Begin Chapter 12, "Satan". While running from the Chimera, look at the lockers with your Auger to see some gnomes inside.
Earn the indicated amount of points in Campaign mode to purchase the corresponding cheat at the "Extras" menu.
Mirror Mode: 30 points.
Enemy Secondary Fire: 45 points.
Enemy Super Weapons: 45 points.
Bloody Hell!: 10 points. Enemies will exploded. Alternately, deploy 10,000 troops in Global Resistance at
Immersive: 45 points. No health or ammo information will appear.
Health Regen: 120 points.
All Weapons: 300 points.
Infinite Ammo: 400 points.
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding concept art.
Art | How to unlock
| - Vote on a Global Object in Global Resistance at
| - Start a forum thread in Global Resistance at
| - Upgrade five buildings in Global Resistance at
| - Log in two times in Global Resistance at
| - Win five Skirmish Battles in Global Resistance at
Earning experience points in multi-player mode
Complete the indicated task in a multi-player match to earn the corresponding amount of experience.
Kill: 100 experience points.
Assist: 20 experience points.
Radar Beacon Assist: 40 experience points.
Spotter Assist: 40 experience points.
Leaper Kill: 10 experience points.
Capture The Flag
Kill: 13 experience points.
Assist: 5 experience points.
Radar Beacon Assist: 20 experience points.
Spotter Assist: 20 experience points.
Kill a Leaper: 3 experience points.
Capture a Flag: 75 experience points.
Kill a Flag Carrier: 38 experience points.
Chain Reaction
Kill: 13 experience points.
Assist: 5 experience points.
Radar Beacon Assist: 20 experience points.
Spotter Assist: 20 experience points.
Kill a Leaper: 3 experience points.
Capture a CP: 38 experience points.
Complete Alignment Sequence: 38 experience points.
Stop Alignment Sequence: 38 experience points.
Kill: 13 experience points.
Assist: 5 experience points.
Radar Beacon Assist: 20 experience points.
Spotter Assist: 20 experience points.
Kill a Leaper: 3 experience points.
Destroy a Node: 75 experience points.
Destroy a Reactor: 150 experience points.
Earning points in Multi-player mode
Complete the indicated task in a multi-player match to earn the corresponding point reward.
Kill a Leaper: 10 points.
Radar Beacon Assist: 20 points.
Spotter Assist: 20 points.
Kill: 100 points.
Assist: 20 points.
Capture The Flag
Kill: 50 points.
Assist: 20 points.
Flag Capture: 300 points.
Flag Return: 100 points.
Kill the Flag Carrier: 100 points.
Chain Reaction
Kill: 50 points.
Assist: 20 points.
Capture a CP: 150 points.
Destroy a Node: 75 points.
Disarm a Bomb: 150 points.
Kill: 50 points.
Assist: 20 points.
Destroy a Node: 300 points.
Destroy a Reactor: 3 points.
After meeting Herbert again and he tells you to get rid of the "rest of the kitchen crew", go through the door. Alternate fire the Mutator into the crowd of Wardens on the right side of the room.
Poison one Grim in a group at Ravenholehrm Slaterford with a level 2 Mutator when looking for the priest.
Play the Subway area in New York. Reach the area with Grims and Ravagers fighting. Look at the platform on the right side to find a lot of Grims. Use secondary fire to directly hit a Grim and the mini-rockets will home in on the adjacent targets.
Easy "Good Fences" trophy
Get on the roof of the left base, which is near the only gate they try to break down. Use Marksman turrets and Atomizer gravity wells to keep them from getting too close to the door. Also throw some hedgehogs to act as mines. If there are too many for the Marksman or Deadeye, use the Wildfire"s primary and secondary fire to eliminate large crowds. If you cannot see more enemies, use the Auger to pick off the last of them. Note: The gate must not be allowed to fall.
Begin Chapter 16, "The Pit" in Graterford, PA. Start in the cafeteria section and collect extra ammunition and Molotov cocktails. Continue until you are attacked in the circular sewer area with waterfalls by leeches and grims. Note: A fully upgraded Rossmore with the flame-thrower secondary upgrade is recommended. Poison, freeze, then burn four grims, in that order simultaneously. To gather four of them together, wait until the second round of attacks in the sewer, when they appear from a waterfall. Shoot a secondary fire cloud from the Mutator at the base of the waterfall where the grims will land. Freeze them while they are upright by switching to your Cryogun. Then, use the Rossmore's secondary flamethrower attack set them on fire.
