During or after Chapter 7, select Leanne and look at the wardrobe in her room. Enter one of the following codes when she says "Hmm, I think that outfit is in here...", then press X to advance to the next line of dialogue and unlock the corresponding costume.
Politan Suit : Press R3(3), Right, Left, Y, X, LT, RT, LB. Note: Earn the Reindeer Suit in Neverland first.
Gemaga shirt: Press RT, LT, LB, RB, Y(3), X(2), Up.
Platform Logo shirt: Press RT, RB, R3, L3, LB, LT, Right, Left, X, Y.
8-bit Girl shirt: Press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, Y, X.
Hirakou shirt: Press X, Y, LB(2), RB(2), L3(2), Up, Down.
Club Famitsu shirt: Press Y(2), Up(2), X(2), Left(2), LB, RB.
Chapter 14 Dungeon Mystery
In Chapter 14, when you head to the dungeon to fight the boss, nothing seems to happen. Run through the bottom section, go back to the dungeon map and run around to the top entrance. Go all the way south through the dungeon again and there will be a switch sitting in the corner, look for it and flip it. When you flip it a gate opens allowing you to return to the initial area. Go all the way southeast (backtracking through previous areas) and the boss will appear.
In Chapter 6 or later, the Combat Scope Betas cost 3,000 gold, one glass shard, and one scrap of iron to make. The wandering merchant sells glass shards for 200 gold and iron scraps for 150 gold. Combat Scope Betas sell for 4,100 gold. Thus, you will make a profit of 750 gold per scope. The best time to do this is chapter 6-7, before the merchant starts wandering she is always at the Waterless Bridge. In Chapter 8+, she can be at Forsaken, the Waterless Bridge, or the Righteous Tower. It is recommended to get into an enemy counter, run away, and check the location to see if she is there. Time phase changes also alter her position. Repeat this trick as many times as desired.
Keep Reanbell in her current costume
In Chapter two of a new game +, go into ReanBell's (Leanne) bedroom and press x at her wardrobe. There is a secret button which when pressed, will allow you to keep Reanbell in her current costume rather than going into the pig t-shirt in the cutscene.
Successfully complete the game. You can start another session on your saved game file. Additionally, in Chapter 2, you can enter ReanBell's (Leanne's) bedroom and press [Action] at her wardrobe to activate a secret button. It will allow Reanbell to remain in her current costume instead of changing into the pig T-shirt in the cinematic.
Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
- Chapter 1 Complete (Bronze)
| - A trophy for completing Chapter 1.
- Chapter 10 Complete (Bronze)
| - A trophy for completing Chapter 10.
- Chapter 11 Complete (Bronze)
| - A trophy for completing Chapter 11.
- Chapter 12 Complete (Bronze)
| - A trophy for completing Chapter 12.
- Chapter 13 Complete (Bronze)
| - A trophy for completing Chapter 13.
- Chapter 14 Complete (Bronze)
| - A trophy for completing Chapter 14.
- Chapter 15 Complete (Bronze)
| - A trophy for completing Chapter 15.
- Chapter 2 Complete (Bronze)
| - A trophy for completing Chapter 2.
- Chapter 3 Complete (Bronze)
| - A trophy for completing Chapter 3.
- Chapter 4 Complete (Bronze)
| - A trophy for completing Chapter 4.
- Chapter 5 Complete (Bronze)
| - A trophy for completing Chapter 5.
- Chapter 6 Complete (Bronze)
| - A trophy for completing Chapter 6.
- Chapter 7 Complete (Bronze)
| - A trophy for completing Chapter 7.
- Chapter 8 Complete (Bronze)
| - A trophy for completing Chapter 8.
- Chapter 9 Complete (Bronze)
| - A trophy for completing Chapter 9.
| - A trophy for completing the game. Congratulations!
| - Beat the game a second time.
| |
- Prologue Complete (Bronze)
| - A trophy for completing the Prologue.
| - A trophy for defeating two or more enemies in a single attack.
Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
- Basels' Repairman ( Bronze )
| - A trophy for making over half of Basel's hexes accessible again.
| - A trophy for dealing over 2,000 damage in a single attack.
| - A trophy for landing your first Bonus Hit on an airborne foe.
- Bullet Barrage ( Bronze )
| - A trophy for landing a combo of over 500 hits.
| - A trophy for connecting over 10 custom parts to a firearm.
- Extreme Spiker ( Bronze )
| - A trophy for performing over 100 Smackdown attacks.
| - A trophy for defeating your first enemy.
- Four-Terminal Chain ( Bronze )
| - A trophy for connecting four distinct terminals.
| - A trophy for attacking over 1,000 times during Hero Actions.
- Hundred Plus Club ( Bronze )
| - A trophy for raising a character's level to 100.
- Maiden Mission ( Bronze )
| - A trophy for clearing your first mission.
- Material Collector ( Bronze )
| - A trophy for destroying over 3,000 enemy body parts.
- Material Creator ( Bronze )
| - A trophy for having fused and scapped items over 200 times.
- Platinum Trophy ( Platinum )
| - You've unlocked every trophy in the game. You've mastered 'Resonance of Fate'!
- Professional Hunter ( Bronze )
| - A trophy for defeating over 3,000 enemies.
- Resonance Miser ( Bronze )
| - A trophy for storing over Resonance Points.
| - A trophy for spending over 500,000 rubies on clothing and accessories.
| - A trophy for landing over 100 Bonus Hits.
| - A trophy for defeating over 30 enemies with no weapon equipped.
- Thousand Pitcher ( Bronze )
| - A trophy for throwing over 1,000 attack items.
| - A trophy for using your first Tri-Attack.
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