Complete story mode for all 4 characters.
To unlock Kolulu,you must get rank B or higher in both battles to unlock Kolulu. |
Submitted by redsoxfanWhen choosing stage in VS. mode hold L1 and R1 while holding choose any stage. You will end up in the Sky Arena.
Clear conditions with a B or higher on the second battle with the character in story mode.
Clear 1 player mode with Kanchome.
Clear 1 player mode with Ted.
Clear 1 player mode with Bari.
Clear conditions with a B or higher on the second battle with the character in story mode.
Clear 1 player mode with Gash.
Clear conditions with a B or higher on the second battle with the character in story mode.
Clear 1 player mode with Umagon.
Clear 1 player mode with Reira.
Clear 1 player mode with Tio.
Clear 1 player mode with Brago.
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