Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock | Type
- (Weekly) challenge accepted
| - Compete in a weekly challenge
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| | |
| - Visit all of Sand Town's and New Shangri-la's tracks
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| - Drive through 3 different shortcuts
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| - Complete Season 3 in career mode
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| - Travel a total of 50 miles in Lightweight vehicles
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- Excursion through the scenery
| - Fall down 3 bottomless pits
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| - Reach 150mph in any vehicle
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| - Add an upgrade to any vehicle
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| - Spend longer than 5 minutes in total airborne
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| | |
- Garage space at a premium
| - Own all Light, Middle and Heavyweight vehicles
| |
| - Win 150 gears in career mode
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| - Achieve a full 6 gears in 15 career events
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| - Travel a total of 50 miles in Heavyweight vehicles
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- Heavy metal meets movable object
| - Destroy a reinforced structure
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- I'll bring it back without a scratch
| - Race online in a loaned vehicle
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| - Travel a total of 50 miles in Middleweight vehicles
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| - Overtake 5 vehicles in less than 30 seconds
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- Make way, coming through!
| - Win an Overtake event with zero contact with any other vehicle
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| - Fully upgrade a Veteran Class vehicle
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| | |
| - Install at least 1 of each type of upgrade
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- Mixing it with the big boys
| - Fully upgrade a Rookie Class vehicle
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| - Level-up any vehicle to a Mk2
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| | |
| - Complete 3 consecutive events without smashing any trackside objects
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| - Win any Race event less than a second ahead of 2nd place
| |
| - Complete Season 1 in career mode
| |
- Punching above your weight
| - Beat an online opponent with an XP level 15 higher than your own
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- Putting food on the table
| - Win a total of 150,000 in prize money
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| - Level-up any vehicle to a Mk3
| |
| - Complete Season 2 in career mode
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- She's faster than she looks
| - Fully upgrade a Pro Class vehicle
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| - Come 1st in 15 online events
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| - Beat an online opponent with an XP level 25 higher than your own
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| - Participate in a local multiplayer event
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| - Lap another vehicle in a race event
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- You want to get in the boot?
| - Stay in a continuous draft for over 6 seconds
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