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Crucible All for One: Complete 5 Skirmish Matches. Ash and Dust: Defeat 15 Guardians with a Rocket Launcher. Back Scratcher: Earn 50 Assists in the Crucible. Broken Scholar: Defeat 25 Warlocks in the Crucible. Death or Glory: Complete 5 Clash Matches. Dominion: Complete 5 Control Matches. Electrocutioner: Earn 10 Fusion Rifle Sprees in the Crucible. First Blood: Earn 3 First Blood medals. Forged in Fire: Win 3 Crucible Matches. Gunslinger: Kill 3 enemies with headshots in one life. (Hand Cannon Only) Headhunter: Defeat 50 Guardians with headshots. In the Zone: Capture 10 Zones in Control. Light the Way: Defeat 15 Guardians using a Super. Longshot: Defeat 15 Guardians with headshots using a Sniper Rifle. Never See You Coming: Defeat 10 Guardians from behind. No Riding Zone: Defeat 10 Guardians on Vehicles. Party's Over: Earn 5 Enforcer medals. Pull the Pin: Defeat 20 Guardians with Grenades. Reclamation: Complete 5 Salvage Matches. Relic Hunter: Participate in 10 Salvage Zone captures. Revengeance: Earn 5 Postmortem medals. Shake the Pillars: Defeat 25 Titans in the Crucible. Stay Golden: Complete 5 Rumble Matches. Stopping Power: Earn 10 Buckshot Bruiser medals. Target Practice: Earn 10 Gunslinger medals. That's How I Roll: Earn 5 Multikill medals. The Undying: Earn a Mark of the Unbroken medal. Throw Down: Defeat 20 Guardians with your melee attack. Iron Banner Anvil of Light: Defeat 50 Guardians while competing in the Iron Banner, with the Iron Banner Class, Emblem and Shader items equipped. Exacting Measures: Earn 15 Headshot Sprees while competing in the Iron Banner tournament. Focused Aggression: Defeat 50 Guardians with Auto Rifle headshots while competing in the Iron Banner tournament. Hard Forged: Earn 10000 XP while competing in the Iron Banner tournament. Heavy Metal: Earn 15 Machine Gun Sprees while competing in the Iron Banner tournament. Iron Embrace: Defeat 20 Guardians with a close quarters melee attack while competing in the Iron Banner tournament. Iron Wrath: Defeat 10 Guardians without dying while competing in the Iron Banner tournament. Of Iron Made: Win 3 Iron Banner matches with the Iron Banner Class, Emblem and Shader items equipped. Rise Above: Complete an Iron Banner match with the highest score. The Chaos and the Calm: Defeat 30 Guardians with machine gun headshots while competing in the Iron Banner tournament. Reef Archon Slayer: Defeat Riksis, Devil Archon in Restoration on Earth. By Thy Hand: Defeat 20 Guardians with Hand Cannon headshots. Extermination Protocol: Defeat 200 Fallen with headshots. Face Your Fears: Defeat 3 Fallen Walkers. For Her Honor: Win 3 Crucible Matches with the Queen's Class, Emblem, and Shader items equipped. Her Willful Gaze: Defeat 20 Guardians with Scout Rifle headshots. Last Days of Winter: Defeat Draksis, Winter Kell in The Scourge of Winter on Venus. No Parley: Defeat 10 Fallen Majors. Off With Their Heads: Defeat 15 Guardians with Sniper Rifle headshots. Prime Target: Defeat Sepiks Prime in The Devils' Lair Strike on Earth. Relic Harvest: Collect 200 Ether Drops from Fallen Enemies on any planet. Warrior of the Reef: Defeat 50 Guardians with the Queen's Class, Emblem, and Shader items equipped. Vanguard Body Dropper: Kill 100 enemies without dying. Cabal Command: Kill 10 Cabal Majors or Ultras. Cleansing Light: Kill 3 or more enemies with a single super use, 20 times. Exalted Hive: Kill 10 Hive Majors or Ultras. Fallen Leaders: Kill 10 Fallen Majors or Ultras. It's All in the Head: Kill 100 enemies with precision damage. Knuckleduster: Melee Kill 30 enemies without dying. One For All: Achieve Gold Tier Rating in Public Events. Overcharge: Kill 2 enemies at once with a Fusion Rifle, 20 times. Predator and Prey: Kill 20 enemies without taking damage from them. Relic Harvest - Cosmodrome: Collect 200 Sensor Mites in Cosmodrome. Relic Harvest - Mars: Collect 200 Olympus Tears on Mars. Relic Harvest - Moon: Collect 200 Impact Shards on the Moon. Relic Harvest - Venus: Collect 200 Pumice Threads on Venus. Target: Phogoth: Defeat Phogoth, the Untamed in "The Summoning Pits" Strike on the Moon. Target: Sekrion: Defeat Sekrion, Nexus Mind in the "The Nexus" Strike on Venus. Target: Sepiks Prime: Defeat Sepiks Prime in "The Devils' Lair" Strike on Earth. Target: Valus Ta'aurc: Defeat Valus Ta`aurc in the "Cerberus Vae III" Strike on Mars. Unstoppable: Earn 9000 Experience without dying. (Does not include Bounty XP reward.) Vex Minds: Kill 10 Vex Majors or Ultras. Walking Tall: Complete any Strike without dying.
