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Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Destiny on PlayStation 4

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Destiny Cheats

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding badge.

BadgeHow to unlock

The following bounties have the indicated requirements.

All for One: Complete 5 Skirmish Matches.
Ash and Dust: Defeat 15 Guardians with a Rocket Launcher.
Back Scratcher: Earn 50 Assists in the Crucible.
Broken Scholar: Defeat 25 Warlocks in the Crucible.
Death or Glory: Complete 5 Clash Matches.
Dominion: Complete 5 Control Matches.
Electrocutioner: Earn 10 Fusion Rifle Sprees in the Crucible.
First Blood: Earn 3 First Blood medals.
Forged in Fire: Win 3 Crucible Matches.
Gunslinger: Kill 3 enemies with headshots in one life. (Hand Cannon Only)
Headhunter: Defeat 50 Guardians with headshots.
In the Zone: Capture 10 Zones in Control.
Light the Way: Defeat 15 Guardians using a Super.
Longshot: Defeat 15 Guardians with headshots using a Sniper Rifle.
Never See You Coming: Defeat 10 Guardians from behind.
No Riding Zone: Defeat 10 Guardians on Vehicles.
Party's Over: Earn 5 Enforcer medals.
Pull the Pin: Defeat 20 Guardians with Grenades.
Reclamation: Complete 5 Salvage Matches.
Relic Hunter: Participate in 10 Salvage Zone captures.
Revengeance: Earn 5 Postmortem medals.
Shake the Pillars: Defeat 25 Titans in the Crucible.
Stay Golden: Complete 5 Rumble Matches.
Stopping Power: Earn 10 Buckshot Bruiser medals.
Target Practice: Earn 10 Gunslinger medals.
That's How I Roll: Earn 5 Multikill medals.
The Undying: Earn a Mark of the Unbroken medal.
Throw Down: Defeat 20 Guardians with your melee attack.

Iron Banner
Anvil of Light: Defeat 50 Guardians while competing in the Iron Banner, with the Iron Banner Class, Emblem and Shader items equipped.
Exacting Measures: Earn 15 Headshot Sprees while competing in the Iron Banner tournament.
Focused Aggression: Defeat 50 Guardians with Auto Rifle headshots while competing in the Iron Banner tournament.
Hard Forged: Earn 10000 XP while competing in the Iron Banner tournament.
Heavy Metal: Earn 15 Machine Gun Sprees while competing in the Iron Banner tournament.
Iron Embrace: Defeat 20 Guardians with a close quarters melee attack while competing in the Iron Banner tournament.
Iron Wrath: Defeat 10 Guardians without dying while competing in the Iron Banner tournament.
Of Iron Made: Win 3 Iron Banner matches with the Iron Banner Class, Emblem and Shader items equipped.
Rise Above: Complete an Iron Banner match with the highest score.
The Chaos and the Calm: Defeat 30 Guardians with machine gun headshots while competing in the Iron Banner tournament.

Archon Slayer: Defeat Riksis, Devil Archon in Restoration on Earth.
By Thy Hand: Defeat 20 Guardians with Hand Cannon headshots.
Extermination Protocol: Defeat 200 Fallen with headshots.
Face Your Fears: Defeat 3 Fallen Walkers.
For Her Honor: Win 3 Crucible Matches with the Queen's Class, Emblem, and Shader items equipped.
Her Willful Gaze: Defeat 20 Guardians with Scout Rifle headshots.
Last Days of Winter: Defeat Draksis, Winter Kell in The Scourge of Winter on Venus.
No Parley: Defeat 10 Fallen Majors.
Off With Their Heads: Defeat 15 Guardians with Sniper Rifle headshots.
Prime Target: Defeat Sepiks Prime in The Devils' Lair Strike on Earth.
Relic Harvest: Collect 200 Ether Drops from Fallen Enemies on any planet.
Warrior of the Reef: Defeat 50 Guardians with the Queen's Class, Emblem, and Shader items equipped.

Body Dropper: Kill 100 enemies without dying.
Cabal Command: Kill 10 Cabal Majors or Ultras.
Cleansing Light: Kill 3 or more enemies with a single super use, 20 times.
Exalted Hive: Kill 10 Hive Majors or Ultras.
Fallen Leaders: Kill 10 Fallen Majors or Ultras.
It's All in the Head: Kill 100 enemies with precision damage.
Knuckleduster: Melee Kill 30 enemies without dying.
One For All: Achieve Gold Tier Rating in Public Events.
Overcharge: Kill 2 enemies at once with a Fusion Rifle, 20 times.
Predator and Prey: Kill 20 enemies without taking damage from them.
Relic Harvest - Cosmodrome: Collect 200 Sensor Mites in Cosmodrome.
Relic Harvest - Mars: Collect 200 Olympus Tears on Mars.
Relic Harvest - Moon: Collect 200 Impact Shards on the Moon.
Relic Harvest - Venus: Collect 200 Pumice Threads on Venus.
Target: Phogoth: Defeat Phogoth, the Untamed in "The Summoning Pits" Strike on the Moon.
Target: Sekrion: Defeat Sekrion, Nexus Mind in the "The Nexus" Strike on Venus.
Target: Sepiks Prime: Defeat Sepiks Prime in "The Devils' Lair" Strike on Earth.
Target: Valus Ta'aurc: Defeat Valus Ta`aurc in the "Cerberus Vae III" Strike on Mars.
Unstoppable: Earn 9000 Experience without dying. (Does not include Bounty XP reward.)
Vex Minds: Kill 10 Vex Majors or Ultras.
Walking Tall: Complete any Strike without dying.

