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Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Yakuza on PlayStation 2

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Yakuza Cheats

A boy in front of Purgatory is crying that his stomach hurts. Give him food. Go to park #3 with Haruka and he will be there. Give him food again. The kid collapses. Take the kid down Tenkaichi st. and a guy next to Stardust will tell you where the nearest doctor is (building on W. Taihei Blvd, next to Ramen shop). A guy will be in the office on the bed screaming (his name is Ali), Ali's brother's come in and demand help for Ali. Doctor refuses and takes boy to operating room. Brothers pick fight with you, beat them. Ali is alright, and so is the kid. gain 3000 exp. | Submitted by GameGhost

Buy all the paintings from the artist on Park Blvd. gain 500 exp (you need about 150,000 yen to buy all paintings, but don't worry you sell the paintings in future quests so you will make a profit of them eventually) | Submitted by GameGhost

Square, Square, Square - Punch Combo

Square, Triangle - Knock Down Punch

Square, Square, Triangle - Body Plow

Square, Square, Square, Triangle - Uppercut

Circle - Weapon Pick up - Square, Triangle Weapon Attack

Circle, Square, Square, Square, - grab and punch

Circle, Circle - Grab and Throw

Heat Gauge Full - Circle, Triangle | Submitted by GameGhost

Square,Square,Square- Punch Combo
Square, Triangle- knock down punch
square, square, triangle- body blow
square, square, square, traingle- uppercut
Circle-pick up weapon Square, Traingle- attack
Circle, square, square, square- grasp and punch
Circle, Circle- grab and throw
Heat Gauge full, circle, triangle | Submitted by GameGhost

Finish the game.

Theater Square. Don't go looking for this quest when you just start out, eventually you will meet B-King when you are on a main quest. after you beat the main quest though head to theater square. You will see B-King argueing with some yakuza guys. help him out (yeah he is a twerp but you will be compensated for your time). The yakuza guys are tougher than the ones you meet on the street, master the back kick from the sensei in purgatory before facing them, it makes it easier. B-king is pretty tough so he should be able to hold his own for a while. after you beat them B-King tells you the whole story and thanks you (in his own way). he gives you coin locker key # 9 and you gain 500 exp. | Submitted by GameGhost

Lvl- Technique
2- Heat Force- During heat mode all attack power increases
2- Strength reinforcement 1- max hp increases
3- Strength reinforcement 2- max hp increases
4- Dodge grade 2- dodge distance increases
4- Strength reinforcement 3- max hp increases
5- Strength reinforcement 4- max hp increases
5- Quick stand- moce left analog stick + Circle,X,Triangle, and square-time to get up decreases
6- Strength reinforcement 5- max hp increases
7- Dodge grade 3- dodge distance increases
7- Strength reinforcement 6- max hp increases
8- heat force 2- during heat mode, attack power increases even more
8- Strength reinforcement 7- max hp increases
9- Strength reinforcement 8- max hp increases
10- Strength reinforcement 9- max hp increases | Submitted by GameGhost

