Select the "Bonus Code" option, then enter one of the following codes to get the corresponding item.
Anathros sword: 6770-8976-1634-9490
Black Legion Axe: 1775-3623-3298-1928 or 4802-6468-2848-6286
Dragon scale armor: 4149-3083-9823-6545 or 9199-0035-9610-2338
Elexorien two-handed sword: 3542-3274-8350-6064 or 4677-1553-6730-1272
Hammer: 6231-1890-4345-5988
Lucienda sword: 9122-5287-3591-0927 or 6624-0989-0879-6383
Scroll bonus map: 6972-5760-7685-8477 or 8233-3296-3311-2976
Labyrinth map: 1797-3432-7753-9254
Two-handed hammer: 3654-0091-3399-0994
Hold L1 + R2 then press Start, Up, Start, Down to display the console window. Enter twoworldscheats as a code to enable cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Enabling cheats will prevent trophies from being unlocked.
Effect | Code
- +1 reputation increase for all clans
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| - addexperiencepoints [number]
| - addexperiencepoints [number]
- Add indicated amount of gold
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| - ec.addobjecttoinventory [item code] [number]
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- Center camera while riding horse
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| - ms.grav [negative number]
| - hero.move.fastrunspeed [number]
- Kill opponent at your point of view
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- Kill your horse when mounted
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- Level 100, all skills, God mode
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- Set all attributes to 1000
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- Set all attributes to 1000
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- Set clicks needed for maximum horse speed
| - [number]
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- Teleport to pointer position
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- Toggle ignored by enemies until you attack
| - player.invisibleforenemies [0 or 1]
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- Toggle motion blur when running and riding a horse
| - graph.setfastrunspecialefx [0 or 1]
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| - physx.char.slopelimit [large negative number]
- Walk up rocks or mountains
| - physx.char.slopelimit.rock [large negative number]
Use one of the following entries with the create code.
Quest Items |
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- The key to the grave of the king
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- Anti-Taint Inspection Device
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- Key to the caves of Tharbakin
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- Ancient key of the dwarves
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- Report of the Excavations
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- Merchants' Association Package
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- Key to the temple in Ashos
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- Relic with earth and water elements
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- Relic with earth and fire elements
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- Relic with water and fire elements
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- Relic with earth, water and fire elements
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- Relic with earth and air elements
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- Relic with water and air elements
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- Relic with earth, water and air elements
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- Relic with fire and air elements
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- Relic with earth, fire and air elements
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- Relic with water, fire and air elements
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- Relic with all four element stones
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The following tricks can be done with mage spells.
Double Missile Slots
Use in your Spell Amulet and follow in order and row.
1. Row 1: Any effect card, damage modifier, missile carrier, homing modifier. Press Square on missile carrier card.
2. Row 2: Altar carrier, time modifier, press Square button on altar Carrier card.
3. Row 3: Any effect card, damage modifier, missile carrier, spray modifier.
4. Row 1: Add missile carrier.
5. Row 2: Press Square on time modifier card.
6. You should notice that the slots move together and your spell has two missile slots.
Infinite Health
Use in your Spell Amulet and follow in order and row.
1. Row 1: Life effect card x10, area effect carrier, time modifier, protection modifier, damage modifier.
2. While fighting make sure you have this spell on before you enter the fight. When you run out of HP you will auto-resurrect and the spell will stay active.
Adventure PvPing
Use in your Spell Amulet and follow in order and row.
1. Row 1: Power effect card, missile carrier, homing modifier.
2. Row 2: (Offensive) effect card, damage modifier, trap carrier.
3. When you or a friend walks over a trap it will explode and hurt them.
Invisible Death
Make these spells and cast them together in order.
1. Spell Amulet 1: (Offensive) effect card, area effect carrier, time modifier, damage modifier.
2. Spell Amulet 2: Air effect card, enchant carrier, time modifier
3. Run near enemies and they will die with the effect and cannot see you.
Pirates Of The Flying Fortress: Trophies
Trophy | How to unlock
| |
| - Slay the Bailif and his minions.
