Equip the Dark Silver shield (can be won from Garl Vinland at last area of World 5). The Maneaters' snake tails will occasionally imbue them with a yellow power. If you stand directly in front of them and guard when the snake rises above the rest of the creature, the flash of yellow will temporarily blind the Maneater, allowing for one or two heavy hits before dodging to safety. It is not known if this works with other shields.
Boletarian Palace: Dead Red Dragon benefits
Because you killed the Red Dragon you can now go back to Boletarian Palace where the two dragons were sleeping (before the bridge to the main gate lever). Get those items without the dragons being present. You will get Ring of Strength, Ring of Fire Resistance and a Renounced Hero Soul.
Boletarian Palace: Mausoleum key
Ostrava has the key to the mausoleum in Boletarian Palace. Normally you would have to save his life three times to get the key, but he mainly gives you useless items. You can kill him the first time you meet him. You can then take the key. He is very easy to kill. This is useful for new players, as there is a chance that Ostrava can die while you are playing and you will then lose your chance at getting the key.
The Red Dragon on the bridge going to the Tower Knight is easy to kill. Get a crossbow and 100 bolts. Go to the top of the first tower on the bridge. Kill the two archers. You will see three archer windows. Go to the one on the far right. This may require about 20 to 30 minutes but it is worth it. Lock on to the dragon every time he swoops down to burn the bridge. You will eventually kill him and get about 8,000 souls and his lead soul.
A great place to farm is in 4-2, the Shrine of Storms. Equip the Ring of Avarice the Viscous Compound Long Bow +5 and Arrows. With the 4-2 Archstone and go down the hall and pass Graverobber Blige. Stand at the edge of the floor and fire downwards at the Reaper. Fall off the cliff, respawn, get your bloodstain and repeat the entire process.
In 4-3, after defeating the storm king, there is a sword near the edge of the cliff. the sword is the Storm Rulet. This sword has a special effect of "cleaving the sky" in 4-3 (i.e., it sends out a shock wave that can hit the flying things in the air). Combine this with the Ring of Avarice and Warding and you can get 20,000 souls each time you visit 4-3.
If you manage to beat the nigh-impossible Vanguard at the end of the tutorial you will be transported to a new area. You can see a massive dragon outside the windows. If you explore around, you can find many soldier's souls, and other items. However, once you run outside, the Old One will punch you straight in the face and kill you immediately, thus sending you to the Nexus anyways.
Set the system date to October 31. The enemies will be more difficult, and will have better rewards when defeated.
Item and Soul Duplication
For this cheat you'll need two people, Legendary Heros Souls, and an item you can drop from weapons to other souls etc.
Summon a blue phantom or black phantom. Have the phantom drop the items. Then, have him either quit game with the PS button or pull his ethernet cable out (not recommended). Summon him back in and have him drop more of the items and leave again. Each time he does this he'll keep his share of the items like he never dropped them and you can collect the copies.
You can do this with Legendary Hero's/Soldier's Souls. You can only do this with items you can drop. Not boss souls, sadly.
Keep Your Souls for a Second Chance
When you die, hit the PS button quickly and quit out of the game before it auto-saves. You can re-load your game with all your Souls.
Here're a couple tips for a beginners:
The thief ring is invaluable.
A bow can be your best friend, don't be afraid to snipe!
You can cheese your way through anything with poison cloud.
Being quick and avoiding damage completely is better than bulking up your actual armor.
Once you learn your enemies' attacks you can manipulate your health using certain items and take advantage the Clever Rats Ring to mop the floor with them.
After defeating the first Boss at the Shrine Of Storms, your next task invites you to a room below. When you walk in you will be greeted by three Lesser Demons on the level you are on with more at the bottom. Take out the three on your level first, then walk back to the door that you used to enter. Use your bow and shoot at the demon with the scythe (resembles death). This kills all remaining demons in the immediate area, resulting in about 4,500 Souls. Go to the Archstone from the Boss to teleport to the Nexus. Go back and repeat the steps as many times as desired. Note: Equip the Ring Of Alvarice (soul booster) to obtain about 5,250 to 5,500 souls each time.
Thief Ring and Cling Ring
Be sure not to miss these rings:
Cling Ring: In the first level where you don't have your soul, after you get to the top of the castle, you'll fight a blue demon knight that's right in front of a fog gate. Beat him then go past him, not into the fog gate, and go down the stairs, when you reach the bottom there will be a lever to open the gate and you will find the Cling Ring -- it lets you keep more health when in soul form.
