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PlayStation 3 - Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction screenshot


Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction

Skill Points for Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction - PlayStation 3


Chorus Line: Make eleven enemies dance together.
Promoted to Inspector: Get every gadget.
Cheapskate: Purchase a single Combuster shot.
Disco Inferno: Use the Groovitron followed by the Pyro Blaster.
Golden Children: Get all Gold Bolts.
Bolts in the Bank: Sell 20 Leviathan Souls to the Smuggler.
Happy Feat: Get nine penguins dancing on screen.
It's Like The South Pole Here: Turn at least fifteen enemies or citizens into penguins at one time.
No, Up Your Arsenal: Upgrade every weapon to the maximum.
Roflcopter: Turn enemies into penguins then use the Visicopter to destroy the penguins.
Everybody Dance Now: Make every type of enemy in the game dance (not including Bosses).
Say Hello To My Little Friend: Kill a group of enemies with one RYNO shot.
For The Hoard: Get every combat device.
Promoted To Inspector: Get every gadget.
Global Thermonuclear War: Get every weapon.
Its Even Better The Second Time: Complete Challenge mode.
The Hardest Core: Get all skill points and everything else in the game.

Apogee Space Station
Alphabet City: Teleport to each of the six asteroids in alphabetical order.
Dancin' with the Stars: Make five enemies dance at once on an asteroid (Upper part of Beta).
Knock You Down to Size: Wrench slam five Cerullean Centipedes.

Expert Marksman: Kill the vast majority of all the enemies.
Can't Touch This: Avoid making contact with anything before fighting the Boss.
Pyew Pyew!: Complete the level without secondary fire.

Cragmite Ruins
Gotta Catch Them All: Hit all Cragmite soldiers with the magnet launcher.

Imperial Fight Festival
I Think Im Going To Be Sick: Ride the Ferris Wheel multiple times without taking damage.
Fast and Fire-ious: Use the charge boots to cross the bridge to the arena without being burned.
One Heckuva Peep Hole: Return After receiving the Geo Laser and complete the Geo Laser setup.

Lombaxes Don't Like Cold: Break all the breakable icicles.
Mow Down Hoedown: Use turrets to destroy multiple dancing pirates.
Saucy Wrench: Destroy all camp fire cauldrons with a specific weapon.

Dead Aim: Destroy several destructible towers while on the pirate barge.
Fire With Fire: Kill a few Kerchu Pyrogaurds with a red-hot weapon.

Stay Still So I Can Shoot You!: Use Strafe Flip multiple times while fighting Cragmite soldiers.
Now Boarding...: Complete the Gyro Cycle in 0:55 seconds.
Low Flying Owls: Fly underneath an electrified barrier in the robo wing segment.

Planet Mukow
One Heckuva Peephole: Use the Geo-Laser to blast through the wall. Follow the path you took to get to the arena the first time. Eventually Clank will begin to sense the laser area.

Planet Cobalia
Smashing Good Time: Destroy all crates and consumer robots on port and gel factory.
I Should Have Gone Down in a Barrel: Jump into each of the two Gelatonium waterfalls in the Cobalia Gelatonium plant.
Giant Hunter: Kill all Basilisk Leviathans in the Cobalia wilderness.

Planet Ardolis
Preemptive Strike: Destroy five of the Thwogs while they are sleeping.

Rakar Star Cluster
You Sunk My Battleship!: Shoot down a large percentage of the flying ships.
I've Got Places to Be: Destroy Iron Crotch Caruso in under 2:30.
Pretty Lights: Do not destroy any Snatchers.

Return To Fastoon
Nowhere To Hide: Destroy every piece of breakable cover.

Rykan V
Untouchable: Do not take damage in the Gyro-Cycle.
The Consumer is Not (Always) Right: Destroy eighteen consumer robots.
Live Strong: Complete the Gyro-Cycle in 1:45.

Planet Sargasso
It Sounded Like a Freight Train: Get eleven Anthropods in one tornado.
Extinction: Kill all the Sargasso Grunthors (Leviathans).
Head Examiner: Land on all of the Troglosaur heads.

Planet Jasindu
Fire With Fire: Kill two Kerchu Pyroguards with the Pyro Blaster.

Pirate Base
Taste O' Yer Own Medicine: Destroy all Corsairs with the Combuster.
Preemptive Strike: Destroy five Thwogs while they are still sleeping.
It's Mutanty Captain: Change five Pirates into Penguins in one shot.

Stratus City
We Don't Need No Stinkin' Bridges!: Cross the Tripad sequence using gel cube bounces. Note: You do not need to use the gel cubes; you just have to cross the area without activating the bridge.
Wrench Ninja 3: Use only the Omniwrench to get through the level to the robo wings section.
Surface-to-Air Plasma Beasts: Take out several flying targets using a specific weapon.
Been Around: Take off from every Robo-Wing Pad in Stratus City.

Ublik Passage
Six Gun Salute: Get six pirates in a row to salute Ratchet while wearing the Holo-Pirate disguise.

Verdigris Black Hole
Can't Touch This: Do not take damage before fighting Greasepalms McGee.

Voron Asteroid Belt
Minesweeper: Clear out ten to fifteen mines.
Whats that, R2?: Barrel roll ten times.

Seared Ahi: Use the Pyro Blaster on three Drophyds after freeing them from their robotic suits.
Dancing on the Ceiling: Successfully use the Groovitron on a Gravity Ramp.

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