Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock | Type
| - In Attack of the Radioactive Thing, restore and use all traps.
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- Belly of the Beast (secret)
| - In Attack of the Radioactive Thing, enter the bomb codes correctly on the first try.
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| - In Attack of the Radioactive Thing, listen to all of Willard's personal recording.
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| - In Attack of the Radioactive Thing, assemble the M.A.D. (Modular Atomic Disintegrator).
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- Mistress of the Dark (secret)
| - In Attack of the Radioactive Thing, unlock Elvira.
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| - In Attack of the Radioactive Thing, complete Skullhop.
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| - In Attack of the Radioactive Thing, recover the piece of the Soul Key.
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- Unpleasant Dreams (secret)
| - In Attack of the Radioactive Thing, collect the piece of the Soul Key as Elvira.
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1. On the Main Menu, hold L1, L2, R1, and R2. Keep holding them until step five.
2. Select "Campaign".
3. Quickly press (D-Pad) Down, Left, Triangle, Square, Up.
4. Navigate back (to the Main Menu).
5. Release the shoulder buttons.
All levels in Mission Select are unlocked until the game is closed or a level is completed.
Easy Points (Zombies Mode)
In the early rounds, before things get crazy, it pays to earn as many points as possible while defeating your foes. A melee attack is typically enough to dispatch a zombie, but you're better off shooting a zombie several times first. Zombies start out able to absorb four shots to the chest before a fifth one kills them. You can thus rack up points by shooting them four times, then taking them out with a melee attack. In later rounds, you can employ a similar strategy, while using more bullets before dealing the killing blow (since the zombies gradually grow tougher).
Invest in Up'N Atoms (Zombies Mode)
Early in a round, the best purchase you can make is Up'N Atoms. Once you spawn in the map, head to the far left and enter the small office, then turn on the power. Exit the office and make your way to the right to find the perk machine. You can purchase the Up'N Atom to revive yourself in single-player (the cost is $500), or to more quickly revive fallen allies in multiplayer ($1,200).
Pack-a-Punch Portal Locations (Zombies Mode)
There are four Pack-a-Punch portal locations, which you can activate to reveal a new portal that will take you to the machine itself. You can use it for 5000 points, within a match. You can find the portals (and switches to activate them) in the following locations:
In the Journey Into Space area, make your way to the arcade and check the wall for the power switch. You will find the portal just to its right.
Galaxy Journey
In the Journey Into Space area, follow the path behind the DJ to reach the switch. Then backtrack to the DJ to find the portal.
Kepler System
Starting from the center of the map, open the first door on the left in the Kepler District and proceed upstairs. The switch is on the wall, and you can find the portal downstairs.
Polar Peak
Look upstairs in the Polar Peak district. First unlock a door so you can go upstairs, then look for the power switch on a wall. Finally, head back downstairs to access the portal.
Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock | Type
| - In The Beast From Beyond, unlock the hidden song.
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| - In The Beast From Beyond, complete Skullbreaker.
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| - In The Beast From Beyond, return to the theater.
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| - In The Beast From Beyond, equip the Venom-X.
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- Encryption Decryption (secret)
| - In The Beast From Beyond, Pack-a-Punch the Venom-X twice.
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| - In The Beast From Beyond, kill zombies with every trap.
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| - In The Beast From Beyond, fully restore N31L.
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| - In The Beast From Beyond, send the Turnstile back to the past.
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- Super Duper Combo (secret)
| - When playing Skullbreaker, build a combo size of 10 or larger.
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| - In The Beast From Beyond, college the final piece of the Soul Key.
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Souvenir Coin Combinations (Zombie Mode)
You can combine the colored souvenir coins you find in different combinations to access powerful traps and items, as noted below (turn in coins in the order indicated for the particular reward you want):
Blue, Blue, Blue - Sentry Gun
Green, Green, Green - Repcrator
Red, Red, Red - Medusa Device
Blue, Blue, Green - Electric Trap
Blue, Green, Green - Boom Box
Green, Green, Red - Sentry Turret
Green, Red, Red - Boom Box
Red, Red, Blue - Fireworks
Red, Blue, Blue - Window Laser Trap
Red, Blue, Green - Kindle Pop
Complete the game once on any difficulty.
Tuff 'Nuff (Zombies Mode)
You can withstand more hits from zombies if you secure the Tuff 'Nuff perk. You'll have to visit the perk machine first, however. To do so, enter the Journey Into Space portion of the park (it's located to the left of the main teleporter, as you face it). Inside that area, make your way up the flight of stairs just beyond the Galaxy Journey portion. Look in a corner to the right to find the machine, and prepare to spend 2500 points to activate the valuable perk.
Complete the game on the Specialist Mode difficulty setting.
The actor portraying Admiral Kotch is Kit Harington, perhaps most well known for his role as Jon Snow in the Game of Thrones television show. The trophy/achievement titled "You Know Nothing" is a reference to the quote "You Know Nothing, Jon Snow." In the television show, the Wildling character Ygritte spoke those words to Jon Snow.
In order to earn the trophy, you will have you kill Admiral Kotch.
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