Thief Ring: After that first blue demon knight, go through the Fog gate, and you'll come to some stairs and you'll see over the ledge will be a gold knight (he is friendly and gives you rewards when you help him). Roll down the side of the stairs to the ledge and get to where he is. The Thief ring is behind him in the corner.
Thieves' Ring and Blind Sword
There are three good ways to get the Thieves' Ring, which helps you steal valuable items from defeated monsters, including the Blind Sword.
On level 1-1 when you go down the set of stairs after you fight the two halberd men on the bridge, jump off the ledge to get to where Ostrava is. You will find a thieves' ring there.
On level 4-2, kill Patches The Hyena.
On 5-2, where you would find Seland Vinland, go to the right where the glowing orb that represents an item is. You'll find a Thieves Ring.
Before reading the rest of this I need to let you know that you need to have beaten the game once. If not, the item/enemy may not appear!
In 5-2 you can get the sword "Blind" which ignores armor and does damage directly to the enemy. You will need Pure Black Soul Tendency to do this.
If you are not an experienced player, and this is only your 2nd time through, 5-1 can be very challenging. So, be careful!
Before you go to the level, make sure you have SoulSucker equipped. Go to the level and equip your thieves' ring. Navigate through the level until you get to the island that has Depraved Ones, a Giant Depraved One, and a Giant BP on the island.
Unless you can take them all out without trouble, sneak by them and head for the fog. Once you go into the fog, jump off the bridge to your right.
When you look over, you will see a BP Selend Vinland. Stay close to the wall and sneak up behind her. If she moves her head to look around, stop and freeze.
When she stops looking for attackers, get close (but do not come into physical contact) and use SoulSucker for an instant kill and the sword Blind.
Trophies: Chinese/English version
Trophy | How to unlock
- Adjudicator's Trophy ( Bronze Trophy )
| - Slayer of Demon "Adjucator".
- Armor Spider's Trophy ( Bronze Trophy )
| - Slayer of Demon "Armor Spider".
- Blood Master's Trophy ( Bronze Trophy )
| - Obtained Best Weapon by Suckerstone.
- Congratulant's Trophy ( Bronze Trophy )
| - Obtained Best Weapon by Faintstone.
- Darkmoon Master's Trophy ( Bronze Trophy )
| - Obtained Best Weapon by Darkmoonstone.
- Dirty Colossus' Trophy ( Bronze Trophy )
| - Slayer of Demon "Dirty Colossus".
- Dragon God's Trophy ( Silver Trophy )
| - Slayer of Demon "Dragon God".
- False King's Trophy ( Silver Trophy )
| - Slayer of Demon "False King".
- Flame Master's Trophy ( Bronze Trophy )
| - Obtained Best Weapon by Dragonstone.
- Flamelurker's Trophy ( Bronze Trophy )
| - Slayer of Demon "Flamelurker".
- Flying Dragon's Trophy ( Bronze Trophy )
| - Slayer of Demon "Flying Dragon".
- Fool's Idol's Trophy ( Bronze Trophy )
| - Slayer of Demon "Fool's Idol".
- Leechmonger's Trophy ( Bronze Trophy )
| - Slayer of Demon "Leechmonger".
- Life Master's Trophy ( Bronze Trophy )
| - Obtained Best Weapon by Pulpstone.
- Maiden Astraea's Trophy ( Silver Trophy )
| - Slayer of Demon "Maiden Astraea".
- Maneater's Trophy ( Bronze Trophy )
| - Slayer of Demon "Maneater".
- Master Bowman's Trophy ( Bronze Trophy )
| - Obtained Best Bow by Spiderstone.
- Master Hitter's Trophy ( Bronze Trophy )
| - Obtained Best Weapon by Greystone.
- Master Slicer's Trophy ( Bronze Trophy )
| - Obtained Best Weapon by Bladestone.
- Moonlighter's Trophy ( Bronze Trophy )
| - Obtained Best Weapon by Moonlightstone.
- Old Hero's Trophy ( Bronze Trophy )
| - Slayer of Demon "Old Hero".
- Old King's Trophy ( Bronze Trophy )
| - Conqueror of Old King Doran.
- Old Monk's Trophy ( Silver Trophy )
| - Slayer of Demon "Old Monk".
- Penetrator's Trophy ( Bronze Trophy )
| - Slayer of Demon "Penetrator".
- Phalanx' Trophy ( Bronze Trophy )
| - Slayer of Demon "Phalanx".
- Poison Master's Trophy ( Bronze Trophy )
| - Obtained Best Weapon by Mercurystone.