Login to your Bungie account and redeem the following codes at their redemption page ( to unlock the corresponding bonus.

Ab Aeterno: JDT-NLC-JKM
Binding Focus: FJ9-LAM-67F
Field of Light: JNX-DMH-XLA
Illusion of Light: JD7-4CM-HJG
Lone Focus, Jagged Edge: 7CP-94V-LFP
Note of Conquest: X4C-FGX-MX3
Sign of the Finite: 7F9-767-F74

Grimoire cards
Cabal: 69X-DJN-74V
Duke MK.44: 69P-KRM-JJA
Gjallorhorn: HC3-H44-DKC
Hive: 473-MXR-3X9
Hive: Ogre: 69R-CKD-X7L
Hunter: 3DA-P4X-F6A
Moon: JMR-LFN-4A3
Old Russia: HDX-ALM-V4K
Red Death: 69R-VL7-J6A
Rixis, Archon Slayer: TCN-HCD-TGY
The Fallen: 69R-F99-AXG
The Towers: 69P-VCH-337
Titan: MVD-4N3-NKH
Valley of the Kings: Mars: 69R-DDD-FCP
Venus: 6A7-7NP-3X7
Vex Minotaur: 6A9-DTG-YGN
Warlock: YKA-RJG-MH9

Double Banshee: 7MM-VPD-MHP
Oracle 99: RXC-9XJ-4MH

Use the following consumable items to gain the corresponding effect.

ConsumableHow to unlock

Earn the indicated amount of reputation to advance to the indicated Crucible rank.


Wait until a Devil Walker's legs begin glowing after it lands. Shoot each leg to stun it, and a glowing weak point will appear on its neck. Make sure to switch legs after each stun. After a leg is destroyed it cannot be broken again. Fire rocket launchers and sniper rifles work best on the Devil Walker's weak points.

Shooting a Goblin's head will not kill it, and will only stun it briefly and then cause it to charge at you. Aim for the glowing white core in their chest instead. Note: They often crouch to shield their weak spot with their heads.

Hydras have a semi-circular shield that rotates around them. To bypass it, have a player on either side constantly fire at the yellow glowing weak spot on the lower portion of its head.

Aim at Sepiks Prime's eye at close range to deal critical damage. Note: His eye is immune to critical damage from fusion rifles.

Spread out your team to avoid splash damage from Valus' missiles. Have them get on high ground to target Valus' head easier. Wait until Valus completes his entrance animation, which happens when he is done firing his gun wildly When Valus moves from one end of the room to the other, avoid attacking him as there will be a series of incoming missiles. Use the large boxes on the upper balconies as cover from his gun and missiles. You must also deal with the Phalanxes that spawn from the sides.

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding emblem.

Ab Aeterno: Redeemable code JDT-NLC-JKM.
Aspect of Blood: Create a Hunter Guardian.
Binding Focus: Redeemable code FJ9-LAM-67F.
Founder's Seal: Participated in the public beta.
Illusion of Light: Redeemable code JD7-4CM-HJG.
Officer Crest: Create a Titan Guardian.
Pathfinder Sign: Registered on before 2013.
Rune of the Disciple: Create a Warlock Guardian.
Sign of the Elders: Participated in the Destiny public beta while "The Dark Beyond" was available.
Sign of the Finite: Vanguard Armory pre-order bonus; explore all points in Destiny Planet View; or redeemable code 7F9-767-F74.

Collect the listed number of golden chests at the indicated location to get the corresponding reward.

Earth: Old Russia
One chest: Forester 2.1 gauntlets (Hunter and Titan)
Two chests: Baron RS/2a
Three chests: No reward
Four chests: Enigma Burn chest armor (Warlock)
Five chests: S-22 Nomad (Hunter), S-22 Cavalier (Titan), or S-22 Seeker (Warlock) Sparrows

Moon: Ocean of Storms
One chest: Nox Cantor III
Two chests: Jade Rabbit emblem
Three chests: Gwalior Type 0 helmet (Titan), Chroma Vow helmet (Warlock)
Four chests: Brawler's Cloak (Hunter), Mark of the Chosen (Titan), Trained Chaos (Warlock)
Five chests: Arihant Type 1 chest armor (Titan), Tengu Operant chest armor (Warlock)

Each subclass has an attribute that will give a hidden bonus to a specific stat.

Better Control: Recovery +1
Fleet Footed: Agility +1

Increased Control: Agility +1
Untouchable: Armor +1

Circle of Life: Armor +1
Over the Horizon: Recovery +1

Headstrong: Agility +1
Unstoppable: Armor +1

Flameshield: Armor +1
Angel of Light: Agility +1

Annihilate: Agility +1
Angry Magic: Armor +1

The reward for House Banners is 200 Glimmer.