Easy "One Eyed Jack" trophy
Start Chapter 16 (Prison/The Hole) and reach the flooded sewers under the prison. Immediately before you get to the ladder leading out of the water, search for a small hallway that ends in a collapsed section. Shoot the jack-in-the-box with an eye patch in the rubble to earn the trophy.
Begin "The Hunt" chapter in Mt. Pleasant, PA. Malikov will say "Joseph I see you. I'm at the far side of the bridge across the river" just after you leave a mineshaft . Notice the Hybrids turned away from you, around the corner to your right. There should be a cliff to your left. Lure the Hybrids toward the cliff and use the Rossmore to shoot them off the edge.
Easy "Sandman" and "Waste Not" trophies
Get the Deadeye and look out the window to find a building with five Grims standing.They are located as follows: one on the fire escape on the right, two on the roof directly in front, and two on the higher roof behind the building. Use the Deadeye to headshot the Grims to uearn the "Sandman" trophy. By not reloading you will also earn the "Waste Not" trophy.
Play the boat section of Haven with Malikov. After the Goliath finds you, look to the houses on the left side of the boat to see a house with Santa decorations on the roof. Shoot the blastroots next to it to send Santa flying in the air.
Go to the ammo box on the boat, train or at the safe house in St. Louis. Notice that you get only one additional secondary ammo unit per visit. However, if you refill your ammo again you will still gain secondary ammo. Repeat this as many times as desired.
Complete the indicated task in Competitive Multiplayer mode to unlock the corresponding medal.
Medal | How to unlock
| - Spend 3600 seconds with a support or tactical ability activated with Tactician and Team Player in Remnant Mode. (50 Credits)
| - Get 500 kills with both Assassin and Scan Jammer active in Remnant Mode. (50 Credits)
| - Get 500 assists using Spotter and Thermal in Remnant Mode. (50 Credits)
| - Get 500 turret kills while a Decoy is active in Remnant Mode. (50 Credits)
| - Play a match with all weapons purchased and upgrades. (15 Credits)
| - Activate Ammo beacon 500 times with Strapped equipped in Remnant Mode. (50 Credits)
| - Kill 500 enemies with the Mutator while Hazmat is equipped in Remnant Mode. (50 Credits)
| - Block 5000 damage with the Bubble Shield. (15 Credits)
| - Get 500 Wildfire kills with Demolitions Equipped in Remnant Mode. (50 Credits)
| - Kill 5 people within 10 meters of your Decoy. (15 Credits)
| - Cause 1000 explosive damage using Demolitions. (15 Credits)
| - Get 500 kills with Doppleganger active and Strapped Equipped in Remnant Mode. (50 Credits)
| - Play a match with 3 upgraded loadout items. (15 Credits)
| - Get 50 assists using Spotter. (15 Credits)
| - Survive 500 fire damage. (15 Credits)
| - Kill 5 people with Leaper Corpse. (15 Credits)
| - Get 5 tier 3 berserks using Berserker. (15 Credits)
| - Get 500 grenade or Leaper kills after dying with Grenadier (Leaper Corpse equipped in Remnant Mode. (50 Credits)
| - Get 500 kills with Gunslinger and Air-cooled Barrel equipped in Remnant Mode. (50 Credits)
| - Get 50 hip-fire kills using Gunslinger. (15 Credits)
| - Kill 25 people who have shot your Doppleganger first. (15 Credits)
| - Kill 50 people you have tracked. (15 Credits)
| - Collect 500 health or ammo from dead bodies with the Scavenger ability equipped. (15 Credits)
| - Absorb 2000 damage with Heal Beacon active and Body Armor equipped in Remnant Mode. (50 Credits)