- Rogue's Trophy ( Gold Trophy )
| |
- Sage's Trophy ( Gold Trophy )
| |
- Saint's Trophy ( Gold Trophy )
| |
- Shade Master's Trophy ( Bronze Trophy )
| - Obtained Best Weapon by Cloudstone.
- Soldier's Trophy ( Gold Trophy )
| - All Valuable Weapons Obtained.
- Storm King's Trophy ( Silver Trophy )
| - Slayer of Demon "Storm King".
- Tower Knight's Trophy ( Bronze Trophy )
| - Slayer of Demon "Tower Knight".
- Toughest Soul Trophy ( Platinum Trophy )
| |
- Trophy of Distinction ( Bronze Trophy )
| - Obtained Best Weapon by Clearstone.
- Trophy of Hardness ( Bronze Trophy )
| - Obtained Best Weapon by Splinterstone.
- Trophy of Sharpness ( Bronze Trophy )
| - Obtained Best Weapon by Sharpstone.
- World Uniter's Trophy ( Gold Trophy )
| - Old Beast Put to Sleep & World United.
Trophies: Japanese version
Complete each condition to get the allotted Trophies. There are 27 Bronze Trophies, 5 Silver Trophies, 5 Gold Trophies, and 1 Platinum Trophy.
Trophy | How to unlock
| - Overthower of the Demon "Battened Knight".
- God of the Dragon (Silver)
| - Overthower of the Demon "God of the Dragon".
| - The One to obtain all rings.
- Hill Accumulator (Bronze)
| - Overthower of the Demon "Hill Accumulator".
- Idol of the Idiots (Bronze)
| - Overthower of the Demon "Idol of the Idiots".
| - Overthower of the Demon "Impure Giant".
- Incarnation of the King (Silver)
| - Overthower of the Demon "Incarnation of the King".
- King's Flying Dragon (Bronze)
| - Overthower of the Demon "King's Flying Dragon".
- Knight of the Tower (Bronze)
| - Overthower of the Demon "Knight of the Tower".
| - Overthower of the Demon "Man Eater".
- Old Brave Warrior (Bronze)
| - Overthower of the Demon "Old Brave Warrior".
| - Conqueror of the old king Doran.
| - Overthower of the Demon "Phalanx".
| - The One to acquire all the miracles.
| - The One to obtain all valuable equipment.
| - Overthower of the Demon "Storm King".
| - The One to obtain all trophies.
- Takaashi Armored Spider (Bronze)
| - Overthower of the Demon "Takaashi Armored Spider".
| - Overthower of the Demon "Judge".
- The Maiden Asutoraea (Silver)
| - Overthower of the Demon "Asutoraea".
- The One Hidden in the Flames (Bronze)
| - Overthower of the Demon "The One Hidden in the Flames".
- The One to connect the world (Gold)
| - Guiding the beast of spread back to slumber once more, you have stopped and connected the World.
- The One to Master Blessing (Bronze)
| - Obtained the best dim light stone weapon.
- The One to Master Blood (Bronze)
| - Obtained the best sucking stone weapon.
- The One to Master Fire (Bronze)
| - Obtained the best dragon stone weapon.
- The One to Master Hardness (Bronze)
| - Obtained the best hard stone weapon.
- The One to Master Life (Bronze)
| - Obtained the best medulla stone weapon.
- The One to Master Moon Shadow (Bronze)
| - Obtained the best moon shadow stone weapon.
- The One to Master Poison (Bronze)
| - Obtained the best mercury stone weapon.
- The One to Master Shade (Bronze)
| - Obtained the best thin cloud stone shield.
- The One to Master Sharpness (Bronze)
| - Obtained the best sharp stone weapon.
- The One to Master Shock (Bronze)
| - Obtained the best Nibi stone weapon.
- The One to Master the Cutting Attack (Bronze)
| - Obtained the best cutting stone weapon.
- The One to Master the Moonlight (Bronze)
| - Obtained the best moonlight stone weapon.
- The One to Master the Viscous Bow (Bronze)
| - Obtained the best bow by the steel spider`s thread.
- The One to Understand the Difference (Bronze)
| - Obtained the best Minagi stone weapon.
| - The One to acquire all the magics.
- Yellow-Robe Elder (Silver)
| - Overthower of the Demon "Yellow-Robe Elder".
Tutorial: Fight the Old One early
Defeat the Vanguard at the end of the tutorial level. You will be sent to a new area with a large dragon outside the windows, soldier's souls, and some items. When you go outside, the Old One will kill you and send you to the Nexus to continue the game.
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