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Dead Rising 2

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Dead Rising 2 on PlayStation 3

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Dead Rising 2 Cheats

Get the motorbike from the front of the arena. Drive it to the fireworks store at Silver Strip. Get rockets and ride the bike to the alley with the maintenance room. Get a metal pipe and ride the bike to the rock canyon. Enter the maintenance room in the rocks and create a rocket launcher. Exit the door of the maintenance room and stand in the left side corner. Save the game. When Leon appears from the left side, he will run into the wall. Shoot him with the rocket launcher and repeat until he has been defeated.

Use the following trick to easily kill Sgt. Dwight during Case 6-2. When you enter Fortune Park, go to the red SUV. It costs $2 million to unlock by purchasing the keys. Get in the SUV and drive to the entrance of the underground area. Squeeze the SUV into the underground area. When you get to the entrance for the loading bay, notice that it is blocked off by a line of large boxes. It is possible to drive over these boxes and squeeze the SUV under the security gate, which will trigger the cinematic for the Boss fight against Sgt. Dwight. After the cinematic, you will be on foot again. However, if you look at where you entered, you will see the SUV is stuck halfway in the room. Get in the SUV and squeeze it in the rest of the way. You can now use it to kill Sgt. Dwight.

Collect the following items to unlock the trophy:

Bag of marbles
Beach ball
Funny painting (obtained on the case 4 mission "Art Appreciation")
Giant Stuffed Rabbit
Giant stuffed bull
Giant stuffed donkey
Giant stuffed elephant
Robot bear
Stick pony
Tiger (give it steak or ribs to tame it)
Water gun

Find a zombie (usually in a crowd) with his hands in the air. Kill him to release the queen in a bottle, as in the original Dead Rising. Get a beer and go to the candy store. Take some jelly beans. Combine the jelly beans and beer to create nectar. Combine the nectar and the queen to unlock the trophy, as well as a combo card.

Destroy an ATM machine. Each one will drop between $2,000 and $2,500.

Find a slot machine that has see a pile of $100 in front of it. You can win on that slot machine up to five times. Go to the map by entering any casino or the machines by the Sports Car in the Royal Flush Plaza. The machine will then give out winnings again.

Successfully complete the game and start a New Game+ session. Skip the opening cinematic to also advance past the "Terror Is Reality" section until your arrival at the emergency bunker.

Use the following combinations to create the corresponding food.

Energizer (cannot be injured for ten seconds)
Chili + Chili
Taco + Hamburger

Nectar (attracts nearby Queens and spawns one Queen nearby for six minutes)
Orange Juice + Orange Juice
Jelly Beans + Beer
Onion Rings + Orange Juice

Pain Killer (take half physical damage for one minute)
Beer + Beer
Vodka + Vodka

Quick Step (increase movement speed for one minute)
Milk + Jelly Beans
Wine + Beer
Bacon + Pie

Randomizer (stomach pains that make Chuck vomit three times within three minutes)
Beer + Cooking Oil
Wine + Vodka

Repulse (zombies ignore you for one minute; cancels out Zombait)
Bacon + Chili
Chili + Large Soda
Chili + Ketchup
Chili + Onion Rings
Chili + Pie

Spitfire (spit flames at zombies for one minute)
Bacon + Onion Rings
Ketchup + Ketchup
Bacon + Orange Juice
Chili + Orange Juice

Untouchable (cannot be grabbed by zombies but can still take damage from attacks for one minute)
Bacon + Bacon
Pizza + Large Soda
Bacon + Milk
Chili + Milk
Onion Rings + Milk
Onion Rings + Pie
Pie + Orange Juice
Orange Juice + Milk

Zombait (attract zombies for one minute)
Jelly Beans + Chili
Apple + Taco
Pie + Milk

Search the following locations to get free Zombrex.

Royal Flush Plaza: Found during the case, in Big Roy’s Mart.
Americana Casino: Follow the right side at the fork on the second floor of the BBQ restaurant. Jump on the balcony and over to the closest light then continue across the rest of the lights.
Slot Ranch Casino: Go backstage behind the curtain and climb up the stack of boxes and speakers. Jump on a smaller stack of boxes and speakers.
Underground Access: Go directly under the Atlantica Casino. Note: The underground path overlaps the upper edge of the casino. The Zombrex is near an access ladder on a raised walkway.
Code Blue mission: Save and bring the paramedic to Dean (from the Once Bitten mission). The paramedic will also give Dean a free Zombrex.
Yucatan Casino: Look on top of the tallest slot machine display in the middle.
Royal Flush Plaza: Defeat the Postal Worker during the mission.
Silver Strip Diner: Bring Richard (Hunger Pains) food and rescue him.

