To unlock Azazel, Complete Arcade mode 10 times in a row. To play him, highlight Jinpachi then press R1.
Before you start set difficulty to ultra-hard and rounds to one. When the round starts pause and change difficulty to easy. You will still get paid like it was set to ultra-hard. Note: you get paid from the settings at the start of the match so before the last bit of health is gone on the cpu pause and change it back to ultra-hard so the next match is 5,000.
When selcting Jinpachi pressing SQUARE yields his Dark Resurrection fiery demon form. TRIANGLE grants you his human form. And CIRCLE and X will get you his original Tekken 5 demon form.
Effect - Code
Jinpachi - Complete arcade mode
Highlight Mokujin at the character selection screen. Select him and hold Down. Release Down when the "Fight" screen appears. Each time your opponent lands a successful hit on Mokujin, you will hear a wooden sound.
At the character selection screen, highlight Kuma then press Circle.
Play as Yoshimitsu's alternate forms
At the character selection screen, highlight Yoshimitsu and press X or Circle for his normal form, Square for his dark ninja form, or Triangle for his purple skinned ninja form.
Successfully complete Arcade mode three times to unlock all stages from Tekken 5 in Versus mode.
Unlockable Tekken 5 Stages
Beat the arcade mode three times and the entire stage list from Tekken 5 will be unlocked for use in versus play.
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