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Call of Duty: Black Ops

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Call of Duty: Black Ops on PlayStation 3

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Call of Duty: Black Ops Cheats

Locate the three red rotary phones throughout the Pentagon that ring and flash. The first phone can be found when you first start, after opening a set of doors in the corner. The second phone is on the catwalk circling the room after leaving the first elevator. The third phone is in one of the rooms after leaving the second elevator on the floor that the power is on. You can find the phones by following their ringing. Look at the phone, then hold [Action] until you hear a busy signal. After the third phone is accessed, the song "Don't Back Down" by Eminem will play.

Find the three meteors. The first meteor is located on a pedestal in a corner behind the soda in the main lobby. The second meteor is on a pedestal in the dressing room near some mannequins. The third meteor is the room upstairs near the alleyway, on a "dresser" with black marquee letters. Note: The meteors appear as red veined rocks. Hold [Use] on each meteor until your character says something or the veins in the rock glow red. After all three are found, the song "115" by Elena Siegman will play.

Shoot the heads off all the mannequins in record time to hear "Sympathy For the Devil" by the Rolling Stones.

In the level "Numbers," after interrogating Clarke, several enemy soldiers will appear at the end of the long hallway. If you can shoot all six Nova 6 canisters (two in the back, four on the sides), you can retrieve a cassette tape in the office behind where you started. Note: It is recommended that you toss a flashbang to blind the enemies so you have less trouble taking out the canisters. Once you pick up the tape, continue with the level until the part where Weaver and Clarke both jump off the roof onto a mattress. After they jump down, Clarke will ask Weaver to help him move a fridge out of the way to his first weapon stash. Once they do, go inside and look to the left. There should be a place to put the cassette. Note: When picking up and placing the cassette tape, the game will not prompt you -- you must have seen it being moved yourself. After that, the screen will shake and the Thunder Gun will appear out of the wall. It has twelve bullets, and it is reloaded at checkpoints.

At the beginning of the "Numbers" level after the the Nova 6 Gas is released, go to the back of the room and enter the office. You should see a tape recorder. Hold [Action]. If done correctly, the screen will shake. Progress in the level to the scene when you jump off the roof into the building on to the mattress. Once Clarke is inside, he will move a fridge leading to the weapon stash. You must watch him move the fridge or you will not receive the Thunder Gun. Once you get inside the stash, go to the left. You should see another tape recorder. Walk up to it and hold [Action]. If done correctly, the screen will shake and the Thunder Gun will appear from the wall. You can trade the weapon you are holding for it, and it will be equipped with twelve shots. After you get the Thunder Gun, the rest of the level should be very easy.

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlock

Use the Right Analog-stick at the title screen to look down at your hand when you are locked up. Repeatedly press LT + RT to escape from the chair. Move around the lab and find a computer. Type in the following commands to activate the corresponding feature.


On the Zombies map Five, approach the red telephones and hit the button prompted to change the background music to "Don't Back Down" by Eminem. There are 3 red telephones in all: One by the Quick Revive machine, another on the second floor in the center of the room and a 3rd one is in the room with the Pack-A-Punch machine.

If you shoot the mannequin heads in Nuketown you'll hear "Sympathy for the Devil" by the Rolling Stones.

In the Zombie map "Kino Der Toten" there are 3 pieces of a meteorite located throughout the map. The first is by the stairs when you start the level. The second is in the "boiler room." The third is in the "dressing room." Hit the prompt when next to the piece and your character will say a line about the meteor -- when all 3 pieces have been found, "115" by Elena Siegman will play.

Also, on "Kino Der Toten," in the first room upstairs from where you start, there are 5 pictures on the right. Four of them are the characters you play as and one is blacked-out. You can examines these to hear your character say something about each one.

There are three ways to get this trophy.

Campaign mode: During the battle of Khe Sanh when the NVA are pouring out of the tunnels in the background, throw grenades into the crowd. You are bound to kill some of them.
Multiplayer: Get five of your friends to join the other side. Tell them to cram together, then toss a frag grenade.
Zombies: This requires two players. Blow the legs off five zombies and have the other player to stand in one place while the zombies crawl towards them. When they are all attacking your friend, throw a frag grenade.

In the Rebirth labs, fire the China Lake into the central chamber of the lab. Once the explosion happens in the chamber, the Nova 6 will not only kill the soldiers, but all of the monkeys as well.

In Dead Ops mode, wait until you get to a higher round (for example, rounds 8 or 10). Use a meat power-up at the start of the round. When they pour in, wait a bit, then use the speed power-up.

On "The Defector" mission, at the part where you go inside the building with Bowman, Reznov, and Woods, (the one where the man is crying over his dead friend), go upstairs. There will be two VC in front of you and three more behind the window next to them. Aim precisely so that you can kill all three of them in one shot. This is a checkpoint. If you miss, kill yourself and try again.

Find and activate the following three hidden meteorites. The first meteorite can be found in the starting area. It is on a canister forward slightly and to the left near where you start. To get the second meteorite, get 750 points to open the path on the right of the starting area, that faces the lake. Go upstairs, and ignore the next blockade. Go around the side to enter a room that contains tables. You can find the meteorite on the seat at the far side of the room. Get 750 points to open the path on the left of the starting area. Reach the lighthouse, then take a right and go downstairs. Enter the room and go to where the light is located at the end. The meteorite is on the floor. Collect it, and "I'm Not Ready To Die" by Avenged Sevenfold will begin to play.

