Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock | Type
| - Escape the K.A.P.O.W Camp prison.
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| - Use a customised character in-game.
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- Are you lonesome tonight? (secret)
| - Spend 3 days total time in solitary over multiple prisons/sessions.
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| - Escape H.M.P. Offshore on Snooty the Dolphin
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| - Escape the Fort Tundra prison.
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| - Max out the Intellect statistic.
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| - Complete the quota once for each of the jobs over multiple prisons/sessions.
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| - Get whisked away by a hunky medic.
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| - Escape the H.M.P Offshore prison.
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| - Escape the Rattlesnake Springs prison.
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| - Go 3 consecutive days without raising your Guard Heat above 0 in a single session.
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| - Escape the Centre Perks 2.0 prison.
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- I am your father... (secret)
| - Fight another player in the U.S.S Anomaly, when you are both armed with energy swords.
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| - Escape the Area 17 prison.
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| - Knock out every inmate at least once in a single prison.
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- I've got a cunning plan... (secret)
| - Perform 7 unique escapes across the Classic prisons.
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| - Tag 200 places throughout any prison.
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| - Gain a high enough opinion from a dog.
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- Man's Worst Friend (secret)
| - Get mauled by a guard dog.
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| - Play a song for 1 hour of prison time.
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| - Attend dinner whilst being naked.
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| - Escape the U.S.S Anomaly prison.
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| - Win 10 Online Versus Games.
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| - Play a Classic game online.
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- Pour us a brew will yer, love?
| - Make a cup of tea and gift it to another inmate or guard.
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| - Play a Versus game online.
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| - Max out the Strength statistic.
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| - Spend 3 days total time in the showers over multiple prisons/sessions.
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| - Max out all 3 character statistics.
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- Tell me what's your favour
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- The cake is a lie? (secret)
| - Attack a guard with a cake.
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| - Escape all Classic prisons.
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| - Escape all Transport prisons.
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| - Complete a quota of the Kitchen job whilst being naked.
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| - Max out the Fitness statistic.
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| - Enter a multiplayer only area.
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