Note: This requires v1.2.4. Go to the Jungle biome. Enter a bee hive inside one of the underground jungles. Destroy larvae (large bees inside crystallized shells) to make a Queen Bee appear. Note: Some hives have two larvae. If you destroy both at the same time you will end up facing two Queen Bees at the same time. Defeat the Queen Bee to get Honeyed Goggles. Use the Honeyed Goggles to get a Bee mount. Note: You can also summon Queen Bees by crafting Abeeminations by using five Honey Blocks, five Hive Blocks, one Stinger, and one Bottled Honey. Honey Blocks and Hive Blocks can collected from the Bee Hive mini-biome. Destroying Hive Blocks will summon weaker bee enemies that drop Stingers. Bottled Honey is obtained by collecting Honey Blocks and using the empty glass bottles by hand while standing next to the honey. Use the Abeemination is in a Jungle Biome to summon a Queen Bee.
Easy "Archaeologist" Trophy
Doctor Bones is a very rare spawn in the Jungle biome. Built a small house in the Jungle biome. Drink a Battle Potion, place a Water Candle, and hold another Water Candle to increase the enemy spawn rate. Have Stardust Dragon Staff to kill everything that appears automatically. Allow the game to idle and eventually Doctor Bones will appear and be killed by the staff.
Start Hardmode by defeating the Wall of Flesh at the lowest part of the map after you summon it by destroying a Guide Voodoo Doll by throwing it into the lava in The Underworld. The five chests are Jungle , Corruption , Crimson , Hallowed , and Frozen. Each chest has its own key. Kill mobs in their respective biomes to have a rare chance for one of the keys to drop. After you have the key and have found the chest, kill the Plantera Boss in the Jungle biome. Note: To kill Plantera, you must first kill all three Mechanical Bosses.
The Blood Moon is random event that happens during an entire night. The chance of it triggering is 11.11% if at least one player has over 120 health points on a night with the moon present. When it begins, the message "The Blood Moon is rising..." will appear in the lower left corner. Multiple Blood Moons in a row can occur. During a Blood Moon, the enemy spawn rate increases (even near your home and NPCs), zombies can open doors, small animals such Bunnies, Penguins, and Goldfish will transform into enemies, and the sky, moon, water, and rain will appear red.
Find the dungeon entrance on the surface with old man in front of it. At night, ask the old man about the curse and Skeletron will appear.
Easy "Completely Awesome" Trophy
Purchase the Minishark gun from the Arms Dealer NPC for 35 gold.
Easy "Deceiver of Fools" Trophy
The nymph is powerful pre-Hardmode enemy that first appears as the Lost Girl NPC. When approached, she transforms into the Nymph and turns hostile. The Nymph appears more frequently in Pre-Hardmode because of the larger numbers of enemies in Hardmode. She is more likely to spawn in the Underground Snow Biome as it has less spawns. Consider using potions or items that detect rare enemies while looking for the Nymph.
Easy "Do You Want to Slay a Snowman?" Trophy
Set your system date between December 15th and 31st. Enemies will rarely drop random presents which may contain a Snow Globe. Use a Snow Globe to start the Frost Legion event. This is an invasion that can be easily be completed if you have some Hardmode items.
Easy "Fish Out of Water" Trophy
Duke Fishron is summoned with a Truffle Worm. In the underground mushroom biome, search for Truffle Worm which is larger than a normal worm and blue. Catch it with your bug net after finding it crawling on the ground. With the worm in your inventory, fish at the sea. If done correctly you will always encounter Duke Fishron immediately after taking your pole out of the water. This Boss is very difficult to defeat.
Use the Clentaminator with Dark Blue Solution. Note: This requires the Steampunk and Truffle NPCs. Surface Glowing Mushroom Biomes do appear naturally and must be player created. To do this, get Mushroom Grass Seeds that are dropped from Glowing Mushrooms in the Underground Glowing Mushroom Biome. Then, go on to surface (above depth 0) and plant seeds in Mud, and not Dirt. Plant the seeds at every second or third block. Allow it to grow as Grass, and Mushrooms will spread by themselves. After reaching 100 blocks wide, the Glowing Mushroom Biome will become a permanent biome in your world.
Easy "Gelatin World Tour" trophy
There are 29 different slimes in total, however only 24 of them need to be killed. The other five slimes are from Christmas and Halloween events. The slimes can be found as follows.
Pre-Hardmode slimes
Baby Slime: A few Baby Slimes will spawn after killing Mother Slime.
Black Slime: Spawn in the Cavern layer, and are hard to see.
Blue Slime: Found in Forest and Underground, or summoned with a slime statue.
Dungeon Slime: Found in the Dungeon and have a Golden Key inside.
Green Slime: Found in the Forest during the day.
Ice Slime: Common enemy in a Snow Biome and also appear in the Underground Snow Biome.
Jungle Slime: Common enemy in the Jungle biome.
King Slime: Summoned with Slime Crown as well as by very rare random spawns when a player is in the two outer thirds of the map (far left or far right), the depth is above zero, and there is standard, green grass as a potential spawn point. Note: Goblin Scouts will spawn in the same locations as King Slime, indicating the proper location has been found.
