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Baraka Special moves Sharp Spark: Press Down, Back, Square (hold Square for delay) Scrape Kick: Press Forward(2), Triangle Chop Chop Blades: Press Back(2), X Blade Cyclone: Press Down, Forward, Circle Pro moves Chop Chop Blades, Scrape Kick: Press Back(2), X. Wait until blades stop cutting, then press Forward(2), Triangle. Fatalities Stab Slam: Press Back, Forward, Down, Forward, Square when close Chest Stab: Press Forward(2), Down(2), X when close Jax Special moves Gun Runner: Press Back(2), Square Power Fist: Press Down, Back, Triangle (press Square or X after the punch for an extra hit) Blinding Light: Press Down, Back, Square Rocket Blast: Press Down, Back, X Double Rocket Blast: Press Down, Back, X, Down, Back, Circle Gotcha Grab: Press Forward(2), Triangle (tap Triangle for extra hits) Ground Pound: Press Down(2), Circle Pro moves Double Rocket Blast: Press Down, Back, X, then press Down, Back, Circle after first rocket appears. Power Fist, Gotcha Grab: Press Down, Back, Triangle. Wait for the move to connect, then press Square. Wait for the move to connect, then press Forward(2), Triangle. Ground Pound, Gun Runner: Press Down(2), Back. Wait until your fist hits the ground, then press Back, Square. Power Fist Head Smash: Press Down, Back, Triangle. Wait for the move to connect, then press X. Fatalities Head Smash: Press Back, Forward(2), Back, Triangle when close Machine Gun: Press Forward(2), Back(2), X when close Kano Special moves Kano Ball: Press Back, Forward, Circle Kano Up Ball: Press Down, Forward, Triangle Brutal Throw: Press Down, Forward, Square Knife Toss: Press Down, Back, Square Parry: Press Down, Back, Triangle Eye Laser: Press Back(2), Square Pro moves Kano Up And Down Ball: Press Down, Forward, Triangle. Wait until the ball hits, then press Forward, Circle. Brutal Throw Bounce: Press Down, Forward, Square. Wait until the body hits the ground, then press Down, Back, Triangle. Jump In Kano Ball: Jump towards opponent, then press Square, Back, Forward, Circle. Unblockable Kano Ball: Press Back, Forward, Circle + R2, release Circle. Wait until you hear the pro move sound, then release R2. Fatalities Knife Throw: Press Back, Down, Back, Forward, Square when one step away Flip Stomp: Press Down(2), Forward, Back, Circle when one step away Kitana Special moves Bladed Fans: Press Forward(2), Square (also can be done in air) Square Wave Assault: Press Down, Back, Triangle Rolling Fury: Press Down, Forward, Circle Mystical Teleportation: Press Down, Back, Square (also can be done in air) Fan Lift: Press Back(2), Square Razor's Tip: Press Down, Forward, Triangle Pro moves Square Wave Assault To Bladed Fans: Press Down, Back, Triangle. Wait until the first punch lands, then press Forward(2), Square. Fatalities Fan Throw to The Head: Press Back(2), Forward, Square at sweeping distance Kiss of Death: Press Forward, Down(2), Back, X at sweeping distance Liu Kang Special moves High Dragon Fire: Press Forward(2), Square (also can be done in air) Low Dragon Fire: Press Forward(2), X Flying Dragon Kick: Press Forward(2), Triangle Bicycle Kick: Press Back(2), Forward, Circle Dragon's Tail (Cartwheel): Press Down, Back, B and also one of the following: Spinning Backfist: Press (after Dragon's Tail) Square Uppercut: Press (after Dragon's Tail) Triangle (sets up juggle) Zen Trip: Press (after Dragon's Tail) X Shaolin Spirit: Press (after Dragon's Tail) Circle Pro moves Bicycle Kick to High Dragon Fire: Press Back(2), Forward, Circle. Wait until the end of the Bicycle Kick, then press Forward(2), Square. Bicycle Kick to Flying Dragon Kick: Press Back(2), Forward, Circle. Wait until the end of the Bicycle Kick, then press Forward(2), Triangle. Fatalities MK1 Arcade Drop: Press Forward, Back, Down(2), X at sweeping distance Head Stomp: Press Down(2), Forward, Down, Circle when one step away Raiden Special moves Vicinity Blast: Press Down, Back, Triangle (hold Triangle for larger blast) Lightning Bolt: Press Down, Back, Square (Hold Square for larger blast) Projectile Cancel: Press Down, Forward (cancels Vicinity Blast and Lighting Bolt) Energy Teleport: Press Down, Back, X Lightning Shock: Press Forward(2), Triangle The Superman: Press Forward(2), Circle (also can be done in air) Pro moves Double Teleport: Press Down, Back, X, Down, Back, X (perform second teleport immediately after the first). Double Vicinity Blast: Press Down, Back, Triangle. Wait until the first blast hits, then press Down, Back, Circle. Lightning Shock To Teleport: Press Forward(2), Triangle. Wait until the opponent is almost punched, then press Down, Back, Circle. Fatalities Ground Slam: Press Down, Forward, Down, Up, Triangle when one step away Electrocution: Press Back, Forward(2), Down, Circle when one step away Scorpion Special moves Spear: Press Back(2), Square Fiery Teleport: Press Down, Back, X (also can be done in air) Inner Flames: Press Down(2), Triangle (hold Triangle for longer flame) Hell Fire: Press Down, Back, Triangle Hellish Slide: Press Down, Back, Circle Pro moves Double Fiery Teleport: Press Down, Back, X, Down, Back, X (immediately do second Fiery Teleport after the first) Air Teleport, Fiery Teleport: Press Down, Back, X (while in air), Down, Back, X (immediately do second Fiery Teleport after the first) Fatalities Toasty!: Press Down(3), Circle at sweeping distance Lava Pool: Press Forward(2), Back, Down, X when close Shang Tsung Special moves Skull Fire: Press Back(2), Triangle Sky Fire: Press Down, Back, Triangle Slide Launch: Press Down, Forward, Circle Soul Steal: Press Down, Back, X Body Switch: Press Down, Circle, Forward, Square Hot Escape: Press Down, Back, Circle Hot Skull: Press Triangle after Hot Escape (this is a Pro Move) Hot Blast: Press X after Hot Escape (this is a Pro Move) Body Switch: Press Down, Back, Forward, Square Pro moves Multi-Fire: Press Back(2), Triangle. Wait until the fireball appears, then press Square. Wait until the fireball appears, then press Triangle (up to three fireballs). Slide Launch: Press Down, Forward, Circle. Wait until the slide connects, then press Up, Circle. Fatalities Back Breaker: Press Back, Down, Forward, X when close Morph: Press Down(2), Forward(2), Triangle when close Shao Kahn Special moves Shoulder Charge: Press Forward(2), Circle Rising Emperor: Press Back, Forward, Circle Energy Shield: Press Down, Back, X Pulse Blast: Press Back(2), Square Choke Punch: Press Forward(2), Square Hammer Smash: Press Back, Forward, Triangle Pro moves Double Choke Punch: Press Forward(2), Square. Wait until the punch connects, then press Square + Triangle. Shoulder Charge To Rising Emperor: Press Forward(2), Circle. Wait until the shoulder charge connects, then press Up + Circle. Fatalities None Sonya Special moves Ring of Doom: Press Down, Forward, Square (can be done twice) Deadly Kiss: Press Down, Back, Square Leg Grab: Press Back, Forward, Circle Bicycle Kick: Press Down, Back, Circle (can also be done in air) Kartwheel Flip: Press Down, Forward, X Square Wave Punch: Press Down, Back, Triangle Pro moves Bicycle Kick, Air Bicycle Kick: Press Down, Back, Circle. Wait until blood appears, then press Down, Back, Circle. Double Ring of Doom: Press Down, Forward, Square. Wait until the knee touches the ground, then press Down, Forward, Square. Leg Grab Bounce: Press Back, Forward, Circle. Wait until the opponent hits the ground, then press Square + Triangle. Fatalities Kiss of Death: Press Down(2), Back, Forward, Square at sweeping distance Neck Breaker: Press Down, Back, Forward(2), Circle when one step away Sub-Zero Special moves Icy Counter: Press Down, Back, Square Ice Nugget: Press Down, Back, Triangle (unblockable) Icy Freeze: Press Down, Forward, X Tombstone Teleport: Press Down, Back, X Cold Slide: Press Back + X + Circle Pro moves Teleport To Icy Counter: Press Down, Back, X. Wait until you are in the ground, then press Down, Back, Square. Cold Slide To Teleport: Press Back, Forward, Circle, then press Down, Back, X. Fatalities Freeze Kick: Press Back(2), Down, Back, Circle when close Freeze Slam: Press Back, Forward, Down, Forward, Triangle when close Batman Special moves Smoke Capsule: Press Down, Back, Triangle Batarang: Press Down, Forward, Square (can also be done in air) Leaping Shadow Kick: Press Down, Forward, Circle Leg Take Down: Press Down, Back, Circle Sneaky Batarang: Press Down, Back, Square Dark Absorption: Press Back(2), Triangle (projectile absorption block) Smoke Escape: Press Down, Back, X Pro moves Double Batarang: Press Down, Forward, Square, then press Down, Back, Triangle. Heroic Brutalities Bat Swarm: Press Down, Back, Forward(2), Circle when close Grappling Hook: Press Down(3), Up. Wait until landing on the ground, then press X at sweeping distance Captain Marvel Special moves Solomon Escape: Press Down, Back, Circle Strength of Hercules: Press Back, Forward, Triangle Atlas Clap: Press Down, Back, Triangle Power of Zeus: Press Down, Back, Square Achilles Bolt: Press Down, Back, X Mercury Bear Hug: Press Back, Forward, Circle Pro moves Power of Zeus Extended: Press Down, Back, Square, then press Forward, Triangle Mercury Bear Hug Attack: Press Back, Forward, Circle, then tap Triangle during the Mercury Bear Hug Heroic Brutalities Slam & Stomp: Press Down, Forward, Back, Forward, Square when close Ground Slam: Press Down, Back, Down, Forward, Triangle when one step away Catwoman Special moves Whip Sting: Press Down, Back, Square (can also be done in air) Lasso Grip: Press Back, Forward, Triangle Kitty Surprise: Press Back, Forward, X Raging Cat: Press Back, Forward, Circle Somersaulting Fever: Press Down, Forward, X Nine Lives: Press Down, Back, Circle (certain projectile/move dodge) Pro moves Whip Sting, Lasso Grip: Press Down, Back, Square, then as soon as Whip Sting connects, press Back, Forward, Triangle. Whip Sting, Kitty Surprise: Press Down, Back, Square, then as soon as Whip Sting connects, press Back, Forward, X. Pounce Grab into Whip Crack: Press Back, Forward, Circle. Wait until the final scratch, then press Back, Forward, Square. Heroic Brutalities Neck Breaker: Press Down, Back, Down, Forward, Triangle at sweeping distance Claw Attack: Press Forward, Back, Forward, Back, Circle at sweeping distance Darkseid Special moves Omega Beam: Press Back(2), Square Anti-Air Omega Beam: Press Back(2), Triangle Omega Tremor: Press Down(2), Circle Omega Knee: Press Back, Forward, Circle Omega Force: Press Down, Back, X Pro moves Omega Force With Head Smash: Press Down, Back, X. Wait until he lands, then press Square + Triangle. Double Anti-Air Omega Beam: Press Back(2), Triangle. Wait until the beam hits, then press Back(2), Square. Heroic Brutalities None Deathstroke Special moves Close Flash Bomb: Press Down(2), X Far Flash Bomb: Press Down(2), Circle Pistol Shot: Press Back, Forward, Square Lunging Stab: Press Back, Forward, Triangle Stomach Stab: Press Down, Forward, Square Pro moves Double Pistol Shot: Press Back, Forward, Square. Wait until the first shot is fired, then press Forward(2), Triangle. Heroic Brutalities Gunshot: Press Forward(2), Down, Forward, Triangle when close Neck Breaker: Press Forward, Down, Back, Forward, X when close The Flash Special moves Fast Escape: Press Down, Back, X Super Uppercut: Press Down, Back, Triangle Teleport Uppercut: Press Down, Back, Circle Around The World: Press Back, Forward, Circle Flurry Punch: Press Back, Forward, Triangle Teleport Flurry: Press Down, Back, Square Pro moves Teleport Flurry Throw: Press Down, Back, Square. Wait for the last hit of the flurry, then press L1. Teleport Uppercut Into Super Uppercut: Press Down, Back, Square. Wait just before the first uppercut connects, then press Down, Back, Triangle. Like the Wind, Super Uppercut: Press Triangle(2), Square. Wait until the last of the combo sequence connects, then press Down, Back, Triangle. Like the Wind, Teleport Uppercut: Press Triangle(2), Square. Wait until the last of the combo sequence connects, then press Down, Back, Circle. Triple Teleport Uppercut: Press Down, Back, Circle. Wait until the last uppercut connects, then press Triangle. Wait until the last uppercut connects, then press Triangle. Triple Super Uppercut: Press Down, Circle, Triangle. Wait until the last uppercut connects, then press Triangle. Wait until the last uppercut connects, then press Triangle. Heroic Brutalities Flashy Beatdown: Press Back(2), Forward(2), Circle at sweeping distance Whirlwind Slam: Press Down, Forward, Down, Back, Down, Forward, X when close Green Lantern Special moves Summoned Hand Grip: Press Down, Back, Square Justice Grip: Press Down, Forward, X Strength of Will: Press Down, Back, Triangle Judgment Hammer: Press Back(2), X Wall Barrier: Press Back, Forward, Circle