Pause game play, then select the "Extras" option. Select "Cheats", then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Enabling cheat codes will permanently disable the autosave feature and the ability to earn achievements or trophies on the current saved game file. Consider saving your game before enabling any of the cheat codes and do not manually save the game afterwards.
Effect | Code
- All pedestrians are mascots
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- All pedestrians are pimps and prostitutes
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- Firearms have one shot kills
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- Killed pedestrians fly into sky
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Easy "Are You Crazy" trophy
If playing solo, start by opening the front doors of the Ultor Building. Return to the street and wait for a Comet to drive past. Note: This may take some time. When one appears, jump inside and drive the Comet inside the Ultor Building lobby. Crash the car into the large desk that the Ultor CEO is leaning on. If playing in co-op mode, have one player get into a Comet in the vicinity of the Ultor Building. Drive it to the Ultor Building and have the other player open the building's doors. Once the car has been driven inside, crash it into the large front desk.
Easy "Barn Burner" trophy
Fly under bridges, arches, signs, and other objects to progress in the barnstorming diversions. There is no way to track which ones you already have completed. You only need to complete 75 out of the 128 possible locations.
Easy "Epic Flight Quest" trophy
Snowball's Chance is located in the "Last Chance" area in the northeast section. Sinterpol HQ is in the "Rebellion Square" area in the southwest section, near the highway. Having all Flight Upgrades will make this easier. To ensure success, a good amount of stamina and at least three flaps will be required. Start by going to the roof of Snowball’s Chance Hotel & Casino. Reach the tallest part of the roof then place a map marker for Sinterpol HQ. Charge a jump and sprint in a circle until you are at full speed. When ready, jump towards the middle of the map. At the peak of your jump, start flying. Use one flap early, another one soon afterwards, then a third flap as you pass the large floating building at about halfway to your destination. Maneuver around the building as you fly towards the map marker. Fly directly over it then use "Flight – Hover". You can also hit the peak of the building to qualify. Note: This will not work if you dodged spire missiles along the way.
Easy "Gnarly Wave" trophy
The Comet is a small white two-door hatchback. Walk along the highway until one appears, then jump on its roof. A prompt to do a "Vehicle Surfing" move will appear. Press [Action] to begin car surfing. Maintain your balance to remain on top of the car until it explodes. Although this can be done solo, consider doing it in co-op mode. Comets are the very small, often burning cars that you can start "Balls of Fire" with. Find one that is not burning. Have your friend enter the Comet then have your character jump on its roof and begin surfing. Have your friend find a lava pool and drive the Comet into it. They must be careful not to flip the car as doing so. A few seconds after entering the lava, the Comet will explode. Note: Do not attempt to destroy the Comet by crashing, shooting, or starting balls of fire.
Easy "Imp-fanticide" trophy
After you unlock the ability to detonate your summoned imps, repeatedly summon and detonate them. To do this faster, get the upgrades that allow you to summon up to three extra imps (for a total of four) with a single cast.
Easy "Out of the Frying Pan" trophy
Get near a lava area found next to a road. Select your fists and wait for a car to drive past. Either kill the driver and exit, or do the following with the driver still inside. Use your melee attack to push the car into the lava and wait for it to explode. You can also get the car into the lava by sprinting into it or using the Stomp ability. Note: Driving the car towards the lava and bailing out will not qualify.
Easy "Put Up Your Dukes" trophy
Kill enemies to fill your notoriety bar until it reaches a full circle of six red bars. When the Arch Duke appears, finish him with a melee attack. Consider doing this during a marshaling ground target activity. Activate the two stones to spawn one. The difference between an Arch Duke brought in this way and one that is triggered by earning a high enough alert level is that you can see this one's health bar. Whittle his health down, then swap to your fists to finish him off. Use Coldfire Aura and the freezing ability from it, in combination with Uriel's sword. At least six swings will be needed to kill an Archduke. If you have full duration, it requires well under the duration of one casting to hit your target six times.
Easy "Raise the Roof" trophy
Progress until you can purchase the Sprint – Wall Running Power. Enter an area with a ceiling, such as a tunnel, bridge underpass, building interior, or a building overhang. The ceiling must be reachable using a wall. Wallrun up the wall until your character reaches the top and gets pushed off. Repeat the process ten times.
Easy "Shooting Star" trophy
Find lava flows that drop down from the floating islands in the sky. Fly through them a few times while traveling fast in order to cover a lot of distance.
Hold the LMG (with its Toughness ability) at full health and begin walking on lava. This should leave you with a small amount of health, and will allow you to walk away after earning "Soft Shoe".
