Use the following trick to change your Sim's age (toddler, child, teen,etc.) quickly. Buy a birthday cake from the grocery store and place it somewhere on your lot. Click the cake and select "Have Birthday". Then, choose the Sim to be aged. This is a good method to get past the baby stage.
Instead of using a cheat code to toggle "aging on" and "aging off" like in The Sims 2, you can de-activate the age in "Options", then "Game Options". When you uncheck the box next to "Aging", your Sims will no longer become older. You can also slow aging down in this menu by setting the "Lifetime" bar. It can be set from 25 days to 960 days.
Go to Pleasant Rest Graveyard. Near the gate is a bush called "Death Flower Bush". Harvest the flower from it and keep it in your Sim's inventory. If you die, that Sim will give that flower to the Grim Reaper and be resurrected. Although the flower will not reappear there again, if your Sim has level 7 Gardening they can plant the Unknown Special Seeds found in the graveyard and some other places that have a chance to grown as a Death Flower. Note: Having the Green Thumb trait to revive the plant may help.
On a new lot, put down staircases to lower the terrain. Go to the bottom of the first one. Miss out one tile and put down another staircase. Repeat this once more and you should have three staircases. Delete the staircases. Use the "Level Terrain" tool to level the terrain from the lowest tile. Set it as big or small as desired. Using the "Straight Line Wall" tool, build walls around this hole so that there are walls pressed up against hills. Build the room above so that it covers the entire basement. Cover around the house with the "Foundation" tool; all the slopes should be covered up. Place one tile in the top floor then create a staircase leading down to the basement. Make two or more foundation blocks at the front of the house, and place a staircase leading up them.
Hold R1 + R2 + L1 + L2 at starting menu.
To get new clothes, you must first have to buy a dresser from "Buy Options". Once there click "Plan Outfit". You can put a total of three different clothes for each type (formal, every day, athletic, etc.)
Creating brilliant paintings or masterpieces
Create a stylized still life after it is unlocked. Choose "Genius" and make it in the largest possible frame. You will now have a much better chance of getting a brilliant painting or masterpiece.
Buy the Ducksworth of Bathington and place it in your bathtub. When a Sim uses takes a bath, they will get the Duck Time moodlet which results in a +15 boost for four hours.
Easy Cooking, Fishing, and Gardening skills
This trick requires a TV with a Cooking, Fishing, or Gardening channel and a video game system. Have a Sim sit down and watch television. Switch the TV over to one of the previously mentioned channels so that the Sim can start earning his or her skill point. Then, have a second Sim go over and start playing video games. Notice that although the TV is displaying video games, the first Sim still has the skill meter above their head. Allow this Sim to sit there for as long as they please until they decide to do another activity of their own. After that, the skill meter should stay above their head until you start another Cooking, Fishing, or Gardening skill activity. As an added bonus, you can train two skill points at once. For example, work out and both the Athletic and Cooking skills will continue to rise. If you keep repeating the steps until each skill channel has been viewed, the Sim will keep learning the three skills as he or she goes on about their daily life, and four when doing skill activities.
Start writing novels on your computer. Write fiction novels as they take the least amount of time. They will not bring you too much Simoleons. When you write, your skill will automatically advance. If your skill is high enough you will be able to write more novel types/genres. The most money can be made from "Romance Novels". You will get royalties for six weeks once you finish a book. With the "Writing" skill maxed out, you can make about 40,000 Simoleons every week, which is more than the 34,800 Simoleons you can get by purchasing all neighborhood businesses, and takes less time to achieve. In three game weeks you should have a very high speed writing, 9 or 10 novels as best sellers and 100,000 Simoleons.
Electronic Arts game references
Have the video game system and have your Sims play it. Zoom in on the television to see that the games they are playing are various Electronic Arts titles.
Have a Sim reach the top painting level to have the ability to create masterpieces. One of the paintings that can be created is that of a creature from Spore.
Getting rid of dirty dishes
Drag an empty plate into a Sim's inventory then drag it to sell. You will not make any money, but if your Sim does not have a dish washer, it is fast and efficient.
Start by going to the graveyard. Once there, click all the tombstones. With any of them that say "Pick Up" or "Take", do so. Once you are sure you have all the tombstones you can get, return to your house. Place them outside somewhere in your backyard. You now have a 70% chance of a ghost or two, or even a whole party of ghosts visiting your house each night. To improve your chances, write in the epitaph "Here Lies [Sim's name], The One Who Returns".