- Lovers' Conspiracy (Bronze)
| - Finish the Lovers' Conspiracy storyline.
- Pirates of the Flying Fortress (Silver)
| - Complete Pirates of the Flying Fortress.
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- Tell Willy I Got 'Em (Bronze)
| - Kill 100 enemies with crossbow (single player campaign).
- The Pursuit of Happiness (Bronze)
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- Who Watches the Watchman? (Bronze)
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| - Reach 100 points of reputation amongst the pirates.
Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
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- I See Dead People... (Bronze)
| - Receive the gift of the Scavengers.
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Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
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- I See Dead People... (Bronze)
| - Receive the gift of the Scavengers.
Use the following entries with the ec.addobjecttoinventory code.
Item | Code
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- Personal Teleport Platform
| - personal_teleport_platform
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- Golem's Lifeforce Crystal
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Use the following entries with the ec.addobjecttoinventory code.
To add damage crystals, use the following code: ec.addobjecttoinventory art_add_damage_[level 01-07](#edamage[fire, cold, poison, spirit, electric]) [number]
Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
- Adventure Part I (Bronze)
| - Complete Chapter I in the Multiplayer Campaign.
- Adventure Part II (Bronze)
| - Complete Chapter II in the Multiplayer Campaign.
- Adventure Part III (Bronze)
| - Complete Chapter III in the Multiplayer Campaign.
- Adventure Part IV (Bronze)
| - Complete Chapter IV in the Multiplayer Campaign.
- Adventure Part V (Bronze)
| - Complete Chapter V in the Multiplayer Campaign.
- Adventure Part VI (Bronze)
| - Complete Chapter VI in the Multiplayer Campaign.
- Adventure Part VII (Gold)
| - Complete Chapter VII in the Multiplayer Campaign.
| - Create a potion (Single Player Campaign).
| - Summon 50 monsters (Single Player Campaign).
| - Use the Oculus (Single Player Campaign).
| - Build 15 buildings in Village Mode.
- Crazy like a Lox (Bronze)
| - Kill 30 enemies using Fire Arrow (Single Player Campaign).
- Dances With Mops (Silver)
| - Complete the Mage's Guilde Questline.
| |
| - Effectively use Battle Cry 75 times (Single Player Campaign).
| - Explore 25 dungeons (Single Player Campaign).
| - Win 5 Crystal Capture matches.
| - Create a spell (Single Player Campaign).
| - Upgrade a weapon or piece of armor (Single Player Campaign).
| - Reach Level 20 (Single Player Campaign).
| - Complete 10 Bulletin Board Quests.
| |
| - Complete Alsorna Introduction.
| - Set 40 traps or bombs (Single Player Campaign).
- Last Man Standing (Silver)
| - Complete the Brotherhood Questline.
| - Complete Chapter III in the Single Player Campaign.
| - Reach Level 40 (Single Player Campaign).
| - Completed the Single Player Campaign.
| - Collect all 4 Lost Runes: Human, Elven, Dwarven and Orcish (Single Player Campaign).
| - Kill 50 enemies using Multi Arrows (Single Player Campaign).
| - Perform a song, hitting 100% of the notes (Single Player Campaign).
| - Complete Chapter I in the Single Player Campaign.
- Prince of Thieves (Silver)
| - COmplete the Thieve's Guild Questline.
| |
| - Build 5 buildings in Village Mode.
| - Steal from 25 people (Single Player Campaign).
| - Effectively use Knockdown 30 times (Single Player Campaign).
- The Antaloorian Job (Bronze)
| - Lockpick 50 locks (Single Player Campaign).
- The Great Escape (Bronze)
| - Escape from Castle Vahkmaar.
- The Merchant of Antaloor (Silver)
| - Complete the Merchant's Guild Questline.
| |
- The Road Less Traveled... (Silver)
| - Complete Chapter II in the Single Player Campaign.
| - Kill 50 enemies with magic (Single Player Campaign).
| - Kill 20 enemies using Death Strike (Single Player Campaign).
More Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Walkthroughs