Grand Theft Auto 5
Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Grand Theft Auto 5 on PlayStation 4 |
During the introduction mission in North Yankton, while driving from the police instead of following the destination marker, drive to the right of the bridge down to the frozen river. Exit your vehicle and look down to see a frozen alien in the ice. Complete the final mission in the main storyline to unlock mission-specific costumes for all three characters, which include the black outfits from stealth missions, the guard uniforms from the final mission, and the police uniforms. To unlock all shirts, get a 100% game completion. Complete all gun range challenges to get a 10% discount at Ammu-Nation stores. Get a "Gold" rank in all gun range challenges to increase that discount to 25%. You can find a juice stand with a large orange ball sign on its roof at the highest point of one of the roads in Grand Senora Desert. Climb on top of the roof and punch or kick the ball off its base to send it rolling down the hill. Go to the Herr Kutz Barber page at http://www.lifeinvader.com/profile/herr_kutz on Rockstar's Lifeinvader site and sign in with your Social Club username and password. Click the "Stalk" button to unlock new haircuts for Michael, Franklin, and Trevor. Enter one of the following codes during game play to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Effect | Code
| - Triangle, R2, Left, L1, X, Right, Triangle, Down, Square, L1(3).
| | - Left(2), Right(2), Left, Right, Square, Circle, Triangle, R1, R2.
| - Buzzard attack helicopter
| - Circle(2), L1, Circle(3), L1, L2, R1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle.
| | - Circle, L1, Left, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, Circle, X.
| | - R2, X, L1(2), L2(3), Square.
| | - R1, Circle, R2, Right, L1, L2, X(2), Square, R1.
| | - R1(2), Circle, R2, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left.
| | - Triangle, Right(2), Left, Right, Square, Circle, Left.
| | - Right, Left, R1(3), Left, Triangle(2), X, Circle, L1(2).
| | - Right, Square, X, Left, R1, R2, Left, Right(2), L1(3).
| | - Right, Left, X, Triangle, R1, Circle(3), L2.
| | - Triangle, Left, Right(2), L2, L1, Square.
| | - Left(2), L1, Right(2), R2, Left, L2, Right.
| | - L1, R1, Square, R1, Left, R1, R1, Left, Square, Right, L1(2).
| | - L1, R1, Square, R1, Left, R2, R1, Left, Square, Right, L1(2).
| | - R1(2), Circle, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right.
| - Invincibility (5 minutes)
| - Right, X, Right, Left, Right, R1, Right, Left, X, Triangle.
| | - R2, Right, L2, Left, Left, R1, L1, Circle, Right.
| | - Left(2), L1, R1, L1, Right, Left, L1, Left.
| | - Circle, L1, Triangle, R2, X, Square, Circle, Right, Square, L1(3).
| | - R1, Right, Left, Right, R2, Left, Right, Square, Right, L2, L1(2).
| | - Left, Right, L1, L2, R1, R2(2), Left(2), Right, L1.
| | - L2, R2, L1, Circle, Right, L1, R1, Right, Left, Circle, R2.
| - Recharge ability instantly
| - X(2), Square, R1, L1, X, Right, Left, X.
| | - Circle, X, L1, Circle(2), L1, Circle, R1, R2, L2, L1(2).
| | - L1, L2, R1, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, L1, L2, R1, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right.
| | - Triangle, R1(2), Left, R1, L1, R2, L1.
| | - Square, L2, R1, Triangle, Left, Square, L2, Right, X.
| | - Square, L2, R1, Triangle, Left, Square, L2, Right, X.
| | - Triangle, Left, Right(2), Square, R2, R1.
| | - Circle, Right, L1, L2, Left, R1, L1(2), Left(2), X, Triangle.
| | - Left(2), Triangle(2), Right(2), Left, Right, Square, R1, R2.
| | - Circle, R1, Circle, R1, Left(2), R1, L1, Circle, Right.
In Single Player only, pull up your phone, from there select your contacts, then press X. bringing up the dial pad and enter the code you want.
