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The house with the Legionnaire's insignia has the first of many gold bars in a safe box. All gold bars will be in similar boxes. On your way to the stage's second objective, there is a house at a fork in the road with some Russians. Clear it out and check the second floor of that house for this gold bar. South and west of the Russian missile armory, there should be a small white X-mark in make shift pit (this is on the south bank of the river). It is the same location where Haggard says, "I smell gold!" (the beach camp with several Russians). When destroying the anti-tank guns in the town, there is a building on the east half of the town with a red (not blue) "Hotel" sign. The building is defended by several machinegun nests (mounted and emplaced). You must clear the opposition first. Check the second floor. It is one of the few houses you cannot reach the attic because the box blocks the ladder access. After guiding the tanks, you will be told to regroup at the smoke. Instead of doing that, go left of the smoke and case the wall. You will see it on a table-like object.
Assault Rifle Efficiency Trophy: In one round, get 6 kills with an assault rifle. Avenger Trophy: In one round, get 3 Avenger Points. Best Squad Trophy: Awarded at the end of a round. Big Guns Trophy: In one round, get 5 kills with artillery. Carbine Efficiency Trophy: In one round, get 6 kills with a M16A2. Clear Skies Trophy: In one round, get 5 kills with a stationary weapon. Combat Aviator Trophy: In one round, get 5 kills with an air vehicle. Combat Efficiency Trophy: In one round, get a 6 kill streak. Combat Engineer Trophy: In one round, get 20 vehicle repair points (2 repairs). Compact Assault Rifle Efficiency Trophy: In one round, get 6 kills with a compact assault rifle. Demo Pack Efficiency Trophy: In one round, get 3 kills with C4. Emplacement Trophy: In one round, get 5 kills with a stationary weapon. Explosive Efficiency Trophy: In one round, get 10 kills with explosives. Firearm Efficiency Trophy: In one round, get 3 kills with a handgun. Frag Out Efficiency Trophy: In one round, get 3 kills with a grenade while playing Demolitionists. Grenade Launcher Efficiency: In one round, get 6 kills with a grenade launcher. Grenadier Efficiency Trophy: In one round, get 3 kills with grenade playing assault. High Card Trophy: In one round, get the best IAR Score. Kill Assists Trophy: In one round, get 5 kill assists. Laser Designating Efficiency Trophy: In one round, get 3 kills from laser designating. Light Machine Gun Efficiency Trophy: In one round, get 6 kills with a light machinegun. Marksman Trophy: In one round, get 5 kills with a sniper rifle. Medic Trophy: In one round, get 10 points from Medkit (2 heals). Melee Combat Trophy: In one round, get 5 melee kills. Mine Placement Efficiency Trophy: In one round, get 3 kills with at mines. Mortar Strike Efficiency Trophy: In one round, get 3 kills with a mortar strike. Naval Surface Warfare Trophy: In one round, get 5 kills with a sea vehicle. Objective Attack Trophy: In one round, destroy the last objective. Objective Defender Trophy: In one round, get 30 Defend Points. Objective Destroyer Trophy: In one round, destroy 3 objectives. Rocket Launcher Efficiency Trophy: In one round, get 3 kills with a rocket launcher. Savior Trophy: In one round, get 3 Savior Points. Shotgun Efficiency Trophy: In one round, get 5 kills with a shotgun. Squad Medication Trophy: In one round, get 40 Squad Member Heal Points. Squad Member Trophy: In one round, assists or save 5 squad members. SVU Efficiency Trophy: In one round, get 5 kills with the SVU. Tank Warfare Trophy: In one round, get 5 kills with tanks. Target Tagging Efficiency Trophy: In one round, get 2 Kill Assists from Dartgun Tagging. Transport Vehicle Trophy: In one round, get 5 kills with a transport vehicle. UMP: In one round, get 6 Kills with a UMP. Wheels of Hazard Trophy: In one round, get 2 road kills. Winning Team Trophy: Awarded at the end of a round.
