Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock | Type
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| - Obtain 100% happiness in all the towns
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| - Buy all the shop’s accessories
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- Curiosity killed the cat (secret)
| - Interact with all the search points in the mansion
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| - Defeat one of each enemy in Lowleen Town
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| - Defeat one of each enemy in Crater Peaks
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| - Defeat one of each enemy in Bleepside Lake
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| - Open all the coffins in the hand mission
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| - Complete all secondary missions in all the towns
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- Master Builder in Bleepside Lake
| - Build all the houses in Bleepside Lake
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- Master Builder in Crater Peaks
| - Build all the houses in Crater Peaks
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- Master Builder in Lowleen
| - Build all the houses in Lowleen Town
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| - Complete all the bonus areas
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- Sharing Happiness in Bleepside Lake
| - Obtain 100% happiness in Bleepside Lake
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- Sharing Happiness in Crater Peaks
| - Obtain 100% happiness in Crater Peaks
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- Sharing Happiness in Lowleen Town
| - Obtain 100% happiness in Lowleen Town
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| - Complete your first quest
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| - Rescue all the Gingerians from all the towns
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- The Bleepside Lake Adventurer
| - Complete all the missions in Bleepside Lake
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- The Bleepside Lake Rescuer
| - Save the Bleepside Lake Gingerians
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- The Crater Peaks Adventurer
| - Complete all the missions in Crater Peaks
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| - Save the Crater Peaks Gingerians
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| - Complete the honey collection mission with 80 seconds to spare
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- The Lowleen Town Adventurer
| - Complete all the missions in Lowleen Town
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| - Save the Lowleen Town Gingerians
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| - Obtain a score of at least 1500 points on the fair target practice minigame
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