler
| |
| - Kill all three alien rulers in a single game
| |
- Not Throwing Away My Shot
| - Kill an alien ruler while it attempts to escape
| |
| - Use all ruler armor abilities in a single mission
| |
| - Kill an alien ruler the first time you encounter it
| |
| | |
War of the Chosen: Trophies
Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock | Type
| - Complete the Lost and Abandoned mission
| |
| - Permanently defeat one of the Chosen
| |
| - Get four kills from Shadow mode with a Reaper in a single mission
| |
| - Perform three offensive actions against the same target with a Skirmisher in a single turn
| |
| - Raise a Templar to maximum Focus level, spend it all, and reach the max again in a single mission
| |
- Fully Operational Resistance
| - Raise XCOM's influence with all three factions to High in a single game
| |
| - Form a level 3 bond between two soldiers
| |
| - Rescue a soldier who was captured by the Chosen
| |
| - Complete a mission with all Tired soldiers and no casualties
| |
| - Get 15 Headshots against Lost in a single turn
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