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South Park: The Stick Of Truth

Easy "More Popular Than John Lennon" trophy for South Park: The Stick Of Truth - PlayStation 4

Go to the indicated location to find the corresponding person to befriend. Note: Some are missable and are only obtained during quests that cannot be returned to later.

1. Butters: Main storyline.
2. Clyde : Kupa Keep, before entering Cartman's tent. He will later unfriend you.
3. Scott Malkinson: Kupa Keep.
4. Kenny: Main storyline.
5. Mrs. Cartman: Cartman's house.
6. Dougie: Outside Butters' house.
7. Mrs. Stotch: Butters' house.
8. Mr. Stotch: Butters' house.
9. Mom: Your house.
10. Kelly Gardner: Near your house.
11. Pete: Second floor of garage 2210.
12. Romper Stomper: Locked in the cell in the Police Station. The key is on the second floor.
13. Kevin Stoley: Finish his side quest.
14. Annie: Main storyline.
15. Mrs. Biggle: On the bench outside the Post Office.
16. Esther: In the News Building.
17. Officer Barbrady: Outside Tom's Rhinoplasty.
18. Mrs. Marsh: Buy something from Tom's Rhinoplasty.
19. Millie: Behind Unplanned Parenthood.
20. Mr. Slave: Finish his sidequest.
21. Priest Maxi: Finish his sidequest.
22. Jesus: Priest Maxi sidequest.
23. General Disarray: In Butters' Chaos Lair at U-Stor. The key is in Butters' room.
24. Al Gore: Outside the movie theater.
25. Damien: In the movie theater.
26. Mr. Kim: Finish his sidequest.
27. Skeeter: Finish his sidequest.
28. Bartender: Same as Skeeter.
29. Mr. McCormick: Outside the bar.
30. Mr. Broflovski: Outside Kyle's house.
31. Francis: Outside Kyle's house, break his snowman.
32. Tweek: Main storyline.
33. Token: Main storyline.
34. Karen: Kenny's house.
35. Mrs. McCormick: Kenny's house.
36. Kelly Rutherford: Acquire 30 friends and speak to her.
37. Craig: Main storyline. He will later unfriend you.
38. Randy: Main storyline.
39. Douglas: Pink house by Photo Dojo. Break the window and use Anal Probe.
40. Jason: Kyle's house.
41. Timmy: Find all fast-travel stations.
42. Stan: Kyle's house, finish sidequest.
43. Jimmy: Kyle's house, finish sidequest.
44. DogPoo: Kyle's house, finish sidequest.
45. Lola: Post Office, after 40 friends are made.
46. Mr. Mackey: Community Center, finish his sidequest.
47. Amber: Mr. Hankey's sidequest (sewer).
48. Cornwallis: Mr. Hankey's sidequest.
49. Simon: Mr. Hankey's sidequest.
50. Mr. Hankey: Finish his sidequest.
51. Mrs. Hankey: Same as Mr Hankey.
52. Mayor McDaniels: Finish her sidequest.
53. Santa: Roof of the Police Station (requires Anal Probe).
54. Henrietta: Main storyline.
55. Micheal: Main storyline.
56. Pete: Main storyline.
57. Firkle: Main storyline.
58. Kyle: Main storyline.
59. Bill : During the main storyline, save him in the school.
60. Fossey : Same as Bill.
61. Lemmiwinks : Grade 5 Classroom. He is the gerbil running on the ground.
62. Underpants Gnome: Finish his sidequest.
63. Dad: Your house, after getting 50 friends.
64. Bradley: Outside Stan's house (requires Gnome Dust).
65. Filmore: Hide and Seek (inside the Bank).
66. Flora: Hide and Seek (outside Tower of Peace).
67. Quaid: Hide and Seek (sewer).
68. Jenny: Hide and Seek (secret path at the Lake).
69. Billy: Hide and Seek (farm).
70. Sally: Hide and Seek (outside Mr. Slave's house).
71. Mr. Garrison: Community Center.
72. Principal Victoria: Community Center.
73. Mr. Adler: Community Center.
74. Mrs. Broflovski: Community Center.
75. Cartman: Main storyline.
76. Chris Donnely: Kyle's house, after recruiting the girls.
77. Leroy Mullens: On top of News Building (requires Gnome Dust).
78. Sergeant Yates : Police Station, during Nazi Zombie invasion.
79. Monica: Main storyline.
80. Jessie Rodriguez: Main storyline.
81. Jimbo: Finish his sidequest.
82. Ned: Same as Jimbo.
83. Earl of Winnipeg: Main storyline.
84. Bishop of Banff : Main storyline; must choose to spare his life.
85. Prince of Canada: Main storyline.
86. Duke of Vancouver: Main storyline.
87. Terrance: Main storyline.
88. Phillip: Main storyline.
89. Princess of Canada: Main storyline.
90. Minister of Montreal: Main storyline.
91. Wendy: Main storyline.
92. Bebe: Main storyline.
93. Red: Girl's bathroom in the playground.
94. Nelly: Girl's bathroom in the playground.
95. Jessie: Girl's bathroom in the playground.
96. Allie Nelson: Girl's bathroom in the playground.
97. Heidi: Girl's bathroom in the playground.
98. Crab Person: In the sewer (requires Nagasaki).
99. Mr. Tweak: Buy an Ultra Speed Potion.
100. Mrs. Tweak: Same as Mr. Tweak.
101. Shelly Marsh: Stan's house, after Stan's sidequest.
102. Polly Prissy Pants: Cartman's room with Cartman as your buddy.
103. Beary: Lost Forest, travel right, up, right, down, right, then accept the true lord.
104. Rabbity: Same as Beary.
105. Skunky: Same as Beary.
106. Beavery: Same as Beary.
107. Mousey: Same as Beary.
108. Squirrely: Same as Beary.
109. Deery: Same as Beary.
110. Woodpeckery: Same as Beary.
111. Porcupiney: Same as Beary.
112. Foxy: Same as Beary.
113. Chickadee-y: Same as Beary.
114. Raccoony: Same as Beary.
115. Chinpokomon Toy Corporation : Collect all 30 Chinpokomon.
116. Ike : Find him crying during the assault on Craig's Keep and light the firework with a fart.
117. Mr. Hat: Main storyline.
118. Big Gay Al : Quickly answer the phone by selecting it; you have about 5 seconds.
119. Catatafish: Main storyline.
120. Sparrow Prince: Main storyline.
121. Frog King: Main storyline.

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