Allowing secondary characters to reach level 20 easily
When you have a character reach Tiny Tina do all of her side missions until you make it to the final stage of her tea party. Here she wants you to lure Flesh-Stick to her little cove to join her tea party. Since you can fail this mission by killing him you can actually repeat that over n over for experience. On top of that if a second controller is available and you wish to make another character but don't want to level them up the normal way you can have that created person join your session and have them run all the way to Tiny Tina. If you keep them in front of her and your main character in front of where Flesh-Stick walks out you can kill him and re-accept the mission as fast as your trigger finger allows making anyone reach roughly 20-21 in a matter of minutes.
To build a high Badass Rank, and gain all the perks associated with it, create a pair of new characters in co-op mode and have player 1 beat player 2 in 50 duels. This gives 166 Badass Ranks. Save and quit, then start another new game, creating another new character for player 1 (don't bother messing with player 2's character). Fight another 50 duels, with player 1 winning them all for 166 more Badass Ranks. Repeat as desired, and delete the pile of unwanted characters when you're done.. If you set the controller configuration to something where you can just keep tapping the melee-attack button without ruining your aim at the other player, you can finish a duel-run like this in roughly 10 minutes. Thus, over the course of one hour, you can build up 996 Badass Ranks.
Have a saved game file from Borderlands to unlock characters skin from the original game.
Captain Scarlett and her Pirate's Booty: Trophies
Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
| - Completed all Pirate's Booty side missions.
| - Discovered all named locations in Oasis and the surrounding Pirate's Booty areas.
| - Completed the mission "X Marks the Spot".
Create a new character and join the game as a guest on controller two. Stand in front of the guest character with your main character and start a duel. Win the duel and repeat the process. Fifty duel victories will result in a gain of 166 Badass ranks. Create a new character and repeat the process as many times as desired.
At the beginning of the Southpaw Steam & Power Facility, where you do the "Assassinate The Assassins" mission, is a room of lockers and small boxes. Check all the boxes and lockers, then go to the "Pause" menu. Select "Quit", then "Save And Quit". When the game returns to the title screen, continue your game. You will appear at the begging of Southpaw, and the boxes and lockers will have respawned with new items (weapons, money, ammo, shields, and Eridium). Loot the boxes and lockers again and repeat. The entire process is very fast and you can receive at least one Eridium every four times that the room is cleared. This is a good way to get black market items early in the game.
To unlock extra wub, go to the title screen and do the konami code: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, O, X, Start. Under gameplay it will unlock extra wub, but sorry, it does literally nothing.
Full Metal Jacket References
There are multiple references to the movie Full Metal Jacket spread around the game. One of the rifle challenges is called "This is My Rifle," which is part of a familiar line from the movie. Also, the reanimation station will say "You will not die unless you are told" after reviving you, which is a reference to an R. Lee Emery quote in the film.
First you need a thumb drive or a Playstation plus membership. Back up a save file to either one. 1. Load a two player game with the second player having a golden key (and being the save file backed-up to either thumb drive or Playstation plus cloud.) 2.Open chest with second player, take the chest contents and give it to player one. 3.Save and quit game. 4.Exit Game 5.Copy backed up save file to hard drive. Player one save file will have chest contents and player two will have the key back. Repeat as many times as desired.
Get 2 players, then go into trade with each other. Put the gun you want to trade then duel for it. Once you are into duel, drop the weapon you are trading for and let the other player pick up that weapon. Once that happens, win the duel. You win the weapon and the other player has the weapon.
Go to Sanctuary Hole after Chapter 9. Jump off a cliff then go to Caustic Caverns. Run northwest to Guardian Ruins then go to the minecarts and turn right. Jump over the rectangular rocks then turn left to find Minecraft dirt. Break though it to reach Minecraft stone, cobblestone, and coal. Break though those to find Creepers, as well as blocks of gold, diamond, iridium and more. Kill the Badass Creeper to unlock Minecraft-themed skins (Steve Head, Steve's Clothes etc.).
Skin Halloween Spooky Shift Codes
You can unlock differents skins in Borderland 2.. for this enter one of the following shift codes. You can enter them in Main-menu/Extras/Shift Code/ Now sigh up and type one of the codes.