Light is used to boost a character's level past level twenty, which increases the damage done by subclass abilities.

LevelAmount of Light needed

The following medals can be earned through Crucible actions.

Angel of Light: In a single life, revive five downed alliies.
Blast Shield: Block fatal damage with two seconds of casting Ward of Dawn.
Cry Havoc: Kil three enemies with a single Fist of Havoc.
Get It Off!: Kill an enemy by sticking them with a grenade.
Gutted: Kill three enemies in a single Arc Blade charge.
I See You: Kill an invisible enemy.
Medic!: Quickly revive two downed allies.
Overwatch: Defend an ally from enemy fire.
Scorched Earth.: Kill three enemies with grenades while Radiance is active.
Space Magic: Kill three enemies with a single Nova Bomb.
Stick Around: Kill an enemy with a throwing knife headshot.
Way of the Gun: Kill three enemies with a single Golden Gun charge.

Game type
Disruption: In a salvage match, neutralize the enemy probe.
Hat Trick: In a single life, capture 3 control zones.
Lockdown: As a team, hold all 3 control zones for 60 seconds.
Lone Wolf: In a team game, finish first on your team with 0 assists.
Nail the Coffin: Score the winning points in a match.
Objectively Correct: In a Control match, capture the most zones.
On the Bright Side...: Achieve the highest score in a match despite your team's loss.
Relic Hunter: Help capture 3 relic zones in a salvage match.
Saboteur: In a salvage match, neutralize the most probes.
Salvage Crew: As a team, salvage 3 relics in a match.
The Best... Around: Achieve the highest score in a match while leading your team to victory.

Breaker: Rapidly kill 4 enemies.
Buckshot Bruiser: Kill 3 enemies with a Shotgun without switching weapons or reloading.
Clean Sweep: Rapidly kill 3 enemies near their own probe.
Double Down: Rapidly kill 2 enemies.
Machine Lord: Kill 3 enemies with a Machine Gun without switching weapons or reloading.
Marksman: Kill 2 enemies with Sniper Rifle headshots without switching weapons or reloading.
Master Blaster: Kill 3 opponents with a Fusion Rifle without switching weapons or reloading.
Reaper: Rapidly kill 6 enemies.
Seventh Column: Defy probability by rapidly killing 7 enemies.
Slayer: Rapidly kill 5 enemies.
Splash Damage: Kill 3 enemies with a Rocket without switching weapons or reloading.
Triple Down: Rapidly kill 3 enemies.

Special Kills
Back in Action: Kill an enemy after 3 consecutive lives with no kills.
Bulldozer: Run over an enemy with the Interceptor.
Domination: Kill an enemy while your team holds all 3 control zones.
End of the Line: Kill an enemy with a 15+ kill streak.
Enforcer: Shut down an enemies kill streak.
First Blood: Score the first kill in a match.
Hazard Pay: Kill an enemy with an exploding object.
Im-probe-able: Kill an enemy near the allied probe.
Narrow Escape: Kill an enemy that nearly killed you.
Never Speak of this Again: Run over an enemy with the Sparrow.
Postmortem: Kill one or more enemies after you have died.
Skewered: Run over an enemy with the Pike.
Uprising: In a match kill the leader 3 times.

At Any Cost: In a single life, kill 3 enemies while capturing a Control zone.
Bullseye: In a single life, kill 3 enemies with headshots.
Chariot of Fire: In a single life, kill 5 players while driving the Interceptor.
Dead Man's Hand: In a single life, kill 5 enemies with Hand Cannon headshots.
Defender: In a single life, score 5 zone defense kills.
Enemy of my Enemy: In a single life, catch 3 enemies in crossfire.
Fallen Angels: In a single life, kill 5 enemies while driving the Pike.
Gunner: In a single life, kill 5 players with the turret.
Mark of the Unbroken: Complete a match with a minimum of 7 kills without dying or being downed.
Merciless: In a single life, kill 5 enemies.
Reign of Terror: In a single life, kill 15 enemies.
Relentless: In a single life, kill 10 enemies.
Strength of the Wolf: As a team, kill 10 enemies with no one on your team dying.
Unsung Hero: In a single life, assist your allies on 3 kills.

Alone at the Top: Win a Rumble match.
Clutch: Win a match after trailing with 2 seconds remaining.
Comeback: With a match after trailing by 500 in 30 seconds remaining or when the enemy was nearing victory.
Decisive Victory: In a match that reaches the score limit, double the opposing team's score.
Heartbreaker: Win a Rumble match in overtime.
Shut Out: As a team, hold your opponents to zero relics salvaged.
Sum of All Tears: Win a Rumble match with a score greater than the sum of your enemies.
Victory: Win a match.
Won't be Beat: Win a Rumble match after trailing by 500 in 30 seconds remaining or when the enemy was nearing victory.
Zero Hour: Win a match in overtime.

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlockType

Begin running in the Tower After a few steps, begin jumping to increase your momentum. When land a jump, jump again. Repeatedly jump after landing to maintain your momentum, and move faster than running.

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlock

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