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Below is the suggested order to defeat the Robot Masters in, as well as which weapons to use on both them and the bosses in Dr. Wily’s castle. Keep in mind that in terms of the Robot Masters, you can jump in at any point, but we recommend starting with Galaxy Man and going from there.
Jewel Man - Use Black Hole Bomb Plug Man - Use Jewel Satellite Tornado Man - Use Plug Ball Magma Man - Use Tornado Blow Hornet Man - Use Magma Bazooka Splash Woman - Use Hornet Chaser Concrete Man - Use Laser Trident Wall Shooters - Use Mega Buster Giant Machine - Use Laser Trident* Blob Monster - Use Black Hole Bomb Dr. Wily #1 - Use Mega Buster Dr. Wily #2 - Use Mega Buster Dr. Wily #3 - Use Plug Ball** * - The Laser Trident is the weakness of all three sections of this boss, but the middle section is made much, much easier by using the Tornado Blow on it. ** - The Plug Ball is the primary weakness of Wily's final form (the UFO). However, if he appears too high to attack with the Plug Ball, quickly switch over to the Hornet Chaser and use it on him. They will hit him high above for only one bar of energy per strike, but it will help you decrease his energy a little bit more.
To easily defeat the flame dragon miniboss on Magma Man’s stage and in Dr. Wily’s castle, consider equipping the Concrete Shot. Five shots to the face of the dragon with the Concrete Shot will quickly dispatch it. While the Black Hole Bomb will suck all of the flames off of the dragon’s body, rendering it unable to attack, it won’t heavily damage the dragon itself. Use the Concrete Shot instead.
An addition from Colin Moriarty: The Jewel Satellite on just about any stage will allow you to easily harvest screws and extra lives from unsuspecting enemies as well. The best place to use the Jewel Satellite is in the initial run on Concrete Man’s stage. The birds, the rocks they drop, and the enemies that come out of holes in an attempt to knock you into them will give you endless amounts of screws and extra lives if enough time is spent. Run back and forth with the Jewel Satellite equipped during on the first section of Concrete Man’s stage, respawning enemies and collecting ridiculous amounts of screws! An addition from bergsandwich: There’s another great technique to get as many screws as you need. With the Jewel Satellite in your inventory, head to Plug Man’s stage. Head to the first pipe you find that spawns endless amounts of slow-moving floating robots. Engage the shield and sit right next to the pipe. Enemies will run into you from above, dropping whatever items they drop right on top of you, including small screws. Stand there for as long as needed to acquire the amount of screws you want.
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