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Diablo III

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Diablo III on PlayStation 4

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Diablo III Cheats

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Attacks are easier now as You can hold down Your mouse button while you have an enemy selected to repeatedly attack it. You don't have to click for each attack as before.

If Yold the CTRL button while mousing over an item on the ground You will reveal its stats. This in turn will provide you with a comparison between the item on the ground and the equivalent item you have equipped.

Dual wielding weapons gives you a 15% attack speed bonus.

If You hit the ALT key You'll be able to view the names of all the items on the ground for 10 seconds. Duration can be changed in the options.

There is a "Force Move" (titled as "Move") command that is unbound by default. If You bind it to one of your additional mouse buttons it can be usefull.

Lore books provide experience points.

Treasure goblins will disappear if you don't kill them fast enough. They tend to drop a lot of gold and magical items.

Press the "G" key to plant your banner on the ground.

Press the "Z" key to get up close and personal with your character

Press the "X" key to view the health bars of all the monsters on screen.

The Numpad buttons on your keyboard allows your character to say pre-recorded lines that are both audible and appear in the chat box.

To unlock Hardcore mode You'll have to get a character to level 10.

Whn playing with a ranged character class like Witch Doctor, Wizard, or Demon Hunter if You hold down the mouse button and hit the SHIFT key they'll stop and attack at the direction You're pointing in.

To inspect other players and look at what they're wearing just hit right-click for their character portrait.

Playing with a friends!? You might considet tactics to have one player as the party's blacksmith and the others to focus on jewel crafting.

Crafting artisans are account-wide. This means that everything you do with with your artisans will be carried over to all your characters.

Leveling up your artisans and craftsmen is important for salvaging items, socketing items, and crafting powerful gear.

Looking for the best items in the game!? It is easier with exploration and killing elite packs of monsters than bosses.

There is an XP penalty for killing monsters too different from your current character level. If the level difference is less than 5, there is no penalty. If the difference is between 5-10, there is a small penalty. If the difference is over 10, you'll only receive 5% XP for killing the monster. You will gain bonus XP for killing monsters up to 3 levels above your level.

Finally, to earn money You'll have to go to the Real Money Auction House (RMAH) and sell your items there. In the RMAH, you have the option to earn "Battle Bucks" or cash it out through PayPal. "Battle Bucks" reside in your account and cannot be cashed out. You can use "Battle Bucks" to buy items on the RMAH without spending real money.

Experience gear can cut your play time by as much as 20%. But you need to keep upgrading your gear or else the bonus experience won't be enough for your current level. Having a bunch of sets of experience gear every few levels will help. Just so you know, you don't really need full sets, just a few pieces to make a difference on your next character.

Also, if you are running out of space and don't want to upgrade your shared stash, the best way to keep them is to create a few extra characters and pass the gear to them using the shared stash.

This will also save you money, but eventually, you should upgrade your shared stash to avoid wasting time moving items between characters.

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