Go to the indicated locations at Isla Striate to find the corresponding tomb. They appear as mounds with blue flowers. Find the door and pay your respects. You can find an Urga Stupka-201 behind each tomb. A hand held mortar is rewarded for finding all of them.
#1: Litore Torto at N40 50.48, E5 45.10.
#2: Grande Pastura at N40 51.54, E5 44.60.
#3: Grande Pastura at N40 50.67, E5 41.79.
#4: Grande Pastura at N40 49.94, E5 41.84.
#5: Grande Pastura at N40 49.65, E5 42.93.
#6: Val De Mar at N40 47.10, E5 41.19.
#7: Val De Mar at N40 46.79, E5 40.78.
#8: Maestrale at N40 47.20, E5 39.02.
#9: Maestrale at N40 47.14, E5 38.06.
#10: Maestrale at N40 47.18, E5 36.89.
#11: Maestrale at N40 47.71, E5 35.08.
#12: Maestrale at N40 48.52, E5 36.04.
#13: Maestrale at N40 48.79, E5 35.44.
#14: Maestrale at N40 48.82, E5 34.57.
#15: Maestrale at N40 49.47, E5 34.26.
#16: Maestrale at N40 49.07, E5 33.08.
#17: Libeccio at N40 45.89, E5 32.75.
#18: Libeccio at N40 45.98, E5 33.68.
#19: Libeccio at N40 46.37, E5 36.94.
#20: Maestrale at N40 45.75, E5 38.74.
#21: Prospere at N40 44.605, E5 40.03.
#22: Litore Torto at N40 46.91, E5 45.68.
#23: Costa Sud at N40 46.46, E5 46.69.
Dark Souls series reference
Go to the beach at coordinates N40 41.221, E5 35.019 to see a stack of wood with a rifle stuck vertically into the ground similar to the sword in the Dark Soul series bonfires used to save the game.
Easy "...Without Bullets!" trophy
Go to a military base. You can only use your tether. However, you can use a third party to destroy objects. Create explosion by exploding other objects on things that need to be destroyed. For example, tether an explosive barrel to a radar dish to cause it to explode. You can also attract enemy fire to destroy their own objects. If you die, your progress will be retained and you can continue destroying objects.
Find all Rebel Shrine locations.
Find all Ancient Tomb locations.
Go to coordinates N40 48.982, E5 36.629 to see the wreckage of the Mile High Club blimp from Just Cause 2.
Find all Vintage Parts.
Fly a helicopter to coordinates N40 48.566, E5 40.859 at the Grande Pastura to reach a high mountaintop with the Mjolnir.
Complete the indicated task to obtain the corresponding vehicle.
Vehicle | How to unlock
| |
| - Found inside a military base near a small lake in Monta on Insula Striate at coordinates N40 46.925, E5 43.347.
| - Found at coordinates N40 49.621, E5 32.301 in Insula Striate.
| - Capture Cava Geminos Est. in Rocca Blauda at coordinates N40 47.538, E5 34.628.
| - Capture Cava Grande Secunda in Prospere at coordinates N40 45.245, E5 39.81.
| - Capture Cima Leon Silos in Lacos at coordinates N40 41.357, E5 43.561.
| - Comple all thirteen Daredevil Jumps in Insula Forte.
| - Complete all ten Daredevil Jumps in Insula Dracon.
| - Found at coordinates at N40 44.510, E5 44.631 in Costa Sud, Insula Striate.
| - Complete all seven Daredevil Jumps in Insula Striate.
| - Found at coordinates N40 41.145, E5 37.401 in Puncta Sud.
| - Capture Porto Le Gratia in Lavanda at coordinates N40 41.232, E5 42.278.
| - Capture Le Tutor in Nord Sirocco at coordinates N40 39.952, E5 41.759.
| - Capture Cava Geminos in Sud Rocca Blauda at coordinates N40 47.289, E5 33.590.
Complete the indicated task to obtain the corresponding weapon.
