Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
| - Kill 8 enemies with a single bomb.
- A Beatless Beatdown (Bronze)
| - Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Bard.
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| - Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Eli.
| - Complete a Daily Challenge.
- Flawless Victory! (Bronze)
| - Aria Low%. Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Aria without picking up any items or using any shrines. (Picking up gold is permitted.).
| - Use a red dragon's fireball to kill another miniboss.
| - Have 10 heart containers at the same time.
- I love gooooooold! (Bronze)
| - Have 6000 coins in a single run.
- Impossible, Right? (Gold)
| - Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Coda.
| - Complete zone 1 with solo Cadence!.
| - Complete zone 2 with solo Cadence!.
| - Complete zone 3 with solo Cadence!.
| - Complete zone 4 with solo Cadence!.
- Leaps and Bounds (Bronze)
| - Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Dorian.
| - "All Chars" low%. Complete an "All Chars" run without picking up any items or using any shrines. (Picking up gold is permitted.).
| - Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Melody.
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| - Get killed by a green slime.
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| - Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Dove.
| - Complete an "All Chars" run.
| - Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Cadence.
| - Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Cadence in under 15 minutes.
| - Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Bolt.
| - Complete "All Zones Mode" while playing Co-op.
| - Get 10 wins in a row in Cadence "Deathless Mode".
| - Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Monk.
- You Don't Miss a Beat, Do You? (Bronze)
| - Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Aria.