Before attacking the first antenna box, continue east down the road to a construction area. The gold bar is on top of some cinder blocks. Directly south from third antenna box, there should be a house with an "X" on it. Inside is the MG36 and the gold bar. After attacking the second antenna box, there is a group of houses down the hill. The gold bar is under the barn with the APC. While crossing over the pools in the walkway, look to the north to find some shipping containers. The gold bar is on top of the containers. Jump over from the nearby staircase to collect it. After fighting through the harbor, go down the ramp and turn to your right. Move in that direction until you see a small green house in the corner of the zone. The gold bar is inside the house.
This is especially helpful if you're being shot up by several enemies and need the auto-injector to stay alive. For the auto-injector, once the screen tilts and you hear the re-assuring hiss, you can switch to another item or weapon. For weapons, once the magazine total reads its maximum, you can select another weapon or item and your gun will be ready to go when you next select it. You can even start a reloading animation just before climbing a ladder and reap the benefits of the reload.
When playing recon, do not be a selfish sniper. Stay relatively close to the objective. You will get more kills and your squad will not feel the urge to kill you as often. When a vehicle or person is tagged by a tracer round, demo classes will be able to home their rockets in on the target. Do not be so determined to get someone's dog tags that you forget about endangering yourself or your objective. Snipers move; it makes it harder for a counter-sniper to draw a bead. Never get into a helicopter without a partner.
Directly above the west gun you must destroy there are a group of X spots. The island in the middle of the lake has a gold bar and an X spot with a collectible gun. After you get the goggles and go to a weapons depot for some ammunition, there will be three tanks. The gold bar is behind the tanks on the golf course up the hill. When you go around the mountainous rocks that separate you and the other pathway, you will reach the top of the map. At the tip of the map is an X and a tank. The gold bar is next to them. A gold bar is at the rear of the mansion's bottom floor.
F2000: Link your PSN or Xbox LIVE name to your Electronic Arts account. Log into your Electronic Arts account, then go to this page to associate your PSN or Xbox LIVE name with it. USAS-12: Check your multi-player stats online and the weapon will automatically unlock the next time you sign on the game. QBU-88: Unlocked through a unique code provided when the game was pre-ordered. Uzi: Download the demo version, select the "Quick Match" option, choose to play a ranked match, and reach Rank 4. M60: Go to, select the "Join the Battlefield Community" option, sign up with Electronic Arts, register for the Battlefield: Bad Company email newsletter, and you will receive a unique code by email to unlock the weapon.
1 on 1 Air: In one round, destroy an air vehicle of the same kind without assistance. 1 on 1 Land: In one round, destroy one land vehicle of the same kind without assistance. 1 on 1 Sea: In one round, destroy one sea vehicle of the same kind without assistance. 2 Pair: In one round, get two of any two trophies. Airtime: In one round, get two seconds air time in a land vehicle. Armor Buster: In one round, Kill five Armored Vehicles. Avenger Trophies: Global: 50x Avenger Trophies. Beat the House: In one round, get 15 grenade kills. Cab Driver: In one round, spend five minutes as driver in a vehicle with passengers. Chopper Chopper Kills: In one round, kill five air vehicles. Dead Eye Headshots: Global: Get 100 Headshots with any sniper rifle. Destruction Site: In one round, destroy 50 objects. Dueces are Wild: In one round, kill two enemies of each kit. Five of a Kind: In one round, destroy five vehicles of the same kind. Full Deck: In one round, get 52 total Kills. Full House: In one round, destroy 3+2 vehicles of the same kind. Gunslinger: Global: 80 Kills with Handgun. Headshots: In one round, get 20 kills from headshots. Parashooter: In one round, get 4 road kills with any air vehicle. Santa's Litle Helper: In one round, get 10 Kill Assists Points. Savior Trophies: Global: 50x Savior Trophies. Snake Eyes: In one round, get 11 kills as two different classes. Squad Avenger Card: Global: Get 100 Avenger Points Avenging Squad Members. Squad Wild Card: In one round, get 1 Squad member trophy per Squad Member. Staying Dry: In one round, get two seconds air time with a sea vehicle. Straight Flush: In one round, destroy one vehicle of each kind. Strike: In one round, kill ten enemies at the same time. Tank Buster: In one round, kill five tanks. Three of a Kind: In one round, destroy three vehicles of the same kind.
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