Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock | Type
- All your VP are belong to us!
| - Win the Game as Allies with 0VP or less on the Axis score in Computer Opponent mode
| |
- Allied Victory - Battle of the Bulge
| - Win Battle of the Bulge scenario as Allies in Computer Opponent mode
| |
- Allied Victory - Bitter End
| - Win Bitter End scenario as Allies in Computer Opponent mode
| |
- Allied Victory - Luck of the Draw
| - Win Luck of the Draw scenario as Allies in Computer Opponent mode
| |
- Allied Victory - Race to the Meuse
| - Win Race to the Meuse scenario as Allies in Computer Opponent mode
| |
- Allied Victory - The Endgame
| - Win The Endgame scenario as Allies in Computer Opponent mode
| |
- Axis Victory - Battle of the Bulge
| - Win Battle of the Bulge scenario as Axis in Computer Opponent mode
| |
- Axis Victory - Bitter End
| - Win Bitter End scenario as Axis in Computer Opponent mode
| |
- Axis Victory - Luck of the Draw
| - Win Luck of the Draw scenario as Axis in Computer Opponent mode
| |
- Axis Victory - Race to the Meuse
| - Win Race to the Meuse scenario as Axis in Computer Opponent mode
| |
- Axis Victory - The Endgame
| - Win The Endgame scenario as Axis in Computer Opponent mode
| |
| - Win any scenario against Bradley
| |
| - Win as Axis with 100VP+ in Computer Opponent mode
| |
| - Cross the Meuse as Axis in Computer Opponent mode
| |
| - Take Namur as Axis in Computer Opponent mode
| |
| - Score an early victory in Battle of the Bulge scenario while playing against any AI personality
| |
| - Win any scenario against Dietrich
| |
| - Win as Axis with 50VP+ in Computer Opponent mode
| |
| - Unlock all other trophies
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| - Win any scenario against Monty
| |
| - Take back Bastogne while playing as Allies in Computer Opponent mode
| |
| - Hold Bastogne until The Bitter End as Allies in Computer Opponent mode
| |
| - Hold Bastogne at the end of a Race to the Meuse game as Allies in Computer Opponent mode
| |
| - Win any scenario against Patton
| |
| - Obtain a draw in any scenario, while playing against any AI personality
| |
| - Exit 1st SS Panzer from the map in Computer Opponent mode
| |
- Preparations have been made
| | |
| - Win the game as Allies with the 106th Infantry still alive in Computer Opponent mode
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| - Enter Bastogne with the 101st Airbourne in Computer Opponent mode
| |
| - Capture Bastogne while playing as Axis in Computer Opponent mode
| |
| - Win any scenario against Von Manteuffel
| |
| - Win any scenario against Von Rundstedt
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