#1-red light district-Handmade Pistol
#2-west taihei blvd- Motomiya's Dagger
#3-hotel district-French Scarf
#4-wrong person quest-Tortoiseshell plate
#5-west taihei blvd- Stamina X- talk to some guy in the street
#6-unworthy son quest- Bungo Shimizu Sword
#7-yakuza candidate 3 quest- Chivalry Cloth
#8-west shichifuku St.- Cat food
#9-B-King Disaster quest- Survival Knife
#10-runaway Yakuza quest- Charming Picture#11-Wharf (on ship)- Black Jack Amulet
#12-Quid Pro Quo quest- Shabby Coat
#13-Purgatory- Bankerpiece
#14-Red light District- Playerpiece
#15-Purgatory- Red Gem
#16-Ufo Catcher quest- Musashi's Dagger
#17-Suspicious Gun- 9mm automatic
#18-Shang-ri-la- (fourth floor)- Black Gem
#19-Park Alley- Brass Knuckles
#20-Found Cellphone quest- Long Dagger
#21-Behind Serena- Banker Piece
#22-Kyushu No.1 Star- Player Piece
#23-Nakamichi Alley- Red Gem
#24-Gelato Shop- Black Gem
#25-Champion District- Blackjack Amulet
#26-Nakamichi Alley- Chivalry Cloth
#27-West Taighei Blvd- Softball
#28-Golden Lighter quest- Lucky Bracelet
#29-Millenium Tower B1F- 100g Coin
#30-MEB- Rubbish Stun Gun
#31-BEAM (Video store)- Stamina Royal
#32-Club Sega (Nakamichi St.)- Tauriner ++
#33-Club Sega (Theater Ave.)- Tumeric Tablet
#34-Senryo Avenue- Italian Perfume
#35-Millenium Tower Garden- Expensive Umbrella
#36-Champion District- Monogram Bag
#37-Tenkaichi Back Alley- Sledge Hammer
#38-Shichifuku Park- Goddess Charm
#39-Akagyu- Taihei Blvd- Portable Stove
#40-Tenkaichi St.- Flyer
#41-Deborah- Angel's Bells
#42-Millenium Tower B1F- Staminan Spark
#43-Wharf- 1000g
#44-Deborah- Lucky Beads
#45-Shang-ri-la (second floor)- Dragon Cloth
#46-Millenium Tower 2F- 9mm Gun
#47-Shang-ri-la (bottom floor)- "Some Hitman's Diary"
#48-Multipurpose Building 1F (ch.10)- "Some gangster's notebook"
#49-White Edge Hideout (Champion Dist.)- "Byakuren's Notebook"
#50-Theater Alley- Roundhouse Kick Reader | Submitted by GameGhost

Park blvd. Someone calls you about a loan, say tell me more, they will say you owe 240,000 yen, say you don't know anything about a loan and REFUSE to pay. They will send someone to beat you, walk towards west park, someone will approach you, tell him you don't have the money, beat him up, he apologizes and gives you 20,000 yen. gain 500 exp.
 | Submitted by GameGhost

Successfully complete the game to unlock the Premium Box, Adventure Review mode, Battle Review mode, and Movie Viewer.

Get some tissues from the guys in white ponchos, then go to the park on w. shichifuku st., a guy in the bathroom will be yelling for paper. Give him tissues, he will introduce himself, give you his business card and 80,000 yen. gain 500 exp. | Submitted by GameGhost

Tenkaichi st. Some drunk guy will want sake, (2 bottles), then he will get sick and need medicine (staminan X) he will pay you for your trouble. profit- 28,000 yen. gain 200 exp. | Submitted by GameGhost

To unlock easy mode, keep dying on a certain fight, die a couple of times and keep retrying(5-10) until they ask you "You want to select to easy game mode?"

Also take note that when you select this easy mode you won't be return to normal mode anymore.

Advantages: Number of enemies will decrease, they only inflict minimal damage and they attack only one at a time.

Near park # 3 you will see two guys standing over some guy, go check the guy, he is dead. His phone rings, answer it. The guy on the phone will tell you to leave th park, do so and he calls back. He will say to go to Bachus and get the key from a woman. Go there and she will ask for a password, tell her you were not told it. She tells you about your mission and gives you key # 20 (long dagger). Walk out of the locker room, you will get a call, head to theater square, guy calls, turns out you are the target, he is in the batting cage. Talk to him, he attacks you, beat him, he apologizes and gives you a bullet proof vest. get 500 exp. | Submitted by GameGhost

Champion dist. Some guy stops you, asks if you dropped a lighter, say you might have dropped lighter, say you might have dropped it, then say plastic lighter when he asks what type is it. he rewards your honesty with key # 28, gain 500 exp. | Submitted by GameGhost

Approach manager he will complain about yakuza, go talk to them. They threaten you, say "I don't think so", beat them. They run off and themanager gives you 10,000 yen. gain 200 exp. | Submitted by GameGhost

N. Senryo Ave. an old man in a suit is standing outside looking at some graffiti on his wall, he will ask you to stand outside and watch out for a graffiti writer. Some kid runs up and sees you, then runs off. Go down the street and you will see a bunch of guys standing around the kid. Go up to them and they will tell you to stop messing with the writer, then you fight them. Once you beat them the tagger runs off. Go back to the old man and her will give you 50,000 yen. gain 500 exp

Successfully complete all the side quests. Talk to the Boss that appears in front of the movie theater to begin another battle.

Some guy in front of millenium tower asks you if he should place his bets 3-7 or 3-8, say 3-7 and come back later, he thanks you and gives you 200,000 yen. 500 exp. | Submitted by GameGhost

You must get S Rank on all 50 missions in the extra battle review mode.