Weapon | How to unlock
| - Capture Cava Grenade in Prsopere at coordinates N40 45.651, E5 40.622.
| - Capture Le Gelera in Sud Sirocco at coordinates N40 36.937, E5 44.278.
| - Capture Espia Alta in Capite Est. at coordinates N40 46.800, E5 33.312.
| - Find 14 parts in Insula Dracon.
| - Progress through the storyline.
| - Capture Cava Geminos Nord in Rocca Blauda at coordinates N40 48.026, E5 33.954.
| - Progress through the storyline.
| - Progress through the storyline.
| - Find 18 parts in Insula Fonte.
| - Capture Espia Bassa in Petra at coordinates N40 42.031, E5 36.760.
| - Find 23 Ancient Tombs in Insula Striate.
| - Capture Vigilator Nord in Plague at coordinates N40 42.477, E5 45.037.
| - Capture Vigilator in Sud Sirocco at coordinates N40 38.428, E5 41.598.
Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
- (Just) Causin' Chaos (Bronze)
| |
- ...Without Bullets! (Bronze)
| - Destroy every Chaos Object in a Military Base without using any weapons, grenades, or planted explosives.
- A Real Gear-Getter (Bronze)
| - Earn at least 3 Gears in one Challenge of every type.
| - Earn 5 Gears in every Challenge.
- Anything You Can Do... (Bronze)
| - Beat a score you were Called-Out on.
| |
| - Beat another player's score in a Challenge.
- Can't Touch This (Bronze)
| - Call-Out another player in a Feat.
| - Collect every vehicle available by bringing them to Mario's Rebel Garages.
- Chaos Is My Middle Name (Silver)
| |
| |
- Consummate Daredevil (Bronze)
| - Launch a land vehicle off of every Daredevil Jump in Medici.
- Diary of the Madman (Bronze)
| - Gather all of Di Ravello's tapes.
- Earth, Wind and Sea (Bronze)
| - Unlock Rebel Drops for at least one land vehicle, at least one air vehicle, and at least one sea vehicle.
| |
| |
- Forgive Me, Father... (Bronze)
| - Take sanctuary in a monastery to clear Heat Level 5.
- Getting it in Gear (Bronze)
| - Earn at least 3 Gears in a Challenge.
| - Completely liberate Insula Striate.
- Hope Springs Eternal (Silver)
| - Completely liberate Insula Fonte.
- King of Medici (Platinum)
| - Earned all Just Cause 3 Trophies.
| - Unlock your first Gear MOD, and then activate it.
| - Unlock every Gear MOD in a single category.
| - Have every Gear MOD active for at least 1 minute each.
- My Little Rocket Man (Bronze)
| - Tether an enemy to a launched gas cannister. Adeo, amico!
- No Stone Unturned (Silver)
| - Find every collectible strewn across Medici.
| - Find every vintage weapon and vehicle part.
- Remember the Fallen (Bronze)
| - Light a candle at every Rebel Shrine.
- Supply and Demand (Bronze)
| - Unlock 10 Resupply Points by completing Encounters.
- Take That, You Pipeline Jerks (Bronze)
| - Disable the FOW in Insula Fonte.
- Taming the Dracon (Silver)
| - Completely liberate Insula Dracon.
- This was Supposed to be a Western (Bronze)
| - Destroy all Chaos Objects in a Base without leaving your vehicle.
- Three Holy Hideaways (Bronze)
| - Unlock 3 Heat-Clearing Priests by completing Encounters.
| - Pay your respects at every Ancient Tomb.
- Top of the World (Bronze)
| - Stand on foot at the highest point of Medici.
- Unlocked and Fully Loaded (Silver)
| - Unlock every weapon and vehicle available in the Rebel Drop menu.
- Vive Le Revolution (Bronze)
| |
- Winner Takes All, Again (Gold)
| |
- You're Outta Here! (Bronze)
| - Plant a Booster Explosive on an enemy soldier. Then send them flying.
| - Earn 5 Gears in a Challenge.
Go to coordinates N40 42.283, E5 35.197 and press the buttons in the order 1, 4, 3, 4, 2, 1. Jump into the entrance that opens to warp through a wormhole to the other side of the map. You can also travel back using the same wormhole.
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