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Treasure Mapper Box Basher 5000 Chimp-o-Matic Box Breaker Spiral of Death Negotiator 4 Zoni Gold Bolts
Customize Aphelion (100 points): Change the look of your Lombax starship. Fuzzy dice not included. (Zoni, Hot Rod, Racer, Military points) Cryomine Glove Ultra (250 points): A look so cool, it's subzero (On/off points) Altered Arsenal (400 points): Change the size of Ratchet's weapons! (Normal, Big, Huge, Giant, Tiny points) Rainbow Trails (550 points): Nothings embodies the spirit of destruction like rainbow-colored projectiles (On/off points) Wrench Replacements (700 points): Give your wrench a rest (Omniwrench, Azimuth's wrench, Chronoscepter, Rubber Chicken, Plunger points) Time Distortion (850 points): Adjust the flow of time in Ratchet's next adventure! (Normal Time, Fast Forward, Super Speed points) Mirrored Levels (1000 points): Try saving the galaxy when everything's been reversed. Go ahead, we dare you! (On/off points)
Quest For Booty (175 points): Check out some of the concept art from Ratchet's downloadable adventure. Space (325 points): Quark isn't kidding... it really is pretty darn big. Weapons (475 points): Take a deeper look at the cornerstone of the Ratchet and Clank franchise - crazy weapons! The Good Guys (625 points): Take a look at some of the friends Ratchet meets in his latest adventure. The Bad Guys (775 points): Take a look at the characters you love to blow up. Environments (925 points): Lock some of the industry's most talented environment artists in a room, and this is what happens.
Have a saved game file from Ratchet And Clank Future: Quest For Booty to get the Pirate Hat for Ratchet at the "Community" screen.
Weapons (110 total points) Wrenchmaster (10 points): Defeat 3 enemies with a single wrench throw. Round Trip (15 points): Defeat an enemy with the Spiral of Death while the energy spiral is returning. The Simple Art of Armageddon (15 points): Defeat 15 enemies with the RYNO V without releasing the trigger. Longshot (20 points): Shoot 30 enemies in their weak spots using the Plasma Striker. Sonic Assassin (20 points): Fire the Sonic Eruptor perfectly 50 times. Party Crasher (30 points): Defeat 50 dancing enemies. Gadget (35 total points) Head like a Rock (10 points): Cannonball through 100 crates while on your Hoverboots. You're Fired (10 points): Maintain an oil fire for at least 30 seconds. Orvus' Son (15 points): Timebomb 250 projectiles. Skill (170 total points) Subzero Hero (20 points): Freeze 4 enemies simultaneously using the CryoMine Glove. Custodian of Time (30 points): Fix 50 repairable objects in the Great Clock. Master of Time (40 points): Reach round 30 in the fix-time mini-game! Dance, Monkey, Dance (40 points): get 8 monkeys to dance simultaneously. Ace Pilot (40 points): Destroy 20 fighters without getting hit. Destruction (175 total points) Magic Bullet (10 points): Defeat 2 enemies with one bullet. Shock Therapy (15 points): Defeat an enemy trapped by the Mag-Net using the Telsa Spike. Regifter (25 points): Destroy 2 enemies with one deflection. Friend of Fred (25 points): Defeat 10 enemies with one shot of the Rift Inducer 5000. Air Lombax (30 points): Defeat 50 enemies while the player is in mid-air. Champion Bowler (30 points): Defeat 10 enemies with one dynamo. Negative, Ghostrider (40 points): Shoot down 5 dropships before they can drop off their passengers. Zolar Forest (30 total points) Cold Killer (15 points): Destroy 100 Zyphoids in Zolar Forest. Terrible Tourist (15 points): Destroy every breakable object in the Fongoid Village. Agorian Battleplex (195 total points) Interception! (15 points): Catch an Agorian Bomb out of the air. Impatient Champion (20 points): Finish "Gone in 60 Seconds" in less than 45 seconds. Lifted and Gifted (35 points): Complete a Battleplex challenge entirely on Hoverboots. Master Blaster (30 points): Keep your blaster in the hot state for 60 seconds in My Blaster Runs Hot. Praetorian Guard (40 points): Destory the Hydra Tank using only your wrench. Flawless (55 points): Finish last challenge without getting hit. Nefarious Space Station (15 total points) Pest Control (15 points): Defeat all Teratropes in the outer perimeter with the Hyper Strike. Krell Canyon (35 total points) Bug Bait (15 points): Take damage from every Tetramite swarm without dying. Treasure Hunter (20 points): Destroy every Camo crate in the level. Axiom City (45 total points) Terachnoid Rave (20 points): Get 12 Terachnoids in Axiom City to dance. Baggage Handler (25 points): Destroy all luggage in Axiom City. Molonoth Fields (60 total points) Spring Cleaning (25 points): Destroy every junk pile in Molonoth. Son of Kaden (35 points): Complete the Hoverboot course in less than 45 seconds. Vela Sector (35 total points) Chasing Tail (15 points): Stay behind comet for 15 seconds. No Respect for the Dead (20 points): Destroy every ship in the graveyard. Bernilius Sector (25 total points) Hit and Run (25 points): Destroy 10 enemies by ramming them with the Quantum Reflector. Korthos Sector (20 total points) The Samaritan (20 points): Complete all the missions in this sector. Phylax Sector (30 total points) I Think I'm Gonna Be Sick (5 points): Do 5 U-turns within 20 seconds. Stockpiler (25 points): Destroy 20 fighters in a row without firing a missile. The Great Clock (60 total points) Temporal Pacifism (10 points): Complete Quantum Annex 3 without harming a Teratrope. Braniac (15 points): complete the last time puzzle room in 40 seconds or less. What Goes Up (15 points): Keep a crate suspended in mid-air for more than 3 seconds. Outta Time (20 points): Complete the first level (very beginning points) within 300 seconds.
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