Play the "Cat" music disc in a jukebox. Allow it to continue after the end of the song, and a hidden song named "Dog" will begin.
Awesome Survival Island Seed
The seed is (Sprite) Make sure to use the capital S the cool thing about this seed is if you use a boat and float across the water around the island if you look carefully you'll see light and if you swim towards it you'll find the stronghold and lots of diamonds.
This only works when your signed in; grab the stuff you want from a chest, then save & exit your world, exit out of Minecraft, then sign out, then get back on Minecraft and enter the world you previous went on; you should get some more items than you used to have.
Note: Items that cannot stack, will not work.
Easter Egg: Halloween Day Increased Difficulty
If you are playing Minecraft on Halloween day (alternatively you can go offline and set your system's date to Halloween) and you put the difficultt on easy, normal, or hard, mobs will have approximately a 1/5 chance of spawning with a pumpkin/jack-o-lantern on their head. This greatly increases the difficulty of surviving against hostile mobs in the game, since mobs who spawned with a helmet of any type(like a pumpkin) won't be harmed by sunlight. The mobs affected by this are typically zombies, skeletons, wither skeletons, baby zombies, zombie pigmen, and baby zombie pigmen.
The seed 'TROLL' has vast forests, rolling plains, dry deserts, but the cherry on top is the endless caves full of diamond.
Halloween Day Increased Difficulty Easter Egg
If you are playing Minecraft on Halloween day (alternatively you can go offline and set your system's date to Halloween) and you put the difficultt on easy, normal, or hard, mobs will have approximately a 1/5 chance of spawning with a pumpkin/jack-o-lantern on their head. This greatly increases the difficulty of survivng against hostile mobs in the game, since mobs who spawned with a helmet of any type(like a pumpkin) wont be harmed by sunlight. The mobs affected by this are typically zombies, skeletons, wither skeletons, baby zombies, zombie pigmen, and baby zombie pigmen.
How to get gold and other stuff in suvival
You get a chest when your in creative fill it with gold iron and other stuff then save your game go into survival and then go to the chest that you filled and open it and all the stuff you put in it will be there.
Dig down 4, 5 block's down and place one Glowstone block on top of you then get a Enderpell and Enderpell towards the Glowstone! Now you can see through walls!
Note: You have to be flying to do it so you stay in the Glowstone!
Find wood harvest it make planks make a crafting table place crafting table make more planks make house dig down until mine is found find lava and water keep spot look for diamond find 3 make sticks make diamond pickaxe and find obsidian spot you claimed and mine with diamond pickaxe.
The Nether Portal Formation
Air=A Obsidian=O
Corners not required.
Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
- Acquire Hardware (Silver)
| |
- Awarded All Trophies (Platinum)
| - All trophies have been awarded.
| |
| - Craft a workbench with four blocks of wooden planks.
| |
| - Acquire diamonds with your iron tools.
| |
- Dispense With This (Silver)
| |
| - Construct an Enchantment Table.
| - Punch a tree until the block of wood pops out.
- Getting an Upgrade (Bronze)
| - Construct a better pickaxe.
| - Construct a furnace out of eight cobblestone blocks.
| - Relieve a Blaze of its rod.
| - Construct a Nether Portal.
- Leader Of The Pack (Silver)
| |
| |
| - Construct one type of each tool (one pickaxe, one spade, one axe and one hoe).
| - Attack and destroy a monster.
| - Travel by minecart to a point at least 500m in a single direction from where you started.
| - Destroy a Ghast with a fireball.
| - Kill a skeleton with an arrow from more than 50 meters.
- Taking Inventory (Bronze)
| |
| |
| |
| - Bake a cake using wheat, sugar, milk and eggs!
| - Use planks and sticks to make a hoe.
| - Use planks and sticks to make a pickaxe.
| - Use planks and sticks to make a sword.
| - Use a saddle to ride a pig, then have the pig get hurt from fall damage while riding it.
After all you have gone through, it is time to save the world.
Gather 12 blaze powder and ender pearls.
Craft 12 eyes of ender.
Equip your best loot: armor, tools, and weapons.
Search for the end.
Enter the end... it is now all or nothing.
Destroy the health crystals on the obsidian pillars.
Kill the ender dragon.
Gather remaining trophies.
Be creative.
You won!
Walkthrough to World Powers
Had a rough time getting a foothold in the game we know and love?
The humor(less) savior has arrived!
Generate a world on survival (difficulty at your choosing)
Scan surrounds (for trees and landmarks)
Gather wood (and craft)
Construct a house
Craft a pickaxe and collect coal
Construct a stone pickaxe and look for iron (if it is sunset and playing at easy-hard hide in your house and pass the night)
Create a furnace and torches and smelt iron
Once you have a set of armor/armour, sword, and pickaxe made of iron you are now a force to be reckoned with.
Part 2 to the trilogy awaits you!
Pack 1-2 stacks of torches, a crafting table, furnace, and an iron pickaxe
Find a decent cave system and travel deep inside to about y: 16, diamonds and lava are common here
Look for diamonds (try to get at least 7 (sword, pickaxe, enchanting table))
Collect 14 obsidian (with diamond pickaxe) and construct a nether portal
You now need to be on easy or harder
Find and farm a blaze spawer until you have 7 or more blaze rods
Return to the overworld as a "Conquerer of the Nether"
Hunt endermen until you have over 12 ender pearls
You have become a fearless adventurer.
More Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements