Capture The Flag: Defending your base
Use the following trick to easily defend your base on Island Outpost. Make a barricade with one tank and a jeep on the left-hand exit of your base with the flag (the one with the machine gun turret on both sides and a flak gun on the right). Put the tank on one side parked perpendicular to the roadway. Then, put the jeep behind it also perpendicular to the road. Throw a grenade at the jeep and two at the tank. They will both be almost destroyed so if an opponent jumps in you can easily destroy him. As enemies try to drive through the barricade they will get stuck and must either reverse to try another way in or jump out of their vehicle once it hits the barricade. This just adds to its effect. Use the Bluetooth headset to tell your team what you are doing so that no one takes a vehicle. Make sure to stay and help kill anyone who tries to get your flag.
Capture The Flag: Easy points
In any Capture The Flag match, get four land mines from one of your bases. Fly quickly as possible to your enemy's base with their flag. Tap R2(2) to use turbo. Land just about where their flag is located. Do not try to capture it. Throw all your mines anywhere you can, preferably near where health icons are found, vehicle repair, driver's seat of jeep, any weapons, and on the ceiling of any covering commonly walked under. Then, get out quickly. Try to get in and out in about thirty seconds or less. This is possible with practice. Then, get back in your plane and fly back to where you got your landmines. Repeat this as many times as desired.
To dodge missiles faster, roll and flip in the air. This will work about 70% of the time.
When avoiding missiles and rockets while in a plane, dive down, bank right, go up, then bank left. This will shake off almost all your missiles if there are more than two of them, and all of them if there are less than two.
Use the following trick to dodge a homing missile (fired by missile turrets and Warhawks). Activate the afterburner then bring down the Right Analog-stick to send your plane into a loop and then press Right Analog-stick Right or Left to get it spinning. Tilt your controller or Left Analog-stick sideways and hold R2 + L2 to power slide. This will work about 85% of the time if you are skilled.
To get easy points, go to a base that your team does not control. Stand next to the flag. You will see a bar appear at the bottom of the screen. If the other team owns this base, the bar will slip to the center (neutralize) and you will get 2 points. It will then slip to the other side filling with your teams color (gaining), thus giving you 2 more points. This process is easy and can get you 4 points in under twenty seconds.
Create a player-ranked game and set the flag return time to "0". Have a friend on the other team. Play until there are at least eight people. Ban everyone except for your friend on the other team. Go to the place where the other team's flag spawns Steal it, but stay exactly where it spawns. Have your friend stand close to you. Aim at him and rapidly tap Triangle. If done correctly, the flag will flash back and forth between you and your friend and you will each get two points each time Triangle is pressed.
To get a higher rank easily, go to "Local Games", then to your call sign. Enter any desired rank. Note: This only works once -- entering the highest possible rank is recommended.
When you get the single shot homing missiles in an airplane, you should only be able to get a total of three. However if you pause game play, wait about fifteen seconds, then resume the game, you should be able to pick up three more. This will only work up to nine missiles.
This trick only works with the Nemesis and is very difficult too execute. Have your pilot hover slightly below the edge of a cliff. Then, have the jeep(s) drive onto each wing. You can get two jeeps on at a time. Like the troop riders, jeeps will make your plane sink. quickly. Press R2 to go up and keep from sinking. Jeeps can also be dropped from a very high altitude with little or no damage. It is very effective to have two jeeps with people in the turrets. Also, a person with a rocket launcher can crouch on top of the jeep.
Operation: Broken Mirror: Trophies
Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.
Achievement | How to unlock
- Behind Enemy Lines (Silver)
| - Drive an APC into the enemy's home base, then have at least one teammate spawn into that APC.
| - Using a Warhawk, shoot down an enemy Warhawk in the central gorge in Vaporfield Glacier.
| - Destroy an enemy Warhawk with the APC's E-POD shield.
| - Break an enemy E-POD shield using the Lightning Shell.
Operation: Fallen Star: Trophies
Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
| - While flying a jetpack, kill an enemy (who is also flying a jetpack) with any weapon other than the Rocket Launcher.
- Are You Aim-Botting? (Silver)
| - Snipe an enemy who is flying a jetpack.
- Safety Violation (Silver)
| - Kill a distant enemy from on top of the salvage crane in Tau Crater.
| - Kill an enemy who is flying a jetpack by hitting him with any vehicle or aircraft.
Operation: Omega Dawn: Trophies
Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
| - Awarded to the driver and all six passengers of a fully-loaded Dropship.
| - Shoot down an enemy Dropship while using a Warhawk.
- King of the Jungle Gym (Silver)
| - Retrieve the Proximity Mines from the top of the dome on the Omega Factory Rumble Dome layout.
| - Shoot down a Dropship with a Binoculars strike.
Rank | Points | Required Award
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| | - Distinguished Air Superiority
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| | - Presidential Meritorious Conduct
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| | - Warhawk Exemplary Service
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Your rank determines what level Sony server you can get on.
Level 1: Sergeant and lower
Level 2: 1st Lieutenant and lower
Level 3: Cmd Marshal and lower
Level 4: General and lower
When creating a game, turn the split screen on. During the game, press Start on the other controller(s) to activate split screen mode. You will all share your screen name.
This is nearly impossible to do. Try mastering jeeps before attempting this trick. This works with either Warkhark or Nemesis. Just like the jeep, only your pilot must keep R2 held as soon as it is on. Otherwise the tank will fall off and its massive weight will pull down the plane with it. You must constantly press and release R2 to keep a steady altitude. Like jeeps, tanks can also be dropped from a very high altitude. This is useful for stealth bombardment or to drop an empty tank from very high altitude. When it lands it will explode. crushing anyone it lands on and blowing up anyone in the immediate area.
Have one of your teammates get in the driver's seat. Have them hold L2 so that plane gets very low to the ground. Have yourself and whoever else around pile onto the plane. You can stand just about anywhere on either plane, but try to stay away from the sides. Crouch to keep from falling off. Make sure to have at least one rider with a rocket launcher. The pilot should never leave Hover mode and not make any sudden movements . Planes may be able to exit troop boundaries, but the riders cannot -- stay in the boundaries. The plane will sink a little with people on it. Just go up if you get too low. You can then carry your troops to the enemy base. This is also useful in Capture The Flag because you are not allowed to fly with the flag.
Complete each condition to get the allotted trophies. There are 36 Bronze, 13 Silver, 7 Gold and 1 Platinum trophy ( including the secret trophies).
Trophy | How to Unlock:
| - While flying a jetpack, kill an enemy who is also flying a jetpack with any weapon other than the Rocket Launcher.
| - Shoot down a Warhawk with any infantry weapon other than a Rocket Launcher.
- Are You Aim-Botting? ( Silver)
| - Snipe an enemy who is flying a jetpack.
| - Earn all in-game badges at Bandit level.
| - Host a ranked dedicated server for four consecutive hours.
- Behind Enemy Lines ( Silver)
| - Drive an APC into the enemy's home base, then have at least one teammate spawn into that APC.
| - Achieve a rank of Chief Sergeant.
| - Capture four cores at once in Collection mode.
| - Complete Vehicle Combat Training.
| - Achieve a rank of Commander.
| - Play a perfect Team Deathmatch. Top player, no deaths.
| - Achieve a sniper kill from more than 2,500 feet away.
- Decorated Soldier ( Silver)
| - Earn any 15 in-game medals.
| - Destroy an enemy aircraft with a dumbfired Swarm or Homing Missile.
- Emergency Evasion ( Bronze)
| - Break at least 6 simultaneous missile locks using Chaff.