Effect | Code
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | - Slow Aiming (Enter 4 times to increase effect, 5th time disables cheat)
| | - Slow Motion (Enter 3 times to increase effect, 4th time disables cheat)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
You can find billboards advertising "Rehab Island", that feature a logo very similar to that from Dead Island. Easy "Out of Your Depth" trophy
Take a boat out into the ocean until a red blip appears on the map. That location indicates a shark. Jump out of the boat and allow the shark to kill you. You can also simply keep driving your boat outside the map, away from Los Santos and Blaine County Island, until it breaks down and sinks. Easy "San Andreas Sightseer" trophy
You must explore a minimum of 95% of the map in single player mode. Fly a jet at very high altitude. Start by flying over the entire offshore part of the island. Follow the edge of the underwater landmass on the minimap, which is represented by light color before it becomes very deep ocean. Next, make passes to fill in the area between the furthest offshore parts and the landmass. After "exploring" the map that is water, fly inland and pass over all the parts that are unexplored. Easy "Three Man Army" trophy
As any character, call the other two and invite them to hang out. Make both calls first; if you pick another character up before making the second call this will not work. If either character refuses to go for some reason, try again later. Once everyone is ready, do not to lose the cops before three minutes have passed. "Three Man Army" will be earned as soon as three minutes have passed while you are still in the chase. Easy "Trading Pure Alpha" achievement
Invest all your money in "Betta Pharmaceuticals" before you starting the first Lester assassination quest, "Hotel Assassination". Easy "Vinewood Visionary" trophy
Begin recording a video clip in either story mode or while online. Pause game play and open the Rockstar Editor from the menu. Select "Create new project". Add your recorded video clip. Export the project. Exit the project and go to the video gallery. Your exported video should appear there. Select the video and upload it. You also need to have a Google account associated with your Rockstar Social Club account. To do this, open your Social Club profile in a browser, select "Settings" then "Linked accounts" and "Link Google account". Also make sure you enable the extra permissions from within the game to allow Youtube uploads. Upload your video clip to Youtube. Hold L1 PlayStation3 or LB Xbox 360 when inside any vehicle while not holding a weapon to flip people off with your middle finger. When you visit the top of Mt. Gordo between 11:00 pm and midnight, you can see the ghostly form of a woman. Tattoo | How to unlock
| - Complete the All Rounder Award by winning every game mode at least once
| | - Complete Full Metal Jacket Award by robbing 25 armored trucks
| | - the Widow Maker Award by killing 250 players
| | - Complete the Scoping Out Award by killing 500 players with a sniper rifle
| | - Complete the Slayer award by placing in the top 3 positions in 25 deathmatches
| - Clown Dual Wield Dollars Tattoo
| | | | | | | | | - Complete the Equalizer Award by killing a player that has killed you 3 consecutive times in a deathmatches (x25)
| - Embellished Scroll Tattoo
| - Work towards the Widow Maker Award by killing 500 players
| | - Complete Killstreaker Award by getting the most kills in a 4 player Survival game
| - Grim Reaper Smoking Gun Tattoo
| - Complete the Clear Out Award by completing 5 Gang Attacks during one in-game day in a single session
| | - Complete the Team Carrier Award by being the MVP in 25 deathmatches
| | - Complete the Lapping It Up Award by getting 25 private dances at the strip club
| | - Complete the Hustler Award by winning $50,000 in bets
| - Los Santos Customs Tattoo
| - Fully mod a vehicle at a Los Santos Customs location
| | - Complete the Death Toll Award by accumulating 500 deathmatch kills
| | - Complete the Record Holder Award by setting a world record in any GTAO race
| | | | - Complete the Road Rage Award by killing at least 3 other racers (or the same racer x3) before winning a GTA-mode race
| | - Complete the Widow Maker Award by killing 1000 players
| | - Complete The Bounty Hunter Award by successfully collecting 25 bounties
| | - Complete the Headbanger Award by killing 500 players with head shots
| | - Complete the Bloodiest of The Bunch Award by
| | - Complete the Car Bomber Award by killing 50 players with car bombs
| | - Complete the Pistol whipped Award by killing 500 players with a pistol
Talk to "Jesse", a pedestrian standing near a lamppost on the Del Perro beach boardwalk. His dialog makes it clear that he is a stoned version of Jesus. HVY Dump Industrial truck
The largest road vehicle, the HVY Dump Industrial can be stolen from the Davis Quartz quarry. You can find a minigun on the top floor of one of the buildings in Fort Zancudo at North Chumash. Go under the bridge at this location in North Chumash to find a cache of five Molotov cocktails. Play as a chicken, dog, seagull, and other animals
Find one of the 27 hidden fat green peyote plants. Then, eat the peyote to hallucinate and transform into one of 27 unique animals, including a chicken, crow, hawk, dog, and seagull. Each animal can perform unique actions, including pooping with the seagull and barking and bitting with the dog. One of the peyote plants can be found near the lower gondola station on Mount Chiliad. Travel up the road that is next to the lower gondola station. Once you see the "Bell's End - Danger" sign to the left of the dirt road, go towards the cliff (the direction the "Danger" sign is pointing), then turn right and proceed forward to find two small wooden poles nearby with flapping red ribbons tied around them. Directly next to these two wooden poles is a peyote plant. Note: Playing as animals is exclusive to the PC, PS4, and Xbox One versions of GTA 5. One of the mansions in the Richman area is Los Santos' version of the Playboy mansion. It even includes the backyard grotto with pool and hot tubs. When visited at night, you may be able to crash a party in the back. Press [Jump] then quickly press [Melee] ) while running or walking. Your character will fall and perform ragdoll movements. Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
- A Fair Day's Pay (Bronze)
| - It's time for a little getaway.
