You have to finish the Stellazzio (Zodiac) Quest and keep "Shina's Hammer", which you find in the room after fighting Lich on disk #4. Don't lose, use, or sell/combine the hammer. It has to be present in your inventory for you to get the alternate ending.
To play the Black Jack mini-game, do the following code at the end screen after the credit roll: R2, L1, R2, R2, Up, X, Right, Circle, Down, Triangle, L2, R1, R2, L1, Square, and Square.
Doomsday is the ultimate spell! You may think if you've got it that it's a waste of time because it damages your allies. Well for Zidane you just have to equip Ninja Gear. For Vivi you have to equip Shadow Armlet. Anyone else just equip Pumice Piece and another Shadow Armlet. Doomsday is better than the summon Ark which you get from pumice piece.
The frog catching minigame may seem like a stupid waste of time - but it can actually be a source of some good items and new weapons for Quina, plus the number of frogs Quina eats will power up the "Frog Drop" spell.
Here are the rewards:
2 frogs: Ore Stone
5 frogs: Ether
9 frogs: Silk Robe
15 frogs: Elixir
23 frogs: Silver Fork
33 frogs: Bistro Fork
99 frogs: Quina's Master appears and fights you; just use standard attack/heal techniques and be around level 40.
Talk to the lady in the house north of the Treno Combination Shop. She will tell you about a set of thirteen Stellazzio that are spread across the world. Find them all and she will reward you everytime you return. This quest is required if you want to see the game's alternate ending.
Here are the zodiac locations:
Aries: Dali; In the windmill all the way to be back (not downstairs)
Cancer: Burmecia; behind the overturned cart
Scorpio: Quan Cave spring
Gemini: Fountain at the first screen after you enter Treno; throw coins thirteen times into the fountain.
Taurus: Treno; behind the item shop.
Virgo: Black Mage Village Inn; around the beds
Libra: Madain Sari fountain
Leo: Alexandria (after raid); Left Tower near Neptune Statue
Sagittarius: Linblum; in the left side of the 3d screen up of the
Commercial Square.
Capricorn: Dargelo Library; right hand side
Aquarius: Ipsen Heritage; right hand pillar at entrance
Pisces: Treasure chest inside Invincible.
13th Stellazzio: Return to the Quan Cave that's east of Treno after collecting and returning all 12 coins.
To get the Ultima Weapon, go back to the glacier around were Terra was (before Kujah went gangstah on it) and search around with a Chocobo and a dead pepper.
You may have heard of the Grand Dragon giving a lot of exp points. Well if you're an adventerer like myself you would discover that there's an island. Where a fiend called Yew waits. They come in either on themselves or in groups of up to 4. They are very hard and you really need Doomsday and armour that protects from it. You will kill them eventually and once you have you'll get more exp points than the Grand Dragon gives you.
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