During the "Gunslinger" mission, you can purchase a Ray McCall figure from the pawnshop. It will appear in your room afterwards and can be interacted with.
After completing the game, the repeatable side missions will be available again. This time, the G.R.E wants to help. They will randomly place blue chests in the side missions that contain helpful items.
If you pay attention to the armed soldiers in safe houses, you'll see that they sometimes are equipped with guns. If those soldiers die, they drop guns and ammo that you can use for your own purposes. Simply carry a propane tank into a safe zone and throw it at a chosen guard until he dies. Then you can pick up the gear he drops. You can repeat this technique whenever a guard respawns.
Successfully complete the game. You can now fast travel to all the main areas (Slums, Old Town, Antenna). To fast travel between the Slums and Old Town, go to your bedroom in the tower. Use the poster on the wall to instantly travel to the other area. To fast travel to the Antenna area, use the door in the north of the Slums or the sewer entrance in the north of Old Town. You can also return to the sewers if desired through the access points marked on the map at the same locations as found during the story missions
At the beginning of the game, in the room you wake up in above one of the beds, there is a Jade "The Scorpion" Aldemir poster. On the bottom right corner of the poster is a QR Code. If you get your character close enough to the poster (crouching down helps) you can actually scan the code with your mobile device and it will take you directly to a web site.
Infinity items glitch (patched, works in unupdated basegame)
Go to player stash in the closest safehouse and select an item thats ×2 or more (not weapons). Tap X and O at the same time and the item screen should remain. Wait until it disappears and then you open the bag again. Scroll to the item you want to duplicate (not weapons) and tap triangle. The item will now be ×2 or more in the bag. BEWARE: if you have an item thats ×10 and do this glitch with an x2 you will have 2, thereby loosing 8 in the process. The recommended item to use is lockpicks because you can get huge amounts from very little resources.
Korek Machete blueprint and developer reference
The Korek Machete weapon found in the Slums is named after Korek, the nickname of Techland's optimization lead developer. To find it, travel to the northern end of the Slums and enter the middle safe zone. Travel east to a building shaped like a C-clamo. Find the blue toolbox on top of the building, then kick it about seventy five times until it opens to reveal a blueprint.
Techland has included an homage to another great zombie game: Left 4 Dead. Head slightly north of the Tower to a safe house area guarded by large chain-link fences. Once inside, look South across the street and you'll find a bakery with a very unique sign: Left4Bread.
When you are done with a weapon, open your Inventory and dismantle it to gain Metal Parts. Metal Parts can be used to repair other items. Although this is not as good as selling a weapon, it can be used to obtained Metal Parts immediately when needed.
Ocarina of Time Reference
You might not be able to spot the Hero of Hyrule in Dying Light, but you can find his legendary sword. During the story mission that takes you from the Slums to Old Town, you'll arrive at a staging areas where survivors make the trek one by one. If you happen to have done Dawud's side quest to get him a gun, you'll find him and his son waiting to cross to Old Town. His son, as it happens, is carrying a toy version of the Master Sword! Sadly, he doesn't seem willing to part with it.
Stasis Field Projector blueprint
During the Rupert the Gunsmith quest chain, explore the Magic Fortress in Old Town to find a pink teddy bear in the empty room of the kindergarten, on the floor above Rupert's. Activate the teddy bear repeatedly until it explodes, leaving behind the blueprint for the Stasis Field Projector.
Once you unlock Stomp at Power level nine, you can kill enemies by stomping on their heads. However, the game does not require the enemy to be laying down on the ground to do so. Because of this, you can stand on a vehicle and continuously stomp on the heads of the enemies. This is especially useful on the far East corner of the map, on the bridge. Combined with the Kill Frenzy perk at level eleven this is a very effective exploit to to gain Power XP, especially at night.
Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
- Afraid to get wet? (Bronze)
| - Dive into the Countryside.
- And you liked him, didn't you? (Bronze)
| - Meet your old friend again.
- Formidophobic? Interesting… (Bronze)
| |
- I don't approve of mindless fun (Bronze)
| - Kill 500 zombies with your vehicle.
- I felt your presence (Bronze)
| - Witness the Following's meeting.
