Trophy | How to unlock
- A presence I've not felt since (Silver)
| - Collect all minikits. (Single Player Only)
| - Complete Destroy Malevolence.
- Admiral of the fleet (Bronze)
| - Convert every system to the Republic. (Single Player Only)
- Another bug hunt (Bronze)
| - Complete Legacy of Terror.
- Are all Jedi so reckless? (Bronze)
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| - Collect all Red Power Bricks. (Single Player Only)
- Clanker collector (Silver)
| - Unlock/purchase all 'Droid' characters. (Single Player Only)
- Follow me, boys! (Bronze)
| - Complete Duel of the Droids.
- Impressive, most impressive (Gold)
| - Complete the game to 100% (Single Player Only)
- Isn't negotiation the Jedi way? (Silver)
| - Complete all Bounty missions. (Single Player Only)
| - Unlock/purchase all 'Clone' characters. (Single Player Only)
| - True Jedi every level. (Single Player Only)
| - Complete Liberty on Ryloth.
- Me'sa rescued you (Bronze)
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- Not so tough now are ya Sparky? (Bronze)
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- Okay clankers, suck lasers! (Bronze)
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- Oops. What happened? (Bronze)
| - Complete Blue Shadow Virus.
| - Complete Lair of Grievous.
| - Use Yoda to defeat 5 enemies with one lightsaber throw.
| - Collect all Gold bricks. (Single Player Only)
- Sure, as long as I get paid (Bronze)
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| - Complete Weapons Factory.
| - Complete Battle of Genosis.
- The Chosen One (Platinum)
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- The dark side I sense in you (Bronze)
| - Free all villains from the Resolute brig. (Single Player Only)
- The pleasure is all mine my dear (Bronze)
| - Complete The Hidden Enemy.
- There goes my promotion (Bronze)
| - Complete Defenders of Peace.
- This is just the beginning! (Bronze)
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- Time to take the capital (Bronze)
| - Complete Innocents of Ryloth.
| - Complete Shadow of Malevolence.
- Viceroy of the fleet (Bronze)
| - Convert every system to CIS. (Single Player Only)
- We live to fight another day (Bronze)
| - Complete Grievous Intrigue.
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- You can have my ship! (Bronze)
| - Complete Storm Over Ryloth.
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