Unlock new titles through Universe or Attitude mode: (Note: in WWE Universe, title matches must be set up by the computer)
Championship | How to unlock
- Classic Intercontinental Title
| - Unlocked in Attitude Era: Brothers of Destruction chapter
| - Win any championship with Rey Mysterio or Sin Cara in Universer
| - Win a championship at Extreme Rules PPV in Universe
| - Win a championship playing as a CAS (Create-A-Superstar) in Universe
| - Unlocked in Attitude Era: Rise of DX chapter
| - Unlocked in Attitude Era: Mankind chapter
| - Unlocked in Attitude Era: Off Script
| - Win 3 Money in the Bank Matches in Universe
| - Create a tag team un WWE Universe
| - Unlocked in Attitude Era: Off Script
| - Unlocked in Attitude Era: Off Script
| - Appear twice at WrestleMania as a CAS in Universe
| - Appear once at WrestleMania as a CAS in Universe
- World Tag Team Titles '02-10
| - Create a tag team un WWE Universe
| - Create a tag team un WWE Universe
| - Unlocked in Attitude Era: Brothers of Destruction chapter
| - Win tag team championship using Attutde Era tag team in Universe (New Age Outlaws, DX, or Acolytes)
| - Unlocked in Attitude Era: WrestleMania XV chapter
| - Unlocked in Attitude Era: Brothers of Destruction chapter
| - Win WWE Championship playing as the MIx in Universe
- WWE Championship (Rated-R)
| - Cash in Money in the Bank & win the championship match in Universe
- WWE Tag Team Titles '02-10
| - Create a tag team un WWE Universe
| - Unlocked in Attitude Era: Austin 316 chapter
| - Unlocked in Attitude Era: The Great One chapter
| - Unlocked in Attitude Era: Off Script