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Mortal Kombat XL

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Mortal Kombat XL on PlayStation 4

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Mortal Kombat XL Cheats

Go to the indicated location in the Krypt to purchase the corresponding stage for the indicated amount of koins.

'Dead Woods' Stage in the Krypt's Cemetery Grounds Area
Go to the Large Grave at coordinates -18, 9, and purchase it for 1,120 koins.

'Kuantan Palace' Stage in the Krypt's Shao Khan's Tomb Area
Go to the chest at coordinates 4, 8, and purchase it for 1,240 koins.

'Outworld Marketplace' Stage in the Krypt's Shadow Spider's Hive Area
Go to the Glowing Ball at coordinates 7, 42, and purchase it for 1,150 koins.

The Old Lady level interaction can be found on the Outworld Marketplace stage. Level interactions can be used with R1. Load the Outworld Marketplace stage in Practice mode. The Old Lady is found on the right side of the stage. Throw her at your opponent to get the "Blanche Advantage" trophy.

Select Kung Lao because each of his throws result in eighteen hits. After you remove a Boss's armor, dash or run to him, and perform a throw, then repeat the process. Alternately, block and punish Boss attacks. For example, when countering Quan Chi's Teleport, upper-block, then punish with a throw. Choose the Full Auto version of Jacqui Briggs. Use her Hand Cannon move to remove a Boss's armor and inflict five hits each if it reaches a non-blocking Boss. Repeat it until time expires or you die. Her X-Ray also results in fifteen hits.

Play as Kotal Kahn using any variation in Practice mode. Cast a God Ray (Down, Right, Circle), then stand in the God Ray, and flip stance at least five times (L2).

You must play as Kotal Kahn using any variation. There is a special attack called "Blood Offering". It takes away 10% of your health, but increases your damage output for a short period of time. You must use this move to kill yourself when your health is below 10% (Right, Down, Left, Circle). Start a match on the Very Easy difficulty. Let the enemy attack you until your health is really low, and then kill yourself with the Blood Offering special attack. Make sure not to use this special attack too early, as it has a long cooldown time. Then, simply win the match to get the "Hara Kiri" trophy.

Fight through the Premier Living Tower until you reach your sixth opponent. Win that fight with a "Flawless Victory", and perform either a fatality or brutality at the end. You can restart the match if you take a hit -- and you will not be disqualified. After completing the match with those requirements, you will start the "Secret Battle" against Reptile and get the "Keep It Secret" trophy.

While playing Living Towers, you will eventually unlock the Juggle modifier. Use it to lower gravity, which will make juggles easier and allows an easy 10-hit combo when you corner an opponent. Perform a 10-hit combo with all 24 characters in the game (excluding DLC characters) to get the "Knockout" trophy. You can easily perform a 10-hit combo with all characters in Practice mode. Always use X-Ray attacks (can be used infinitely in Practice mode) to get 5-15 hits. With some characters, you will only need to activate the X-Ray attack for it to count as 10+ hits. All required button combinations are shown in the video. Make sure that you are using the same character variation that is shown in the video. For most combos it does not matter, but some special moves are not available with certain character variations.

Perform all 25 X-Ray attacks in the game (excluding DLC characters) to get the "Need A Doctor" trophy. You can easily perform all 25 X-Ray attacks in Practice mode since you always have a full super meter. Each character has one X-Ray attack. They are activated by pressing L2 + R2. Note: You only need to use the standard character, and not any of the DLC characters, to get the trophy.

Set up your Kombat Kard with FXP buffed items. Start a two player Kustom Kombat match played solo with the Brutal Kombat modifier selected. Win the match with a brutality, then repeat the process as many times as needed.

There are 13 death animations in the "Test Your Might" tower. When you fail a challenge, you will get killed. The death sequence is completely random. You can get all of them in the very first challenge. Simply press R2 when the challenge begins to fail immediately. Retry the challenge over and over again until you get all 13 death animations to get the "Not Dead Yet" trophy. It takes approximately 20 minutes to see every death animation once (depending on how lucky you get).

You can confront a beast within the Krypt after opening the first gate in the Krypt. Occasionally while exploring the Krypt, you will be attacked by animals. This will trigger a short QTE event requiring you to press a button to fend off the attacker. Walk along the right side of the graveyard after the starting area to get attacked by a small wolf. Alternatively, enter the tunnels on the right to get attacked by spiders.

Traditional "Test Your Might" towers will increment your progress. Go through all characters, and skip those you already have done a tower with.

At the end of a match when you can perform a fatality, you must duck 30 times very quickly instead of performing the fatality to get the "Trolling" trophy. You only have a few seconds to do this before the match automatically ends.

Use the following trick to farm experience, Faction experience, and koins, as well as practice brutalities. This requires two controllers. Select the "Two Player" option, and choose the "Kustom Kombat" selection. Select the desired fighters, then choose "Modifiers". Two of them need to be "Brutality Kombat" and "Dizzy Fatality Kombat". The other two should be mods that do not throw random things (such as rockets, falling heads, etc.); for example, "Infinite Time" and "Super Meter". Dizzy Fatality Kombat causes both players to randomly become dizzy, and the opponent can perform their fatality at that time to end the match. Brutality Kombat eliminates the requirements to perform Brutalities. Thus, a Brutality can be performed at any time, ending the match and resulting in an instant finish, a flawless victory, and bonuses. You can adjust your Kombat Kard to add more bonuses for when you perform the Brutality. Repeat this process as many times as desired.

First, get Jax's Rocket Launcher in Shao Kahn's Tomb. There are 12 interactive Krypt objects, and the rocket launcher is the 11th. You will need all the other objects to access it. Just carefully explore the Krypt, and one object will lead to the next. You do not have to spend money on any of the unlocks to obtain the objects. While inside Shao Kahn's Tomb, you must activate three levers to open a large door. Behind this door is the rocket launcher. Then, go to the Shrine Of The Dead at -11, 12 coordinates, and use Jax's Rocket Launcher to enter it. Go to -11, 13 coordinates, and gamble your koins in order to unlock the Kamidogu and win other items in the process. To obtain the Kamidogu, you must gamble at least 10,000 koins. Use the Kamidogu to gain access to the NetherRealm (where the final few unlockables of the Krypt are located) through the Nether Gate at -24, 18 coordinates.

While selecting your character variation when playing against a human opponent in Multiplayer mode, press Up(2) to prevent your opponent from seeing which variation you selected.

Select Tri-Borg from the character select screen, once done on the variation screen press up, up, Triangle. Now you can play as Cyber Sub-Zero.

Successfully complete Story mode to unlock Shinnok.

At the character selection screen, choose Triborg. Then, press Up(2), Triangle at the variation selection screen to play as the Cyber Sub-Zero variation (LK-520) of Triborg. If you entered the code correctly, three question marks will appear.

When selecting any character's variation, press Up, Up, and then Triangle. Then press X or Start. You will play with no variation and won't have exclusive moves from different variations, however.

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