Increase chance for multiple births
To have an increased chance of having twins or triplets, have one or both parents have the lifetime reward of Fertility Treatment.
Increase chance to have boy babies
Have a pregnant female Sim eat apples to increase the chance of having a boy.
Increase chance to have girl babies
Have a pregnant female Sim eat watermelons to increase the chance of having a boy.
L2 is an important button
2. If you highlight your green disk over your mail box, (only works as Sim's home.) you have to hold L2 and choose the mail box at the same time then you get a whole different set of cheats. such as
-Force N.P.C
-Choose Career. (even the career position! >:D)
-Force Visitor.
-Reset Sim. Example: if sim started off baby then was a man, Reset sim would change them back to Diaper Solders again! lol
3. (one of my favorite.) no matter where on the map you are, if you hold L2 then choose an empty area on the ground (no objects in the way.) it will say TELEPORT ME HERE! so you can instantly be there without taking a car!
4. Helpful for the Sims not happy with themselves mentally or physically.
if you hold L2 and choose a sim it will say
-Make an age older. (without birthday cake or timeline.)
- Make sim apart family. (a sim will instantly be apart of your family, and you can switch to them.
-Change Sim's Traits. (in case you wanna change a sim's way of life.)
Submitted by cheat_king83Learn four skills at once
Read "Easy Cooking, Gardening, or Fishing Skill" by Tony Ortale. Keep repeating Tony's steps until each skill channel has been viewed. The Sim will keep learning the three skills as he or she goes on about their daily life, and four when doing skill activities.
Buy a guitar. Play it to learn how to play guitar. Keep playing until you reach 5/10 level, which gives you the ability to "Play For Tips". When you have that ability, go to the park with the guitar in your inventory. When you are in the park, click the guitar in your inventory and select "Play For Tips". People watching you will become your friends if you keep playing. The higher your guitar skill, the faster they will become friends with you.
No matter how many times you use an object, if you sell it in the same day you can get all your money back. If your Sim is poor and needs body points or something else, buy a body machine and keep selling it back to get a refund of all your money.
Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation3 trophy rewards. Note: Enabling cheats will prevent trophies from being unlocked.
Trophy | How to unlock
| |
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- Be Excellent To Each-other (Bronze)
| - Reach the maximum potential Karma.
- Botanical Perfection (Bronze)
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- But it's Inflammable! (Bronze)
| - Extinguish a Sim on fire.
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| - Complete Lifetime Wish before becoming a Young Adult.
- Climbing the Ladder (Bronze)
| - Reach level 5 in a career.
| - Complete a Lifetime Wish.
| - Use the Epic Fail Karma Power on 13 unsuspecting sims not in your family.
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| - Reach level 10 in a Skill.
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| - Gain 150,000 Lifetime Happiness Points in one Sim.
| - Complete the in-game tutorial.
- Happiness... It Stacks (Bronze)
| - Get 5 positive moodlets at the same time on one Sim.
- Home is Where the Simoleons Are (Bronze)
| - Raise your household's value to §35,000 or more.
| - Learn the Charisma Skill.
- I Double Dare Ya (Bronze)
| - Explore the catacombs after dark.
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| - Complete any 10 Skill Journal Milestones.
| - Complete any 2 Skill Journal Milestones.
- Master Architect (Silver)
| - Build a home of at least §350,000 property value on a large lot.
- Master of Simology (Platinum)
| - Unlock all other Trophies.
| - Start 5 romantic relationships.
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- Not Twice, But 10 Times (Bronze)
| - Complete 10 Opportunities.
- Once a Parent, Always a Parent (Bronze)
| - Welcome a child into the family.
| - Buy out a commercial property in town.
- Partners in Crime (Bronze)
| - Become a partner of the Paragon Personal Private Charity Warehouse.
- Power Overwhelming (Silver)
| - Unlock every Good Karma Power by purchasing them with Challenge Points.
| - Get an insurance check for over §15,000 after using the Firestorm Karma Power.
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| - Design and save 20 styles using Create a Style.
- That New Car Smell (Bronze)
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- The Big Proposal (Silver)
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| - Gain 250,000 Lifetime Happiness on one Sim.
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- Very Challenging (Silver)
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- What Goes Around (Bronze)
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| - Become best friends with your boss and all of your co-workers.
- You Never Forget Your First (Bronze)
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