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- Flying Fortress ( Silver)
| - Awarded to the driver and all six passengers of a fully-loaded Dropship.
| - Achieve a rank of General.
| - Shoot down an enemy Dropship while using a Warhawk.
| - Complete Ground Combat Training.
| - Get three flag captures in a single round of CTF.
- How Did You Do That? ( Bronze)
| - Destroy an enemy aircraft with a Cluster Bomb.
| - While on foot, take at least 250 damage within 10 seconds without dying.
| - Kill an enemy with his own Proximity Mine.
| - Play a perfect Deathmatch ( top player, no deaths).
| - Achieve a rank of Lt. Colonel.
| - Earn all in-game badges at Master level.
- One In A Million ( Bronze)
| - Shoot down an enemy aircraft using the tank's main cannon.
| - Destroy an enemy aircraft with a volley of 8 Swarm Missiles.
- Pilot's License ( Bronze)
| - Complete Warhawk Combat Training.
| - Destroy an enemy Warhawk with the APC's E-POD shield.
- Recognition of Merit ( Bronze)
| - Earn any five in-game medals
| - Destroy an enemy aircraft with a TOW Missile.
- Resourceful Driver ( Bronze)
| - Achieve a road kill and a .50 cal kill using the same 4x4, without dismounting.
| - Win a clan match red server as either clan leader or a regular member.
| - Destroy an enemy vehicle with the Field Wrench.
- Secret Anti-Camper ( Bronze)
| - Kill an enemy in a Missile or Flak Turret after that enemy has achieved at least five kills in that type of turret.
- Secret Canyon Run ( Silver)
| - Using a Warhawk, shoot down an enemy Warhawk in the central gorge in Vaporfield Glacier.
- Secret Daredevil ( Bronze)
| - Get 100 feet off the ground in a ground vehicle. Does not count if the vehicle is being carried by a Dropship.
- Secret Hit List ( Bronze)
| - Kill every member of the opposing team at least once during a round.
- Secret King of the Jungle Gym ( Silver)
| - Retrieve the Proximity Mines from the top of the dome on the Omega Factory Rumble Dome layout.
- Secret Minesweeper ( Bronze)
| - Get killed by Proximity Mines five times in a single round.
- Secret Reckless Pilot ( Bronze)
| - Commit suicide in a Warhawk by running into your own Aerial Mine.
- Secret Safety Violation ( Silver)
| - Kill a distant enemy from on top of the salvage crane in Tau Crater.
- Secret Vengeance ( Bronze)
| - Kill an enemy within 60 seconds of that enemy killing you.
- Secret What's That Green Line? ( Bronze)
| - Get killed by a Binoculars strike while piloting an aircraft.
| - Break an enemy E-POD shield using the Lightning Shell.
| - Shoot down a Dropship with a Binoculars strike.
| - Survive for one minute as the hero in Hero mode.
| - Destroy an enemy aircraft with an Aerial Mine within 5 seconds of deploying it.
| - Help a teammate capture the flag in CTF or cogs in Collection by transporting him back to the base, using any vehicle.
- That Was Some Bug ( Gold)
| - Kill an enemy who is flying a jetpack by hitting him with any vehicle or aircraft.
| - Earn all in-game badges at Warhawk level.
- Warhawk Supreme Achievement ( Platinum)
| - All your base trophies are belong to platinum.
| - Create a clan and get nine other members to join. Awarded at ten members while you are the clan leader.
| - Control all capturable bases in a Zones match, and reduce the enemy's home base to level 1.
Due to a server error (partly because of global servers), your stats usually will not update immediately. To see your stats, log off for four or five hours then log back on. Your stats should be updated.
Do basically the same thing as in the "Capture The Flag: Easy points" hint, and put a land mine on the base of the flag/marker thing that shows whose base it is. Then, move on and do this to every base you find. You will not only get points every time you capture a base, but also for every time someone tries to take one from your team. They will get blown up, giving you more points. Then go back after awhile and repeat.
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