Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
| - Complete Mission 2 (Any Difficulty Level).
- Aim For The Head (Silver)
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- And So It Begins... (Bronze)
| - Complete Mission 1 (Any Difficulty Level).
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| - Help Your Country To Clear The Virus Infection.
| - Complete Campaign Mode in Co-Op Mode.
| - Complete Campaign Mode on 'Braindead'.
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| - Complete Mission 7 (Any Difficulty Level).
- Hospital Bill Through the Roof (Bronze)
| - Complete Mission 6 (Any Difficulty Level).
| - Collect All The Loot In Every Mission.
| - Collect All The Loot In Any Mission.
| - Complete Campaign Mode On 'Normal'.
| - Complete Campaign Mode On 'Morbid'.
- On top of the World (Bronze)
| - Complete Mission 4 (Any Difficulty Level).
| - Complete Mission 5 (Any Difficulty Level).
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- Romero Would Be Proud (Platinum)
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| - Complete A Mission Without Receiving Any Damage.
- Sleeping with the Fishes (Bronze)
| - Complete Mission 9 (Any Difficulty Level).
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| - Complete A Mission Without Dying.
| - Complete A Mission in Co-Op Mode (Any Difficulty Level).
- Took the Highway (Bronze)
| - Complete Mission 10 (Any Difficulty Level).
| - Collect All Armor Pieces.
| - Complete Campaign Mode On 'Grim'.
- Train to Nowhere (Bronze)
| - Complete Mission 8 (Any Difficulty Level).
- Up Close & Personal (Bronze)
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| - Fully Upgrade A Single Slot Of Any Weapon In Campaign Mode.
| - Complete A Mission On 'Undead'.
- Walk in the Park (Bronze)
| - Complete Mission 3 (Any Difficulty Level).
- Weapons Specialist (Silver)
| - Fully Upgrade All Slots Of Any Weapon In Campaign Mode.
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