Pro moves Triple Overhead Hammer: Press Down, Back, Triangle. Wait until the previous hit lands, then press Down, Back, Triangle. Wait until the previous hit lands, then press Down, Back, Triangle. Heroic Brutalities Orb Squeeze: Press Forward, Back, Down, Back, X at sweeping distance Hammer Smash: Press Back, Forward, Down(2), Circle at sweeping distance The Joker Special moves Laughing Fist: Press Down, Back, X Joker's Wild: Press Down, Back, Triangle Bombs Away: Press Forward(2), Circle Bombs Away Close: Press Forward(2), Triangle Bombs Away Medium: Press Forward(2), X Bombs Away Far: Press Forward(2), Circle Put It There Pal: Press Down, Back, Square Sinister Heels: Press Back, Forward, Circle Funnyman: Press Back, Down, Forward, X Magic Trick: Press Down, Back, Circle and also one of the following: Surprise Pistol Whip: Press (after Magic Trick) Square Surprise Bomb: Press (after Magic Trick) Triangle Surprise Stomp: Press (after Magic Trick) X Surprise Slide: Press (after Magic Trick) Circle Pro moves Surprise Pistol Whip And Shot: Press Down, Back, Circle, Square. Wait until the pistol whip connects, then press Down, Back, Triangle. Surprise Pistol Whip, Funnyman: Press Down, Back, Circle, Square. Wait until pistol whip connects, then press Back, Down, Forward, X. Seven Sinister Heels: Press Back, Forward, Circle, then tap Circle as fast as possible after the move. Heroic Brutalities Gunshot: Press Forward, Back, Forward, Square when close Playing Cards: Press Back, Down, Back, Forward, Triangle when close Lex Luthor Special moves Target Practice: Press Down, Back, Square Powered Palms: Press Down, Forward, Triangle LexCorp Rocket: Press Down, Back, X (can also be done in air) Hot Flames: Press Back, Forward, X Evasive Maneuver: Press Down, Back, Circle Rocket Boots: Press Back, Forward, Circle Pro moves LexCorp Rocket To Evasive Maneuver: Press Down, Back, X, then press Down, Back, Circle. Powered Palms To Rocket Boots: Press Down, Forward, Triangle. Wait until the second palm strike connects, then press Back, Forward, Circle. Heroic Brutalities Body Twist: Press Down, Forward, Down, Back, Triangle when close Missile Attack: Press Up(3), Square when one step away Superman Special moves Heat Vision: Press Back(2), Square (can also be done in air; also can be repeated) Inhale Capture: Press Down, Back, Triangle Soaring Knockout: Press Down, Forward, Triangle Ice Breath: Press Down, Forward, X Ground Tremor: Press Down, Down, Circle Shoulder Charge: Press Forward, Forward, Circle Up, Up and Away (Hover): Press Down, Back, X and also one of the following: Hover Heat Vision Close: Press (after Up, Up and Back) Square Hover Heat Vision Far: Press (after Up, Up and Back) Triangle Ground Tremor: Press (after Up, Up and Back) X or Circle Pro moves Inhale Capture, Soaring Knockout: Press Down, Back, Triangle, then press Down, Forward, Triangle. Super Ground Tremor: Press Down(2), Circle. Wait until the first hit on ground connects, then press Down + Square + Triangle. Soaring Knockout: Press Down, Forward, Triangle. Wait until just before Superman punches, then press Down, Back, (X, Triangle, or Circle). Inhale Capture, Up Up and Back: Press Down, Back, Triangle. Wait until just before Superman punches, then press Down, Back, (X, Triangle, or Circle). Heroic Brutalities Ground Pound: Press Down(2), Forward(2), Square when close Freeze Slam: Press Forward(2), Down, Back, Circle when close Wonder Woman Special moves Wondrous Spin: Press Down, Back, Circle (can also be done in air) Divine Princess: Press Down, Forward, Triangle (can also be done in air) Splits Grab: Press Down, Forward, X Gotcha Girl: Press Forward, Forward, Circle Handstand Burst: Press Down, Back, X Lasso Grab: Press Back, Forward, Square Pro moves Handstand Burst, Splits Grab: Press Down, Back, X. Wait until her legs connect, then press Down, Forward, X. Handstand Burst: Press Down, Back, X. Wait until she grabs their leg, then press Down, Back, Triangle. Heroic Brutalities Lasso Slam: Press Up, Back, Down, Forward, Square at sweeping distance (jump, wait to land, then finish the Brutality combo) Lasso Spin: Press Forward, Back(2), Forward, Circle at sweeping distance
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