Easy "The Book of More, Man" trophy
At level 15, purchase Secrets Finder for 10,000 wages. Open the map and select "Collectibles". Filter everything else to have it show where all the books are located. When looking at the mini map, when a book is at the same height as your character it will no longer appear opaque.
Easy "The Johnnyguard" trophy
Until the first helicopter appears, Tag probably will not take any damage. Once the helicopters appear, destroy them as soon as possible. Tanks will eventually begin to appear together with the helicopters. They are less likely to hit Tag from down there; focus on the helicopters and occasionally shoot a missile at the tanks. Consider shooting without the lock-on ability of the rocket launcher to make faster shots. Fire as many rockets as possible.
Do not destroy all the spires before attempting this, or you will need to start a new game. Find a spire and hover directly over the top of it. Just as it launches the missile, press [Blast] to shoot it down. Flying around at higher altitudes is not recommended due to the unpredictable flight of the missiles, in addition to the difficulty of hitting a fast moving target.
Easy Saints' Creed trophy
You must climb to the very top of Blackbeard's ship, located near the southeast corner of the map early in the game. Start from the center of the ship and perform walljumps to reach the platforms above. After standing on the highest platform, execute a final jump that requires a quick in-air adjustment to land on the very top of the mast.
Stand on some lava and allow it to bring Johnny Gat's health down. Ignore the "Warp back to shore" message and remain there for some time until a reference to the Terminator's "thumbs up" while sinking into lava appears.
Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
- ...Double-Hockey-sticks (Gold)
| - Conquer all of New Hades with 100% City Take Over.
- ...My Dear Watson (Bronze)
| - Choose a new element for all of your Supernatural Powers.
| - Get a Comet into the Ultor lobby.
| - Find 75 Barnstorming Diversion locations.
| - Collect at least five Soul Clusters without touching the ground.
| - Play Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Co-op for 3 hours.
- Epic Flight Quest (Bronze)
| - Fly from the roof of Snowball's Chance to Sinterpol HQ's roof, without landing.
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| - Get your first Supernatural Powers.
- Fell from Heaven (Silver)
| - Purchase 113 Supernatural Power Upgrades.
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- Footprints in the Sand (Bronze)
| - Kill 150 Demons with the Stomp Supernatural Power.
| - Stonify and Shatter Kill 100 Demons with the Stone Blast Supernatural Power.
| - Car surf on a Comet while it explodes.
| - Complete all open world gameplay in two districts of the city of New Hades.
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| - Have five Imps attached to you at one time.
| - Kill 50 of your own summoned Imps.
| - In Torment Fraud, hit 5 vehicles in a row without touching the ground.
| - Buy your first Upgrade from the Upgrade Store.
| - Get 100 kills with the God's Hammer.
- Out of the Frying Pan (Bronze)
| - Knock a vehicle into the lava.
| - Kill 100 Demons using the Coldfire Aura Supernatural Power.
| - Kill 1000 Demons with any combination of Supernatural Powers.
| - Have minions kill 100 Demons with the Summon Supernatural Power.
- Put Up Your Dukes (Bronze)
| - Kill an Arch Duke with a melee attack.
| - Smack into the ceiling 10 times while wall running.
| - Stand on the tallest mast of the 'Queen Anne's Revenge'.
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- Scorched Savior (Platinum)
| - Collect all other Saints Row: Gat out of Hell trophies.
- Seraphim and Cherubim (Bronze)
| - Play for at least 2 hours as Gat and 2 hours as Kinzie.
| - Fly for 500 meters while on fire.
| - Get 250 kills with the Essence of Wrath.
- Sloth Love Chunk (Bronze)
| - Get 250 kills with the Essence of Sloth.
| - Stay in contact with the lava for 10 seconds without dying.
| - Find 100% of all Soul Clusters.
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| - Take down an Extraction Facility while on a motorcycle.
- The Book of More, Man (Silver)
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- The Devil's Dues (Bronze)
| - Upgrade one weapon to the max.
| - Complete ALL of the Challenges.
- The Seven Deadly Weapons (Silver)
| - Kill 25 Demons with each of the Seven Deadly Weapons.
- The Wings of Angels (Bronze)
| - Be airborne during Supernatural Jumps or Flight for a combined 10 minutes of gameplay.
| - Shoot down a Spire missile with a blast while hovering.
- Transcontinental (Bronze)
| - Fly continuously for 60 seconds.
- Twenty-Twenty Vision (Bronze)
| - Spend over 20 hours in Hell.
More Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements