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In Chapter 7 "The Monastery", after putting the Book Of Eons on the pedestal in the monastery. the tomb opens up and you are dropped downstairs into a dungeon with four Will-O-Wisps floating about a ninja body, a chest, and a save pedestal. Stand just at the edge of the small pathway before the first Will-O-Wisp. You can charge your heavy attack (Triangle) and hit the one closest to you with it. With luck, two more will try to attack you and get caught in the super. This can produce up to 1,500 orbs per visit, as many times as desired. Go back up the ladder then back down and charge attack again for very easy and quick money. In Chapter 7, "The Monastery", as you wind your way down the spiral ramp (with the giant dinosaur skeleton), you will find what appears to be a giant plug in the floor held up by three huge chains. It is called the "Econtra Babel Specus". There is a shop on one side. On the other side is a corridor which leads to a "T" shaped room. As soon as you round the left corner, prepare your ultimate technique with Triangle. Wait for the second power burst before launching it on up to six "Will-o-the-Wisps" in a row. Try using the "Lunar-stage 2" because of its upwards tornado-like effect. As soon as you have collected the orbs, keep going left towards a ladder at the end of the room. Hit your ultimate again because there are seven more "Will-o-the-Wisps" coming up the ladder. As soon as you have collected the orbs, go back the way you came. You do not have to go all the way out again; just about halfway up the corridor. As soon as you turn the corner they will respawn. You can do repeatedly. Because the store is in the next room, you can make enough money to buy whatever desired to last through the rest of the game. Note: This was done in Normal mode with Ryu. In Clock Tower Plaza, there is a stairway marked with blue. Go up the stairway and around the corner. Three soldiers will appear. Kill them to get a maximum of 300 orbs, if they all drop yellow. This is not very much, but if you kill the first two quickly and then press Triangle (default) to do your charge attack, absorbing the orbs from the enemies you just killed, and unleash it on the remaining person, you can get about 1,000 orbs. Only a few seconds are required each time, and you can do it an unlimited number of times. When you go to the Muramasa Store in Chapter 3, shoot him with arrows or shuriken. He might duck, so keep firing at him. You should get some orbs out of him when you hit him. You can keep doing this for awhile. Be careful; if you shoot him too many times for orbs he will die and the game will end. This does not work for the other characters in Chapter 1.
1 Golden Scarab - Smoke Bomb 5 Golden Scarabs - Elixir of Spiritual Life 10 Golden Scarabs - Great Spirit Elixir 20 Golden Scarabs - Great Devil Elixir 25 Golden Scarabs - Smoke Bomb (II) 30 Golden Scarabs - Ayane’s Ration 35 Golden Scarabs - Fragrance of Dayflower 40 Golden Scarabs - Ayane’s Ration Bundle 45 Golden Scarabs - Fragrance Hydrangea 49 Golden Scarabs - Plasma Saber MkII 50 Golden Scarabs - Dark Dragon Blade
1 Golden Scarab - Art of the Inferno 5 Golden Scarabs - Spirit of the Devils 10 Golden Scarabs - Art of the Ice Storm 15 Golden Scarabs - Jewel of the Demon Seal 20 Golden Scarabs - Spirit of the Devils (II) 25 Golden Scarabs - Jewel of the Demon Seal (II) 30 Golden Scarabs - Armlet of Fortune 35 Golden Scarabs - Jewel of the Demon Seal (III) 40 Golden Scarabs - Art of Inazuma 45 Golden Scarabs - Spirit of the Devils (III) 50 Golden Scarabs - Dark Dragon Blade
There is a total of 50 Golden Scarabs in the game. Effect - Code Armlet of Fortune - Collect 40 Golden Scarabs Armlet of Potency - Collect 5 Golden Scarabs Dabilahro - Collect 20 Golden Scarabs Great Spirit Elixir - Collect 35 Golden Scarabs Jewel of the Demon Seal - Collect 45 Golden Scarabs Life of Gods - Collect 1 Golden Scarab Lives of the Thousand Gods - Collect 10 Golden Scarabs Plasma Saber MkII - Collect 50 Golden Scarabs Spirit of the Devils - Collect 15 Golden Scarabs The Armlet of Benediction - Collect 30 Golden Scarabs The Armlet of Celerity - Collect 25 Golden Scarabs Note: There are NO Golden Scarabs when playing as Rachel.
Effect - Code Armlet of Benediction - 40 Scarabs Armlet of Celerity - 30 Scarabs Armlet of Fortune - 45 Scarabs Dabilahro - 25 Scarabs Dark Dragon Blade - 50 Scarabs Plasma Saber Mark II - 49 Scarabs Spear Gun - 35 Scarabs Technique Scroll - Counter Attacks - 01 Scarab Technique Scroll - Guillotine Throw - 10 Scarabs Technique Scroll - Izuna Drop - 05 Scarabs Windmill Shuriken - 15 Scarabs Wooden Sword - 20 Scarabs
Normal mode Armlet Of Benediction: 30 Golden Scarabs Armlet Of Celerity: 25 Golden Scarabs Armlet Of Fortune: 40 Golden Scarabs Armlet Of Potency: 5 Golden Scarabs Dabilahro: 20 Golden Scarabs Great Spirit Elixir: 35 Golden Scarabs Jewel Of The Demon Seal: 45 Golden Scarabs Life Of Gods: 1 Golden Scarab Lives Of The Thousand Gods: 10 Golden Scarabs Plasma Saber MkII: 50 Golden Scarabs Spirit Of The Devils: 15 Golden Scarabs Hard mode Armlet Of Benediction: 40 Golden Scarabs Armlet Of Celerity: 30 Golden Scarabs Armlet Of Fortune: 45 Golden Scarabs Dabilahro: 25 Golden Scarabs Dark Dragon Blade: 50 Golden Scarabs Plasma Saber Mark II: 49 Golden Scarabs Spear Gun: 35 Golden Scarabs Technique Scroll - Counter Attacks: 1 Golden Scarab Technique Scroll - Guillotine Throw: 10 Golden Scarabs Technique Scroll - Izuna Drop: 5 Golden Scarabs Windmill Shuriken: 15 Golden Scarabs Wooden Sword: 20 Golden Scarabs Very Hard mode Armlet Of Fortune: 30 Golden Scarabs Art Of Inazuma: 40 Golden Scarabs Art Of The Ice Storm: 10 Golden Scarabs Art Of The Inferno: 1 Golden Scarab Dark Dragon Blade: 50 Golden Scarabs Jewel Of The Demon Seal: 25 Golden Scarabs Jewel Of The Demon Seal: 15 Golden Scarabs Jewel Of The Demon Seal: 35 Golden Scarabs Plasma Saber MkII: 49 Golden Scarabs Spirit Of The Devils: 20 Golden Scarabs Spirit Of The Devils: 5 Golden Scarabs Spirit Of The Devils: 45 Golden Scarabs Master Ninja mode Ayane's Ration: 30 Golden Scarabs Ayane's Ration Bundle: 40 Golden Scarabs Dark Dragon Blade: 50 Golden Scarabs Elixir Of Spiritual Life: 5 Golden Scarabs Elixir Of The Devil Way: 15 Golden Scarabs Fragrance Hydrangea: 45 Golden Scarabs Fragrance Of Dayflower: 35 Golden Scarabs Great Devil Elixir: 20 Golden Scarabs Great Spirit Elixir: 10 Golden Scarabs Plasma Saber MkII: 49 Golden Scarabs Smoke Bomb: 25 Golden Scarabs Smoke Bomb: 1 Golden Scarab
On the next screen, Ryu will be attacked by a couple of magic ninjas and samurai. Once you defeat them, you will notice a small board lying on the ground. In the distance you will see 3 targets near a fence at a dead-end. Shooting these 3 targets with a bow will give you Gold, Health, and Ninpo energy. You must be standing past the loose wood board at the corner of the house Ryu entered in order for the rewards to spawn. You can hit the money target 5 quick times, collect the gold and keep buying arrows to replenish your stock; however, you can only hit the targets a limited amount of times before they yield no more rewards.
Save your game by going down the one of the spiral staircases off the Main Deck. Now, head back to the beginning of the game. At the end of the hall in the Living Quarters there is a door that requires the key card. Make sure you have a few Elixirs of Spiritual Life before you enter. Kill as many enemies as you can without dying, then exit through the door. Save your game, restock your elixirs at the shop (it is located at the other spiral staircase of the Main Deck) and repeat. Once you have all the upgrades that you can purchase at this level, you can just stock pile as much Yellow Orbs as you like.
You can use this section to farm some yellow orbs. Save here and equip the Spear Gun. Before riding the platform to the battle (or even just after, at the start of Chapter 14), swim back under the passageway and into the lift room (the one full of Shark Creatures). Each monster is worth 1000, so you can collect about 6000 each time you go through the place. Swim just to the bottom of the tunnel and then back, allowing the creatures to respawn, then repeat. Do this for a few minutes, and then be sure to visit the conveniently placed Muramasa's shop statue to fully power up all your weapons and stock your inventory.
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