Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
| - Purchase all decorations for your ziggurat.
- Astronomical quantities (Silver)
| - Make a combination with total of 20 000 000 points.
- Brilliant arithmetic (Bronze)
| - Get x8 points multiplier on crystals bar.
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| - Gather all collectible items in "Puzzle".
| - Read all pages in "Help" menu.
| - Destroy 500 tokens with "Dynamite" bonus.
- Equal to the gods (Bronze)
| - Complete a level without using totems.
| |
| - Activate frenzy mode 50 times.
- Glint in the eyes (Bronze)
| - Release 20 gems in one combo.
| - Gather 500 gold bars in "Slotomania" mode.
| |
- Legends don't lie (Silver)
| - Get x99 points multiplier.
- Magic of numbers (Silver)
| - Make a 7-token combination.
| - Destroy 500 ice cubes in "Ice" mode.
| - Complete all goals in "Quest".
| |
| - Complete all levels in "Puzzle".
- Platinum trophy (Platinum)
| - Obtain all available trophies in game.
| - Use totem abilities 300 times.
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| - Destroy 500 fire tokens in the "Sacred Fire" mode.
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| - Destroy 60 tokens in one combo.
| - Catch 100 frogs in "Catch the Frog" mode.
| - Complete all levels in "Story" mode with gold.
- The favor of the gods (Silver)
| - Upgrade all totems in the shop up to level 4.
- The study begins (Bronze)
| - Complete atleast one level in every game mode in "Puzzle".
| - Make a 3-token combination with frogs on every one of them.
- Treasures of Anakoana (Silver)
| - Collect 100 crystals in one game.
| - Collect 100 pairs of fragments in "Match Pairs" mode.