For Commando's "Yellow Jacket" Halloween skin use
Shift code: KBKB3-J3R5J-BKCKT-H3W33-9F56C
For Mechromancer's "Stinger Missile" Halloween skin use
Shift code: CJ5T3-5H5KT-3KCKT-9JKBB-3SKHT
For Salvador the Gunzerker's "Killer Bee" Halloween skin use
Shift code: C3W3B-5JX5J-4C55J-ZJWTJ-RH3HR
For Siren's "Fright of the Bumblebee" Halloween skin use
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reference
There is a quest Patricia Tannis will give you called "Splinter Group". The first step is to pick up some "bait" from Mad Moxxi. This "bait" is actually pizza and Patricia will say after you pick it up that they love the stuff. You end up going into the sewers, which then is a hideout of the runaway mutants. Leave the pizza on the table and get ready to fight four "brothers" who talk like the four talking turtles. After you defeat them. you will go further and can choose to just leave and forget about the puzzle in the final room, or try to finish the puzzle to turn five red lights into five green lights. Once all lights are green another mutant will will come out of hiding and attack you. All five of these mutants does flips, Rolls, and jumps just like a ninja would do.
Trophies: Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage
Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
| - Completed the mission "Long Way To The Top".
| - Completed all Campaign of Carnage side missions.
| - Collected 10 pictures of Moxxi in Campaign of Carnage.
Trophies: Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt
Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
| - Discovered all named locations in Hammerlock's Hunt.
| - Completed all Hammerlock's Hunt side missions.
| - Completed the mission "The Fall of Nakayama".
Successfully complete Story mode under the Normal difficulty setting.
Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
- A Road Less Traveled (Bronze)
| - Completed the mission "The Road To Sanctuary".
- Always Improving (Silver)
| |
| - Completed the mission "Where Angels Fear To Tread".
| - Completed the mission "Hunting The Firehawk".
| - Discovered all named locations in Three Horns, Tundra Express, and Frostburn Canyon.
- Better Than Money (Bronze)
| - Purchased 5 items from the black market.
- Better Than You Were (Bronze)
| |
| - Discovered all named locations in Eridium Blight, Arid Nexus, and Sawtooth Cauldron.
| - Completed the mission "Toil And Trouble".
- Borderland Defender Round Two (Platinum)
| - Unlocked all Borderlands 2 trophies.
| - Completed 20 side missions.
| - Killed a Constructor without it ever building another bot.
- Can See My House From Here (Bronze)
| - Completed the mission "Bright Lights, Flying City".
- Capped Out...For Now (Silver)
| |
- Challenge Accepted (Gold)
| - Completed level 1 of all non-level-specific challenges with a single character.
| |
| |
| - Had Purple-rated gear or better equipped in every slot.
- Definitely An Italian Plumber (Bronze)
| |
| - Completed all side missions.
| - Completed the mission "Best Minion Ever".
- Farewell, Old Girl (Bronze)
| - Completed the mission "Wildlife Preservation".
- Feels Like The First Time (Bronze)
| - Opened the chest at the bus stop in Fyrestone.
- First One's Free (Bronze)
| - Completed the mission "My First Gun".
- Friendship Rules (Bronze)
| - Revived someone from "Fight for Your Life!" that is on your friends list.
- Goliath, Meet David (Bronze)
| - Allowed a Goliath to level up four times before killing him.
- Got The Band Back Together (Bronze)
| - Completed the mission "The Once and Future Slab".
- High-Flying Hurler (Bronze)
| - Killed a flying enemy with a thrown Tediore weapon.
- Highlands Explorer (Bronze)
| - Discovered all named locations in The Highlands, Thousand Cuts, and Wildlife Exploitation Preserve.
| - Unlocked 10 customization items.
| - Completed the mission "The Man Who Would Be Jack".
- Knowing Is Half The Battle (Silver)
| - Completed the mission "Data Mining".
| - Completed the mission "Plan B".
- No Man Left Behind (Bronze)
| - Completed the mission "A Dam Fine Rescue".
| |
- Phased and Confused (Bronze)
| |
| - Killed 100 enemies with the Sabre turret.
| - Completed the mission "Rising Action".
| - Gunzerked continuously for 90 seconds.
| |
- Thresher Thrashed (Silver)
| - Defeated Terramorphous the Invincible.
| |
- Tribute To A Vault Hunter (Bronze)
| - Got an item from Michael Mamaril.
| - Remained in Zero's Deception mode for ten seconds straight.
- Up High, Down Low (Bronze)
| - Gave Claptrap a high five.
| - Discovered all named locations in Sanctuary, Opportunity, and Lynchwood.
- Well That Was Easy (Bronze)
| - Completed the mission "Shoot This Guy in the Face".
- Went Five Rounds (Bronze)
| - Completed Round 5 of any Circle of Slaughter.
- What does it mean? (Bronze)
| - I can't even capture it on my camera.
- Wilhelm Screamed (Bronze)
| - Completed the mission "A Train To Catch".
| - Discovered all named locations.
For those that want to use the skin of the first original borderlands game, then you need to use the save file in order to use this in borderlands 2. More information how to transfer this file at your "Extra" Menu.
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