- I was waiting for you for so long (Silver)
| |
- It wasn't that hard, was it? (Bronze)
| |
| - Kill a Demolisher with a car.
- What if you picked the other one? (Silver)
| |
- You realize it's only points, don't you? (Bronze)
| |
There is a secret underwater cave at the far northeast corner of the Slums. Start at the safe house found along the eastern border, closest to the north edge of the shore. Leave the shanty town and cross the water, moving north along the rocky wall until it goes to the left. Continue along the narrow trench until you find a pair of wooden boards. Climb over the boards and enter the water. You will find a narrow underwater passage that leads to a secret cave. Look along the wall on the right side to find another path leading to more water. Jump in and swim along the left wall to reach a second open-air cavern which contains a treasure chest. Then, turn left and climb up the rock wall at the dead end to find a second duffel bag.
Acquire the Melee Throw Skill. Collect or purchase the most powerful weapons that you can find. Travel to a location that is safe from enemies. Use the Melee Throw Skill to throw your weapon at a wall. Immediately after the throw, open the menu, and the same weapon will also appear there. Drop the one from your inventory. You will now have two of the same weapons that can be collected, one that was thrown and one that was dropped. Pick up the weapon again and throw it. Repeat the process as many times as desired to duplicate the weapon. Then, sell the extras for money.
Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
| - Kill 50 enemies with throwing weapons.
| - Jump to the water from the Infamy Bridge (Slums) at night.
| - Reach Agility Prof. Lvl 10.
| - Stick a burning zombie on spikes.
| |
- Blinded by the Lights (Bronze)
| - Blind 25 Volatiles with flares or a flashlight.
| |
- Can't Touch This (Bronze)
| - Kill 20 enemies in a row without taking damage.
- Disaster Recovery (Bronze)
| |
| - Catch 25 enemies in the Electric Fence trap.
| - Blind 25 enemies in the Light Trap.
- Everybody Dance Now (Bronze)
| - Simultaneously shock 5 monsters with electricity.
- Everybody Knows Kyle (Bronze)
| - Reach Survivor Rank lvl 12.
- Flight of the Crane (Bronze)
| |
| - Add a fire elemental effect to a sword or a khopesh.
- Harran Athletics (Bronze)
| - Take part in 10 coop competitions.
- Harran Shooting Club (Bronze)
| - Kill 50 enemies with shooting weapons.
| - Kill 25 enemies using Ground Pound or Drop Attack.
- Homo Homini Lupus Est (Bronze)
| - Save 15 survivors from Rais's men.
| |
- I'm a Runner and a fighter (Silver)
| - Complete 15 Agility or Power Challenges.
- I've Got Your Back (Bronze)
| - Complete 1 quest in a co-op game.
- Is It Really Necessary? (Bronze)
| - Kill your first Infected.
- It's All In the Writing (Silver)
| - Find all text collectibles.
| - Kill an enemy with a wrench, using Vault followed by Drop Attack.
| - Throw 50 enemies with Grapple.
- Little Craftsman (Bronze)
| |
| |
| - Show the outside world that you're still alive.
| - Use Blueprints at least 100 times.
| - Climb at least 8848 meters on various objects.
- Mouths Wide Open (Silver)
| |
- My left or your left? (Bronze)
| |
| |
- Now You Can Come In (Bronze)
| |
| - Perform 10 successful Lockpicks.
| - Run (move or sprint) at least 42.195 m.
| - Complete 5 quests in a single co-op game with the same 3 partners.
| - Survive night pursuit of level two or higher.
| |
- Snake in the grass (Bronze)
| |
| - Reach Power Prof. Lvl 10.
- The Legend of Harran (Silver)
| - Reach Survivor Rank lvl 18.
| |
- This is Harraaaaan! (Bronze)
| - Kill 100 enemies by kicking them off the rooftops/cliffs.
| |
| - Sell items worth 10,000 dollars.
| - Complete all Quarantine Zones.
| |
- We're All In This Together (Bronze)
| - Save 15 survivors from zombies.
- We’ll talk about it next time I see you. (Platinum)
| |
Outside the Tower is a wall with a lot of pictures of missing people.
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