Lava Slime: Spawn only in the Underworld. They have fiery glow and emit some light.
Mother Slime: Second largest ordinary slimes. They spawn in Cavern layers.
Pinky: Very rare slime that can appear in the Forest biome. It is the smallest of the slimes.
Purple Slime: Spawns on surface uncommonly in the outer thirds of the world.
Red Slime: Found spawning in the Underground.
Spiked Ice Slime: Commonly found in the Underground Snow Biome.
Spiked Jungle Slime: Can be found in both Jungle and Underground Jungle Biomes.
Umbrella Slime: Found during rain on the surface. They are larger than Blue and Green Slimes and hold an umbrella.
Yellow Slime: Found in the Underground layer.
Hardmode slimes
Corrupt Slime: Can spawn in both The Corruption and Underground Corruption Biomes. Similar to Mother Slimes but stronger. It is a Corruption counterpart to a Crimslime.
Crimslime: Found in the Crimson biome in different sizes. It is a Crimson counterpart to a Corrupt Slime.
Illuminant Slime: Spawn in the Underground Hallow Biome, replacing normal cave slimes. They emit a small amount of light.
Rainbow Slime: Rare spawn near The Hallow during rain or blizzard. They will spawn outside of The Hallow Biome while a player is physically inside. It does not spawn directly on the hallowed blocks, but on non-hallow blocks such as grass or snow.
Slimeling: Three Slimelings will spawn after defeating a Corrupt Slime.
Slimer: Spawn in The Corruption and Underground Corruption Biomes. It begins as a flying Slime with wings but will lose them and fight you on ground.
Toxic Sludge: Spawns in the Underground in place of ordinary slimes.
Note: Because the Corrupt Slime is only found in a Corruption Hard mode world and the Crimslime is only found in a Crimson Hard mode world, you cannot earn "Gelatin World Tour" with a single world. To avoid missing any of them, have 17 out of 24 slimes before you trigger Hard mode. Then, collect up to 23 out of 24 of the slimes in your original world before travelling to a second world and immediately starting hard mode at that location for the last slime.
Easy "The Cavalry" Trophy
Early on, the easiest mount item to obtain is the Fuzzy Carrot, which is rewarded for completing five Angler quests. You can also consider getting the Blessed Apple, which drops from enemies in the post-Hardmode Hallow biome.
Easy "The Frequent Flyer" Trophy
Build a house for the nurse. Place a long rope leading upward next to the house. Climb up, intentionally fall, heal yourself, and repeat the process as many times as needed. Note: Set the height of the rope as needed, depending on your total health. Have 1 gold in your inventory or in your piggy bank. Place one fire block, such as a meteorite, next to the nurse. NPCs are immune to its effect. Remove your armor as well as any lava resistance items. Remain in contact with the block and keep healing.
Fight against Duke Fishron
Note: This requires v1.2.4. Get a Golden Fishing Rod from Pirates in the Hardmode Ocean Biome. Either use a Treasure Map or wait for a Pirate Invasion (happens only after the Wall of Flesh is defeated). Get a Truffle Worm in a Mushroom Biome. They appear as small glowing worms and can be captured by quickly dropping down on it while swinging the bug net. Travel to the far east or west oceans and use the Golden Fishing Rod with the Truffle Worm as bait. Duke Fishron should appear and attack.
Build a piggy bank and place some money and unwanted items in it. Save the game and restart it. The items that you put in the piggy bank will have changed randomly into other objects. You have a chance of obtaining rare items by doing this repeatedly.
Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
- A Knight in Shining Armors (Silver)
| - You have obtained every type of armor.
| |
- All in the Family (Bronze)
| |
- Appease the Volcano Gods (Silver)
| - You sacrificed The Guide in boiling hot magma!
| - You have defeated all the prime bosses twice.
| - Activate 5 buffs at the same time.
| - Craft 300 items at an anvil!
| - You have defeated Skeletron Prime!
- Challenge Accepted (Gold)
| - You have unlocked Hard Mode!
- Completionist! (Platinum)
| - All the trophies have been earned.
| |
| - You have used every crafting station!
| - You have defeated the Goblin Army!
| - You have placed 100 wires!
| - You have defeated every boss!
- Gone in 60 seconds (Bronze)
| - You ran continuously for 60 seconds!
- Hallowed Be Thy Name (Silver)
| |
| - Go from the surface to The Underworld in under a minute.
| |
| - You killed The Guide, you maniac!
| - You have smelted 10,000 bars of metal!
| - Reach the top of the World!
| - You have found a floating island!
| - You have removed more than 10,000 blocks!
- Leap a tall building in a single bound (Silver)
| - Jump really, really high.
| - You have traveled over 42km on the ground!
| - You have the maximum health and mana!
| - You have defeated The Twins!
| |
| - You have survived the Blood Moon!
| - You have defeated The Destroyer!
| - You have reached the bottom of the World!
| |
| - You have killed every type of slime!
| - You have survived the first night!
| - You have completed the tutorial!
- Terraria Student (Bronze)
| - You have begun the tutorial!
- To Hell and Back (Silver)
| - You have gone to The Underworld and back without dying!
- Vanity of Vanities (Bronze)
| - Wear a full set of vanity clothes.
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