Wait until a zombie drops the "Death Machine" perk and be near George when you pick it up. Shoot at him as much as possible. Because the Death Machine has unlimited ammunition for a short time, this will deal a great deal of damage to Romero. Even if you pull him into the water and he returns to normal, this will still cause damage. It will require a very large amount of damage to defeat him. You do not necessarily need to turn the power on or kill him near the water; just as long as you keep doing damage to him, any weapon will bring him down. You will notice that his light hammer turns from blue to orange when you are close to defeating him.

If you lead a group of zombies into the water, keeping them in there long enough will cause them to freeze for a moment, allowing you to run away or kill them easier.

The easiest way to fight George is not to fight him. Shooting him, blowing him up, and even knifing him will cause him to roar in fury, then charge at full sprint after you and your allies until everyone is dead. If this occurs, you can lead him to any large body of water to calm him down. Until you obtain the new wonder weapon and upgrade it via pack-a-punch, you will not be able to kill him. Also, the power must be active before you can damage him.

The following perks are available: Double Tap, Juggar-naught, Speed Cola, Stamin-Up, Dr. Phlopper, Quick Revive, and Deadshot. The Deadshot perk lets you snap-aim (holding down your ADS while an enemy is near) to the zombie's head instead of its torso.

The power switch is located on the half-sunken ship to your right when you start. The boat that covers the entrance is 500 points. When you go up the ship's side, continue straight until you see a stairway to your left leading upstairs. It is worth 750 points to enter. Once inside, go to either the right or left of the cabin and go inside, where you will find a stairway leading up again. Go up and move around the room to find a door that is worth 750 points. Open this, and the power switch will be to your right when you walk in.

If you wish to use either the platforms or zipline, you must first activate the power. After that, you must unlock the area that the platform or zipline ends at, otherwise it will not bring you anywhere. The zipline can be used if there is no notice saying "Closed set" (indicating that you must unlock it) or "Power must be on" (power needs to be turned on). Once the zipline is active, jump into it near the edge and you will use it. The springing platform can be used once the area (lighthouse base) is open, and the power is on. When you stand on it, you will hear a compression sound, and after a moment it will launch you away. Beware, zombies and George can also use them.

To unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards, complete the following Achievements.

AchievementHow to unlock

Find the Golden Rod and save the original characters.

Reach the indicated Prestige level to unlock the corresponding Custom Class Slot. Note: Once you unlock a slot, the pre-set class for that slot will not be available until you Prestige again.

Sixth slot: First Prestige.
Seventh slot: Third Prestige.
Eighth slot: Fifth Prestige.
Ninth slot: Seventh Prestige.
Tenth slot: Ninth Prestige.

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlock

To unlock the gamer picture of Frank Woods, simply escape the interrogation chair by press the left and right triggers simultaneously.

The following is a list of all twenty guns in the Gun Game wager match.

1. Python with multiple attachments
2. Makarov dual wield
3. Spas
4. Ithica
5. MP5K
6. Skorpion dual wield
7. AK74u
8. M14
9. M16
11. AUG
12. Hk21
13. M60
14. L96A1
15. WA2000
16. Grim Reaper
17. M72 Law
18. China Lake
19. Crossbow explosive tip
20. Ballistic knife

At the Battle of Khe Sanh, you're told to clear the trenches. What is missed by most is a nearly inaudible clue telling you that there are barrels full of napalm. And, more importantly, there's no help in telling you what to do with those barrels. Shooting them does nothing. Neither does trying to clear the trenches with one of the mounted machineguns, as the Viet Cong keep pouring out in an endless wave. Nope, you have to run to two of the giant, striped barrels near the bottom of the hill and kick them down into the trench. There are two of them. Hide behind the sandbags and take shots at the VC until it's relatively clear. Make a run for the nearby barrel and use the prompt to stab it and kick it down the hill.

Successfully complete the game.

Reach the indicated Prestige to unlock the corresponding bonus.

Prestige TDM Playlist: Prestige 1.
Prestige Hardcore Playlist: Prestige 10.
Additional Face Paint: Prestige 11.
Colored Clan Tags: Prestige 13.
Gold Camouflage: Prestige 14.
Prestige Pure Playlist: Prestige 15.

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlock

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlock

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding map in Zombies mode.

Dead Ops Arcade: Play the Dead Ops Arcade game.
Der Riese: Enter unique code from Call Of Duty: Black Ops Hardened and Prestige Edition.
Five: Complete Campaign mode.
Kino Der Toten: Available by default.
Nacht Der Untoten: Enter unique code from Call Of Duty: Black Ops Hardened and Prestige Edition.
Shi No Numa: Enter unique code from Call Of Duty: Black Ops Hardened and Prestige Edition.
Verruckt: Enter unique code from Call Of Duty: Black Ops Hardened and Prestige Edition.

Use the Pack-A-Punch machine to make the following upgrades.

Assault rifles
Commando: Predator
Famas: G16-GL35
G11: G115 Generator
Galil: Lemantation
M14: Mnesia
M16: SkullCrusher

CZ75: Calamity
CZ75 Dual Wield: Calamity & Jane
M1911: Mustang & Sally
Python: Cobra

China Lake: China Beach
M72 LAW: M72 Anarchy

Light machine guns
HK21: H115 Oscillator
RPK: R115 Resonator

HS10: Typhoid & Mary
Olympia: Hades
SPAZ-12: SPAZ-24
Stakeout: Raid

Sniper rifles
Dragunov: D115 Disassembler
L96A1: L115 Isolator

Submachine guns
AK47u: AK74fu2
MP40: The Afterburner
MPK5: MP115 Kollider
PM63: Tokyo & Rose

Special weapons
Ballistic Knife: The Krause Refibrillator
Crossbow: Awful Lawton
Ray Gun: Porter's X2 Ray Gun
Thundergun: Zeus Cannon
Winter's Fury: Winter's Fury

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