| - Get 50 kills against enemies with jammed radars. (15 Credits)
| - Activate Lightning Shield inside your Bubble Shield 500 time in Remnant Mode. (50 Credits)
| - Run a marathon; 42195 steps. (15 Credits)
| - Heal 1000 damage using the Heal Beacon. (15 Credits)
| - Kill 25 people while using Assassin. (15 Credits)
| - Get 5 fully charged Patience killed. (15 Credits)
| - Complete 5 Capture The Flag games. (15 Credits)
| - Complete 5 Breach games. (15 Credits)
| - Get 500 Sniper kills with Vital Signs activated in Remnant Mode. (50 Credits)
| - Kill 25 people that you've seen with Thermal Vision. (15 Credits)
| - Light 50 people on fire. (15 Credits)
| - 200 kills with exploosive or fire based damaged. (15 Credits)
| - Give 1000 ammo using the Ammo Beacon. (15 Credits)
| - Get 50 kills in iron sights using Air-cooled barrel. (15 Credits)
| - Use Dash 500 times with Tracker equipped in Remnant Mode. (50 Credits)
| - Get 50 assists using Radar Beacon. (15 Credits)
| - Pick up 500 ammo packs with Scavenger and Bandolier equipped in Remnant Mode. (50 Credits)
| - Get 25 kills with a turret. (15 Credits)
| - Backstab -Kill 5 people with the upgraded Assassin ability equipped. (15 Credits)
| - Kill 50 people using Strapped. (15 Credits)
| - Use tactical abilities 50 times while using Tactician. (15 Credits)
| - Reach Level 10 (150 Credits)
| - Kill 5 people stunned by your Lightning Shield. (15 Credits)
| - Block 1000 damage with the Hazmat Suit. (15 Credits)
| - Complete 5 Chain Reaction games. (15 Credits)
| - Stop 1000 damage while using Body Armor. (15 Credits)
| - 200 kills with Mutator or Cryogun. (15 Credits)
| - Get 50 support ribbons; Healer, Supplier, ComStat, Great Wall, Spotter using Team Player. (15 Credits)
| - Complete a game in 6 different countries. (15 Credits)
| - 200 kills with the Bullseye, Auger or Deadeye. (15 Credits)
| - 200 kills with the M5A2 Carbine, Magnum, Rossmore, or Marksman. (15 Credits)
Multi-player mode bonuses
Reach the indicated level to unlock the corresponding bonus.
Level 1: Survivor Loadout.
Level 2: Infected Loadout.
Level 3: Specter Loadout, Joseph Capelli Skin.
Level 4: Warden Title.
Level 5: Warden Loadout.
Level 6: Hedgehog (Grenade).
Level 7: Leaper Corpse (Personal Attribute).
Level 8: Spotter (Support Ability).
Level 9: Air Cooled Barrel (Combat Attribute).
Level 10: Tracker (Personal Attribute).
Level 11: Lester Skin.
Level 12: Mutator (Weapon), Decoy (Tactical Ability).
Level 13: Gunslinger (Personal Attribute).
Level 14: Strapped (Combat Attribute).
Level 15: Vital Signs (Personal Attribute).
Level 16: Hybrid Elite Skin.
Level 17: Ravager (Title).
Level 18: Heal Beacon (Support Ability).
Level 19: Gunslinger (Personal Attribute).
Level 20: Mutator (Weapon).
Level 21: Body Armor (Personal Attribute).
Level 23: John Harper Skin.
Level 24: Stalker Skin.
Level 25: EMP Grenade (Weapon).
Level 27: Grenadier (Combat Attribute).
Level 28: Radar Beacon (Support Ability).
Level 29: Widowmaker Title.
Level 30: Molotov (Weapon), Sloth (Combat Attribute, Susan Capelli Skin.
Level 31: Vital Signs (Personal Attribute).
Level 32: Assassin (Tactical Ability).
Level 33: Hybrid Undertaker Skin, Hailstorm Title.
Level 34: Patience (Combat Attribute).
Level 35: Atomizer (Weapon), Over Time (Personal Attribute).
Level 36: Shepherd Title.
Level 37: Hazmat Suit (Personal Attribute).
Level 38: Turret (Support Ability).
Level 39: Team Player (Combat Attribute).
Level 40: Primarch Title.
Level 41: Hybrid Commander Skin.
Level 42: Thermal Vision (Tactical Ability).
Level 43: Demolitions (Personal Attribute).
Level 44: Travel Light (Combat Attribute).
Level 45: Cryogun (Weapon), Leviathan Title.
Level 46: Jonathon Rose Skin.
Level 47: Wanted (Combat Attribute).
Level 49: Tactician (Personal Attribute).
Level 50: Steelhead Skin, Overseer Title.
Level 51: Blood Rage (Personal Attribute).
Level 53: Echo Team Title.
Level 54: Hybrid Assassin Skin.
Level 55: Cloven Title.
Level 56: Technophobe (Personal Attribute).
Level 57: Daedalus Title.
Level 60: S.R.P.A Death Ops Title.
Level Remnant 2: Remember London! Title.
Level Remnant 3: Remember San Francisco! Title.
Level Remnant 4: Remember Paris! Title.
Level Remnant 5: Remember New York! Title.
Level Remnant 6: Alpha Grim Title.
Level Remnant 7: Gray Jack Title.
Level Remnant 8: Hard Fang Title.
Level Remnant 9: Angel Title.
Level Remnant 10: Plague Lord Title.
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding skin.
Death Squad Hybrid: Deploy 5,000 Troops in Global Resistance at
Malikov: Be on the winning side of the war in Global Resistance at
Target Dummy: Deploy a total of 267,000 Troops in Global Resistance at
Ratchet And Clank series reference
Jack plays with a three-headed dragon toy during the final scene. It is actually the Hydra Tank Boss from the Ratchet And Clank: A Crack in Time.
Complete the indicated task in Competitive Multiplayer mode to unlock the corresponding ribbon.
Ribbon | Task
| - Get the most assists in a game.
| - Deal 500 damage to the reactor.
| - Kill 6 players with less than 4 seconds between each kill.
| - Kill a player on a 6-10 kill streak.
| - Get 5 kills in a row with the Atomizer.
| - Kill 5 frozen enemies in a row,
| - Get 5 Radar assists/kills in one life.
| - Kill a player near any of your objectives.
| - Kill a player who is about to get a Berserk.
| - Kill 2 players with less than 4 seconds between each kill.
| - Kill a player on a 5 or less kill streak.
| - Get 5 kills in a row with the Deadeye in one life.
| - Get 20 kills without dying
| - Kill 8 players with less than 4 seconds between each kill.
| - Kill 10 players with less than 4 seconds between each kill.
| |
| - Get 30 kills without dying.
| - Block 350 points of damage with your Bubble Shield.
| |
| |
| - Get 5 kills in a row with the Mutator in one life.
| - Capture 3 locations in a row in a game of Chain Reaction.
| - Melee kill 5 players in one life.
| - Get 10 kills without dying.
| - Get 5 kills in a row with the Marksman in one life.
| - Kill 7 players with less than 4 seconds between each kill.
| - Kill the same player 3 times in a row.
| - Get 5 kills in a row with the Wildfire in one life.
| - Kill 9 players with less than 4 seconds between each kill.
| - Get 5 kills in a row with the Rossmore in one life.
| - Kill a player while dead.
| - Get the highest score in the game.
| - Kill a player who just killed you.
| - Kill a player attacking a teammate.
| - Kill 4 players with less than 4 seconds between each kill.
| - Destroy a Bubble Shield, Assault or Auger shield.
| - Kill 5 players with less than 4 seconds between each kill.
| - Get the most kills with the fewest deaths in a game.
| - A teammate killed someone you spotted.
| - Earn the highest kill streak in a game.
| - Resupply 200 rounds of ammunition with the ammo beacon in one life.
| - Deal 500 damage to a node.
| - Get 5 kill sin a row with the Bullseye in one life.
| - Get the first kill in a game.
| - Capture 3 flags in a row.
| - Kill a player who has mutated or has combat armor.
| - Detroy an enemy deployable (turret, ammo beacon, heal beacon, decoy).
Earn the indicated amount of points in Campaign mode to purchase the corresponding skin at the "Extras" menu.
Chimera: 2 points.
Dale: 20 points.
Ellis Turner: 30 points.
Graterford: 50 points.
Haven: 50 points.
Humans: 3 points.
Mt. Pleasant: 50 points.
New York: Free points.
Norma: 20 points.
St. Louis: 50 points.