Get an "S" rank in all fifty missions in Battle Review mode. Master Fighter mode features an unlimited heat gauge.

Nakamichi Alley walk down the alley,(some guy will be bent over), he will say you crushed his contacts and he wants money for damages. Refuse to pay and beat him. He will apologize and pay you 20,000 yen. gain 500 exp. | Submitted by GameGhost

Pink st. A guy comes up and tells you to take off your clothes, say no, he will fight you, beat his pretty boy face! get 300 exp. | Submitted by GameGhost

In Nakamichi Alley
Some Yakuza runs up and bumps into you. You will see him running up the street. He tells you won't "kill him that easily". Beat him and he will ask you if you are the Dragon of Dojima. Say have we met? He will tell you he met you before and gives you coin lockey key #10 for picking a fight with you. Go to the lockers and some guy will run up and demand the key. Say "I don't think so" to the guy and beat him. get Charming Picture (attracts Yakuza to you) from the locker. Gain 500 exp. | Submitted by GameGhost

This quest takes place after the "Find the manuscript" quest. Mamoko is in trouble on Senryo Ave. some guys are going to kill her for publishing too much about the Tojo clan. Help her out. Beat up the guys and she will thank you and give you 40,000 yen. gain 500 exp. | Submitted by GameGhost

On the far right of E. Taihei Blvd a woman with black hair and a white vest will be standing near the end of the street. She is drunk and has lost her manuscript. She asks you to find it, it is in Champion District in some trash in a corner. Find it and give it back to her, she will introduce herself as Momoko Kawai. gain 500 exp.

You must do of all the side quests.

If you pay 30,000 yen to a man on E. Taihei Blvd., you'll get a secret password - tell it to the clerk at Beam Video Store (N. Pink St.), and he'll lead you to a secret weapons room.

Some guys are bothering the employee, tell them to stop bothering him. beat them up, get 50,000 yen. gain 300 exp. | Submitted by GameGhost

Lvl- Technique
2- Dragon Heart- hp low- heat gauge filled in less time
3- Ultimate Weapon- in heat mode when grabbing an enemy- triangle becomes a heat attack when using a weapon
4- Rigid Knowledge- harder to be knocked down during heat mode
5- Iron Mind- takes longer to deplete Heat Gauge.
6- Hunt and Kill- In heat mode press triangle when enemy is down. (when Hp is low, heat action changes so that you straddle and pummel the enemy)
7- Taunt Grade 2- Heat gauge goes up everytime you taunt (R2)
8- Iron Knowledge- (L1) focusing energy- guard against weapon attacks increases.
9- Steal Mind- takes even longer to deplete heat guage
10- True Rigid Knowledge- even harder to be knocked down during heat mode. | Submitted by GameGhost

Komaki School Battojutso- 1 soul, 1 tech, 1 body- sword drawing tech. sword drawn with max power

Roundhouse kick- 4 tech- move left analog in opposite direction, triangle

Komaki School Reverse Strike- 6 tech- Square x 1-4, left analog in opposite direction, triangle

Komaki School Dodge Attack- 6 tech, 6 body- while dodging press triangle, effecting against charging enemies

Komaki School Ukemi- 7 tech, 7 body- While being knocked back, press x repeatedly- helps avoid falling to the ground

Komaki School Parry- 7 soul, 7 body, 7 tech- press L1 when hit to parry an attack with your arms.

Komaki School Counter Attack- 8 soul, 8 body, 8 tech- time attack with your enemies' to perform a counter attack

Komaki School Ukenagashi- 9 soul, 9 tech, 9 body- Time attack with enemies' press circle | Submitted by GameGhost

Nakamichi Alley. Some girl will tell you some guy is following her, say you will handle it. Go confront him, he will say he knows Yakuza, tell him to call them up. He calls and some guy shows up (his brother). Beat them both, they apologize and run off. Go back to the woman and she gives you 30,000 yen and you get 200 exp. | Submitted by GameGhost

Around theater square a lady in white will be walking around near the casino, walk over to her. She will start screaming and call you a molester. Her title name will be "Con Woman" so you no automatically it is a con. A man will run up and demand money. Tell him no way and beat him up. The lady will confess and the man will give you 20,000 yen and run off. gain 200 exp. | Submitted by GameGhost