| - A Friendship Resurrected (Bronze)
| - With friends like this who needs enemies?
| - A New Perspective (Bronze)
| - You played GTA V in first person mode for 15 hours.
| | - You performed a classic blitz play.
| | - You cleaned out Vangelico to pay back Martin Madrazo.
| - Small Town, Big Job (Bronze)
| - You made a big impression at the Paleto Bay Chicken Festival.
| | - You stole an experimental super weapon from Merryweather... and gave it back.
| | - This ain't no dream no more.
| - The Government Gimps (Bronze)
| - You recovered sensitive information from a highly defended federal building.
| - The Moment of Truth (Bronze)
| - You have uncovered the truth about Brad.
| - To Live or Die in Los Santos (Silver)
| - Completed the final mission.
| - Welcome to Los Santos (Bronze)
| - You repo'd a car and raced it through the heart of a sun-soaked metropolis.
You can find a giant snowman hidden behind pallets of merchandise inside the Fridgit warehouse in La Mesa. Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
- A Lot of Cheddar (Bronze)
| - Spend a total of $200 million across all three characters.
| - A Mystery, Solved (Bronze)
| - Solve the mystery of Leonora Johnson.
| | - GTA Online: Reach Rank 100.
| - All's Fare in Love and War (Bronze)
| - Purchase Downtown Cab Co. and complete a private fare.
| - Altruist Acolyte (Bronze)
| - Deliver an unsuspecting victim to the Altruist Cult.
| | - GTA Online: Own an Apartment, Garage and an Insured Vehicle
| | - GTA Online: Direct a driver to 1st place as co-driver in Rally Mode.
| | - Attain 100% Game Completion.
| | - GTA Online: Finish a Gang Attack without dying and kill at least ten enemies.
| | - Complete all Under the Bridge and Knife Flight challenges.
| | - GTA Online: Complete a Job as a member of a Crew.
| | - GTA Online: Earn 30 Platinum Awards.
| | - GTA Online: Call for a Backup Helicopter for the first time.
| | - GTA Online: Participate in everything Los Santos has to offer.
| - From Beyond the Stars (Bronze)
| - Collect and return all spaceship parts.
| | - GTA Online: Kill the thief that mugged you.
| | - Complete your path to enlightenment... or not.
| - Los Santos Customs (Bronze)
| | - Los Santos Legend (Platinum)
| - Congratulations! You're Vinewood's biggest star!
| | - GTA Online: Reach Rank fifty.
| - Multi-Disciplined (Bronze)
| - Attain a gold medal in all applicable hobbies and pastimes.
| | - GTA Online: Obtain first place in all competitive game types.
| | - GTA Online: Complete the Introduction.
| - Out of Your Depth (Bronze)
| - You're gonna need a bigger boat...
| | | | | - Run Like The Wind (Bronze)
| - GTA Online: Survive with a Bounty on your head.
| - San Andreas Sightseer (Silver)
| - Explore all of Los Santos and Blaine County
| | - Complete all Stunt Jumps.
| | - Earn any 70 Gold Medals on Missions, Strangers and Freaks.
| | - GTA Online: Hold up all twenty Stores.
| - TP Industries Arms Race (Bronze)
| - Purchase McKenzie Field Hangar and win the arms race.
| - The Midnight Club (Bronze)
| - GTA Online: Use custom vehicles to win five races.
| | - Survive 3 minutes on at least a three star Wanted Level with all three characters together off mission.
| - Three-Bit Gangster (Bronze)
| - GTA Online: Reach Rank 25.
| - Trading Pure Alpha (Bronze)
| - Make a profit over your total investments in the stock market.
| - Unnatural Selection (Bronze)
| - GTA Online: Complete all ten waves of a Survival.
| - Wanted: Alive or Alive (Bronze)
| - Deliver a bail bond target alive.
| - Waste Management (Bronze)
| - Purchase the old dock and collect all nuclear waste.
Note: This is only available if you are returning to the game on the PlayStation4 from the PlayStation3 version; or on the Xbox One from the Xbox 360 version. Complete the main storyline. Find the four murder mystery clues written on various walls in Los Santos while playing as Michael. A sound will play after each clue is viewed. Take the submarine and swim out into the ocean with the scuba gear to find a drowned woman chained to concrete on the seabed. Go to Richard's Majestic film studio after 9 p.m. and step into the yellow mission circle. Once in the office look at the letter on the desk. It will lead you to the mineshaft. Use a gun with a flashlight to navigate your way to the bottom of the mine to find Issac's corpse, which will be added to your contacts. Select that contact to apply a black and white noire filter to the graphics. More Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements
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