Terraformer: 1 points.
Train: 50 points.
Weapons: 4 points.
Successfully complete the game.
Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards. Note: All trophies except for "Brutal" will still be unlocked if cheats are enabled.
Trophy | How to unlock
| - Absorb 1000 damage with Auger Shields.
| |
| - Make 6 Wardens puke at the same time in the prison.
| - Kill 20 enemies with melee while they are idle.
| - Kill 3 enemies simultaneously using a single mutated body.
| |
| - Collect 50% of the journals.
| - Use the upgraded Rossmore secondary fire to set 6 enemies on fire at once.
| - Keep Chimeran forces from entering the Brewpub.
| - Complete Campaign Mode on Superhuman.
| - Kill 2+ enemies with one Rossmore blast.
- Bull in a China Shop (Bronze)
| - Freeze and melee kill 3 Ravagers.
- Calm Under Pressure (Bronze)
| - Defeat the Brawler in the Post Office in under 2 minutes.
- Chamber Full of Death (Bronze)
| - Kill 5+ Hybrids at once by using the HE .44 Magnum secondary fire.
| - Kill 25 enemies firing the Auger through an object.
| |
| - Detonate fallen Leeches to kill 25 enemies.
| - Use the Deadeye to kill 20 snipers.
| - Use the EMP to take down 25 drones.
| - Get 50 headshot kills in Campaign Mode.
- Feeling Lucky, Punk (Bronze)
| - Detonate multiple Magnum rounds to kill 2+ enemies at once, 5 times.
| - Use the Wildfire secondary fire to kill 6 enemies in one shot.
- Frickin' Laser Beams (Bronze)
| - Get to the first mineshaft without being hit by sniper fire in Mt. Pleasant, PA.
| - Kill 50 enemies with the Bullseye or Marksman while moving, without using zoom.
| |
| - Don't allow any counter-attackers into the Washington Square base.
- Grasshopper Unit (Bronze)
| - Kill 5 Longlegs in mid-jump.
| - Kill 3 or more Military Chimera with a single Grenade.
| - Kill 5 drivers without destroying their vehicle.
| - Revive a Co-op partner 20 times.
- In This Together (Bronze)
| - Defeat the Widowmaker in Times Square without killing a single Hybrid.
- Irresistible Force (Silver)
| - Complete Campaign Mode on any difficulty.
| - Simultaneously burn, freeze and poison 4 separate enemies.
- Land, Sea, and Air (Bronze)
| - Travel in 3 different vehicles on your journey.
| - Fully upgrade all weapons in Campaign Mode.
| - Freeze 5 enemies at once and destroy them with a blast of the Cryogun's secondary fire.
| - Destroy all Warden vehicles in the Motorpool.
| - Score a basket by lobbing a grenade through a basketball hoop.
| - Find and kill 'Jack' in Graterford Prison.
- Opportunity Knocks (Bronze)
| - Kill 20 enemies with environmental objects.
| - Use the EMP to take down 10 Steelhead Auger shields.
- Platinum Trophy (Platinum)
| - Obtain all Gold, Silver, and Bronze Trophies for Resistance 3.
| - Kill 25 Grims using only grenades.
| - Knock a Hybrid off the cliffs in Mt. Pleasant, PA.
| - Kill 5 Grims in a row using only headshots.
| |
| - Defeat the Stalker in under 60 seconds.
| - Damage the same enemy in Cooperative Mode for 100 kills.
| - Make Santa and his reindeer fly.
| - Collect all Deadeye rifles without dying while fighting the Widowmaker in St. Louis.
| - Kill 40 Bullseye tagged enemies.
- This is my Rifle (Bronze)
| - Fully upgrade one weapon in Campaign Mode.
| - Use the upgraded Deadeye secondary fire to kill 2+ enemies, 5 times.
| - Get a kill with every weapon in your arsenal.
- Vehicular Manslaughter (Bronze)
| - Destroy 10 Warden vehicles while on the train.
| - Use the Atomizer secondary fire to kill 30 enemies.
| - Get 5 headshot kills with one Deadeye clip.
| - Upgrade 5 weapons in Campaign Mode.
| - Kill the Brawler in Haven without taking any damage.
More Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements