Press L2, R2, L1, R1, Up(2), Triangle, Square at the main menu to unlock all locations in Free Play and Party Play modes. A message will confirm correct code entry.
Avoid crashing from falls
Use the following trick to avoid crashing when you are falling from extreme heights. Just before you are about to land hold L2 + R2 and you will land instead of crashing.
Best Buy Clothes in store
Enter code at Main Menu: D-pad Up, D-pad Down, D-pad Left, D-pad Right, Square, R1, Triangle, L1.
Do a Backwards Grab then press Circle.
Do a Double Grab then press Circle.
There's an unlockable skate park in the game called Danny Way's Mega Park. To unlock it, you must advance through all video and photo shoots that are relevant to achieving full sponsorship. Full sponsorship entails board, truck, and wheel sponsorship.
After you achieve full sponsorship status, you will receive an invitation to Danny Way's Mega Park. You'll need to compete there - and win - in order for it to be fully unlocked to use at any time.
To defeat the pros you must perform a 540. It is impossible for the pros to do this. To do a 540 off the staircase for example, do your rotation for a kickflip then you press both Analog-sticks in the same direction at the same time. Hold them until you land the 540 then repeat. Note: You cannot do the same trick twice until it is out of the already done list.
You can unlock a hidden character called Dem Bones by breaking each bone in your current character's body three times. Check the injury log to peek at your progress.
Grab and move the Left Analog-stick Down or Up.
To luge, find a steep hill and the perform a "Coffin" (LT + RT + B) . You must have speed or you will not go far because you can push while doing the "Coffin".
At the top of "old town"(according to the map), on the road with a wall on one side is a big cement dip on the opposite side with an entrance on the left and right. These are the starting points of a series of tunnels and branching open areas (checkpoints) for a giant luge course. Make sure to set a starting point at the beginning because it is long.
To unlock the Plan B Warehouse, beat Ryan Gallant's pro challenge.
Hold L2 + R2 + Right Analog-stick Down.
At the main menu, press L1, L2, R1, R2, Down(2), Square, Triangle to unlock all characters in Free Play and Party Play mode. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. |
Submitted by D-Bag-SkaterPerform a Nollie 360 Hardflip to a Christ Air 720 in order to get at least a 90.0 score. Try to land cleanly.
Go with grinding on every round. Going into a grind with a Nollie Heelflip, performing a Nollie 360 Inwardheelflip, and flipping a trick out will get you at least 1,000 points depending on what trick you flip out on.
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