Emblems Ab Aeterno: JDT-NLC-JKM Binding Focus: FJ9-LAM-67F Field of Light: JNX-DMH-XLA Illusion of Light: JD7-4CM-HJG Lone Focus, Jagged Edge: 7CP-94V-LFP Note of Conquest: X4C-FGX-MX3 Sign of the Finite: 7F9-767-F74 Grimoire cards Cabal: 69X-DJN-74V Duke MK.44: 69P-KRM-JJA Gjallorhorn: HC3-H44-DKC Hive: 473-MXR-3X9 Hive: Ogre: 69R-CKD-X7L Hunter: 3DA-P4X-F6A Moon: JMR-LFN-4A3 Old Russia: HDX-ALM-V4K Red Death: 69R-VL7-J6A Rixis, Archon Slayer: TCN-HCD-TGY The Fallen: 69R-F99-AXG The Towers: 69P-VCH-337 Titan: MVD-4N3-NKH Valley of the Kings: Mars: 69R-DDD-FCP Venus: 6A7-7NP-3X7 Vex Minotaur: 6A9-DTG-YGN Warlock: YKA-RJG-MH9 Shaders Double Banshee: 7MM-VPD-MHP Oracle 99: RXC-9XJ-4MH
Ab Aeterno: Redeemable code JDT-NLC-JKM. Aspect of Blood: Create a Hunter Guardian. Binding Focus: Redeemable code FJ9-LAM-67F. Founder's Seal: Participated in the public beta. Illusion of Light: Redeemable code JD7-4CM-HJG. Officer Crest: Create a Titan Guardian. Pathfinder Sign: Registered on before 2013. Rune of the Disciple: Create a Warlock Guardian. Sign of the Elders: Participated in the Destiny public beta while "The Dark Beyond" was available. Sign of the Finite: Vanguard Armory pre-order bonus; explore all points in Destiny Planet View; or redeemable code 7F9-767-F74.
Earth: Old Russia One chest: Forester 2.1 gauntlets (Hunter and Titan) Two chests: Baron RS/2a Three chests: No reward Four chests: Enigma Burn chest armor (Warlock) Five chests: S-22 Nomad (Hunter), S-22 Cavalier (Titan), or S-22 Seeker (Warlock) Sparrows Moon: Ocean of Storms One chest: Nox Cantor III Two chests: Jade Rabbit emblem Three chests: Gwalior Type 0 helmet (Titan), Chroma Vow helmet (Warlock) Four chests: Brawler's Cloak (Hunter), Mark of the Chosen (Titan), Trained Chaos (Warlock) Five chests: Arihant Type 1 chest armor (Titan), Tengu Operant chest armor (Warlock)
Bladedancer Better Control: Recovery +1 Fleet Footed: Agility +1 Defender Increased Control: Agility +1 Untouchable: Armor +1 Gunslinger Circle of Life: Armor +1 Over the Horizon: Recovery +1 Striker Headstrong: Agility +1 Unstoppable: Armor +1 Sungsinger Flameshield: Armor +1 Angel of Light: Agility +1 Voidwalker Annihilate: Agility +1 Angry Magic: Armor +1
Ability Angel of Light: In a single life, revive five downed alliies. Blast Shield: Block fatal damage with two seconds of casting Ward of Dawn. Cry Havoc: Kil three enemies with a single Fist of Havoc. Get It Off!: Kill an enemy by sticking them with a grenade. Gutted: Kill three enemies in a single Arc Blade charge. I See You: Kill an invisible enemy. Medic!: Quickly revive two downed allies. Overwatch: Defend an ally from enemy fire. Scorched Earth.: Kill three enemies with grenades while Radiance is active. Space Magic: Kill three enemies with a single Nova Bomb. Stick Around: Kill an enemy with a throwing knife headshot. Way of the Gun: Kill three enemies with a single Golden Gun charge. Game type Disruption: In a salvage match, neutralize the enemy probe. Hat Trick: In a single life, capture 3 control zones. Lockdown: As a team, hold all 3 control zones for 60 seconds. Lone Wolf: In a team game, finish first on your team with 0 assists. Nail the Coffin: Score the winning points in a match. Objectively Correct: In a Control match, capture the most zones. On the Bright Side...: Achieve the highest score in a match despite your team's loss. Relic Hunter: Help capture 3 relic zones in a salvage match. Saboteur: In a salvage match, neutralize the most probes. Salvage Crew: As a team, salvage 3 relics in a match. The Best... Around: Achieve the highest score in a match while leading your team to victory. Multi-Kills Breaker: Rapidly kill 4 enemies. Buckshot Bruiser: Kill 3 enemies with a Shotgun without switching weapons or reloading. Clean Sweep: Rapidly kill 3 enemies near their own probe. Double Down: Rapidly kill 2 enemies. Machine Lord: Kill 3 enemies with a Machine Gun without switching weapons or reloading. Marksman: Kill 2 enemies with Sniper Rifle headshots without switching weapons or reloading. Master Blaster: Kill 3 opponents with a Fusion Rifle without switching weapons or reloading. Reaper: Rapidly kill 6 enemies. Seventh Column: Defy probability by rapidly killing 7 enemies. Slayer: Rapidly kill 5 enemies. Splash Damage: Kill 3 enemies with a Rocket without switching weapons or reloading. Triple Down: Rapidly kill 3 enemies. Special Kills Back in Action: Kill an enemy after 3 consecutive lives with no kills. Bulldozer: Run over an enemy with the Interceptor. Domination: Kill an enemy while your team holds all 3 control zones. End of the Line: Kill an enemy with a 15+ kill streak. Enforcer: Shut down an enemies kill streak. First Blood: Score the first kill in a match. Hazard Pay: Kill an enemy with an exploding object. Im-probe-able: Kill an enemy near the allied probe. Narrow Escape: Kill an enemy that nearly killed you. Never Speak of this Again: Run over an enemy with the Sparrow. Postmortem: Kill one or more enemies after you have died. Skewered: Run over an enemy with the Pike. Uprising: In a match kill the leader 3 times. Sprees At Any Cost: In a single life, kill 3 enemies while capturing a Control zone. Bullseye: In a single life, kill 3 enemies with headshots. Chariot of Fire: In a single life, kill 5 players while driving the Interceptor. Dead Man's Hand: In a single life, kill 5 enemies with Hand Cannon headshots. Defender: In a single life, score 5 zone defense kills. Enemy of my Enemy: In a single life, catch 3 enemies in crossfire. Fallen Angels: In a single life, kill 5 enemies while driving the Pike. Gunner: In a single life, kill 5 players with the turret. Mark of the Unbroken: Complete a match with a minimum of 7 kills without dying or being downed. Merciless: In a single life, kill 5 enemies. Reign of Terror: In a single life, kill 15 enemies. Relentless: In a single life, kill 10 enemies. Strength of the Wolf: As a team, kill 10 enemies with no one on your team dying. Unsung Hero: In a single life, assist your allies on 3 kills. Victory Alone at the Top: Win a Rumble match. Clutch: Win a match after trailing with 2 seconds remaining. Comeback: With a match after trailing by 500 in 30 seconds remaining or when the enemy was nearing victory. Decisive Victory: In a match that reaches the score limit, double the opposing team's score. Heartbreaker: Win a Rumble match in overtime. Shut Out: As a team, hold your opponents to zero relics salvaged. Sum of All Tears: Win a Rumble match with a score greater than the sum of your enemies. Victory: Win a match. Won't be Beat: Win a Rumble match after trailing by 500 in 30 seconds remaining or when the enemy was nearing victory. Zero Hour: Win a match in overtime.
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