Collect all four pieces of the knight armor to get half damage. If lose 50% health, the armor will break and you will take normal damage in your underwear. The armor pieces can be found as follows.

Beard: In the rear of the "Wave of Style" hairdresser's shop in Royal Flush Plaza.
Knight's Armor: Complete the game with an "S" rank.
Knight's Boots: Purchased for $2 million from "Moe's Migitations" on the Platinum Strip
Knight's Helmet: Rescue Jack in "Meet the Family" and defeat him in a poker game in the "Ante Up" case.

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlock

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlock

Apart from the knight pieces, these are some other unlockable clothing that are available in the safe-house closet after completing certain requirements.

UnlockableHow to unlock

Combine the indicated items to create the corresponding weapon.

Air Horn : Pylon + Spray Paint
Auger : Pitchfork + Drill Motor
Beer Hat : Beer + Construction Hat
Blambow: Bow and Arrow + Dynamite (search the movie poster on the south side of Cucina Donnacci)
Blazing Aces: Tennis Racket + Tiki Torch (Rescue Left Hand Lance for the "Tape It Or Die 2" side mission)
Blitzkreig : Electric Chair + LMG or Merc Assault Rifle
Boomstick : Shotgun + Pitchfork
Burning Skull: Bull Skull + Motor Oil (pay the fortune teller outside of One Little Duck Bingo $1,200,000)
Defiler : Sledge Hammer + Fire Axe
Drill Bucket : Power Drill + Bucket
Driller : Power Drill + Spear
Dynameat : Hunk of Meat + Dynamite
Electric Chair : Wheelchair + Battery
Electric Rake : Leaf Rake + Battery
Exsanguinator: Vacuum Cleaner + Saw Blade (rescue Wallace Hertzog for "Tape It Or Die 2" side mission)
Fire Splitter : Toy Spitball Gun + Tiki Torch
Flamethrower: Water Gun + Gasoline Canister (defeat Slappy)
Flaming Gloves : Boxing Gloves + Motor Oil
Fountain Lizard : Lizard Mask + Fountain Fireworks
Freedom Bear: Robot Bear + LMG (searcg the poster for the Clint Rockfoot movie "Stop Or My Bear Will Shoot!" outside the men's bathroom in the Yucatan Casino)
Freezer Bomb : Fire Extinguisher + Dynamite
Gem Blower : Gems + Leaf Blower
Hacker : Flashlight + Computer Case
Hail Mary : Football + Grenade
Handychipper : Wheelchair + Lawnmower
Heliblade : Toy Helicopter + Machete
Holy Arms: Training Sword + Box of Nails (search the "Pit Viking" poster in the Atlantica Casino near the fortune park entrance)
I.E.D. : Box of Nails + Propane Tank
Infernal Arms : Training Sword + Motor Oil
Knife Gloves : Boxing Gloves + Bowie Knife
Laser Sword: Gems + Flashlight (search the poster behind counter at the movie theater on Platinum Strip)
Molotov : Whiskey + Newspaper
Paddlesaw: Paddle + Chainsaw (search the "Paddle Party Massacre" poster in front of Slot Ranch Casino)
Parablower : Parasol + Leaf Blower
Plate Launcher: Plates + Round Saw (complete the "Tape It Or Die 1" side mission)
Pole Weapon : Push Broom + Machete
Porta-mower : Lawnmower + 2"x 4"
Power Guitar: Electric Guitar + Amplifier (rescue Floyd Stone in the "Rock Heroes" side mission)
Ripper : Cement Saw + Saw Blade
Roaring Thunder : Goblin Mask + Battery
Rocket Launcher: Lead Pipe + Rocket Fireworks (defeat Magicians)
Spiked Bat: Baseball Bat + a Box of Nails (get the key to the Maintenance level)
Sticky Bomb : Lawn Dart + Dynamite
Super B.F.G : B.F.G. + Amplifier
Super Slicer : Servbot Mask + Lawnmower
Tenderizers: Box of Nails + MMA gloves (search the poster in front of Casual Gal's store in Royal Flush Plaza)
Tesla Ball : Bingo Ball Cage + Battery
Wingman: Queen + Nectar (Orange Juice + Orange Juice)
Zombie Thrower : Leaf Blower + Spear

Additionally you can create vehicle-weapon combinations after you unlock the motorcycle trailer by completing the "Here Come The Contestants" mission.

Chainsaw Motorcycle: Motorcycle + Chainsaw
Machine Gun Motorcycle: Motorcycle + LMG

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