Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock | Type
- All your points are belong to us
| - All players in a 4-player multiplayer game finish with over 7,500 points
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| - A player guesses only one clue during Describe It!
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| - A new player wins the game
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| - No-one answers correctly during Trust or Bust
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| - A player correctly guesses every clue for a subject in Describe It!
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| - A player goes from last place after the first round to winning the game
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| - The same player is leading at the end of every round and wins the game
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| - Best friend fails to correctly predict player's answer in Best Friends Forever
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| - The same player correctly predicts that everyone will answer incorrectly during Trust or Bust
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| - A player scores over 450 points on a single question in The Big Finish
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| - Complete a game with 8 players
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| - A team of two or more players beats the leader in Showdown
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| - All players answer every question correctly during the Starter Round
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| - A clue is removed during Describe It! after someone calls 'Shenanigans!'
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| - Score over 8,000 points in the Solo Score Attack
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- I ain't afraid of no ghost!
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| - A player scores over 9,999 points in a multiplayer game
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| - A player answers correctly during Trust or Bust when all other players predicted otherwise
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| - The same player wins three games in a row
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| - The same player answers every question correctly during All in Order
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| - The same player answers every question incorrectly during All in Order
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| - The same player is chosen as the best friend by all players in a round of Best Friends Forever
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| - Answer every question in a game of Solo Score Attack but end with zero points
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| - Play two back-to-back games with the same players
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| - Someone calls '' during Describe It!
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| - The leader beats a team of two or more players in Showdown
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| - A player correctly answers all specialist subject questions during The Big Finish
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| - All players choose the same specialist subject during The Big Finish
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| - Complete 10 games with friends
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| - Complete 30 games with friends
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| - Unlock every trophy in It's Quiz Time
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| - Complete a game of Solo Score Attack
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| - Complete a game with friends
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| - The same player correctly predicts that everyone will answer correctly during Trust or Bust
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| - The same player works alone against a team of two or more players in Showdown 5 times
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| - No-one answers incorrectly during a round of Connections
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| - Everyone answers correctly in Best Friends Forever, apart from the best friend
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