2- Charge Kick- Hold Triangle, release
3- Kick Combo-Square,Square,Sqaure,Square,Triangle
3- Escape grade 2- While Held press X repeatedly
4- Heat Hold Combo-grab enemy,circle,press Sqaure
5- Hold grade 2-circle(harder for enemy to escape)
6- Escape Grade 3- While held press X repeatedly
7- Dropkick- While running press triangle
8- Heat Hold Kick- Grab enemy, press triangle (only in heat mode)
8- Hold Grade 3- even harder for enemy to escape your hold
9- Giant SWing- without touching left analog stick, press circle. (only in heat mode)
10- Finishing hold- Square x 1-3, triangle, circle. Move depends on how many times you press square. | Submitted by GameGhost

East Taihei Blvd. Some lady in red will ask you to find her bag. She says she left it in Theater Square. Go there, a couple of girls will be talking about a purse, they will tell you about a guy running towards champion district. go there, some punk will be standing there and you will think he maybe the one, talk to him, ask him if he stole it, threaten him, he says he gave it to guys at park # 3. Go there, some punks will be hanging around, tell them to hand it over, beat them, go back to the lady and give the bag back. she gives you 10,000 yen and you gain 500 exp. | Submitted by GameGhost

On Showa st. a lady in white will be standing outside a club muttering something. Go over to her and she will ask if you want a job. Say yes, all you have to do is stand outside the club and prevent anyone from entering. A guy in a black sweater runs up and demands to be let in, don't let him in, beat him. He will run off and get a friend, beat them. They will run off and get one more friend and they will fight you. Beat them and then just wait for the owner to pop up. Once you see her go talk to her and she will thank you and give you 20,000 yen. gain 500 exp. | Submitted by GameGhost

Senryo Ave. A guy asks to read your palm. Let him read it, he will say he sees trouble in your future. He offers something that can counter act it and asks for 10 minutes of your time. You will end up in a cafe and some other guy will show up. They start talking about a special stone that will give you awesome luck and will then try to sell it to you. Do not buy it! Just say no or you don't need it. Eventually the other guy will pick a fight with you. Beat him an he will try to offer you a bribe, don't take it. Threaten him and he will squeal and tell you where the palm reader is (Nakamichi st. right outside park # 3). Once you find the guy he will try to offer you 20,000 yen and the stone. Don't take it, beat him up. Just one punch later and he will give you 30,000 yen and the life stone. gain 500 exp | Submitted by GameGhost

On Nakamichi st. a lady will be yelling for help, go up to her and she will tell you some guy snatched her purse. He is in park # 3, go find him and beat him. Then go back to the lady and give back her purse. She gives you 10,000 yen. gain 500 exp. | Submitted by GameGhost

Senryo ave. Some guy runs up to you, offers a job as a host in a club. say yes, he asks for 10,000 yen. give it to him. he calls later saying the bar is closed, go back to where you saw him. Some guy gives you 50,000 yen. gain 200 exp. | Submitted by GameGhost

On Park Alley some guy demands a toll from you to get by him. He demands 10,000 yen, say no and fight him. He admires your strength and lets you pass. He gives you 10,000 yen. gain 500 exp. | Submitted by GameGhost

Beat the game with any difficulty level.

W. Shichifuku st. Kano needs help with a girl. Follow him, some guy will try to beat on Kano, beat them up. get 50,000 yen, a french scarf, and 500 exp. poor kano, no love for him. | Submitted by GameGhost

North Pink St. Kano wants you to help with collecting a debt from a woman in red. follow him and keep an eye out for the red dress! goes to East Shichifuku st., further east, then down the street. she says she gives up. some guys show up and want to take her, do not let them. Beat them down and she gives you the money, she also says she has fallen for you. Kano then shows up and gives you 100,000 yen and locker key # 7. get 1000 exp. | Submitted by GameGhost

Nakamichi Alley. Kano says he just got a suicide job and wants you to negotiate for him. He takes you to some guy but then he says kano was to bring you to him. beat all of them up and kano will confess. The little weasel begs you to kill him to atone for it. ask him what happened he will spill his guts and tell you everything if you keep asking it. Eventually he will beg you to kill him once more, tell him it is not worth it,(I cut the little jerk some slack), he thanks you for everything you have done and admits he isnt yakuza material. gives you 200,000 yen and Musashi's dagger. gain 2000 exp. | Submitted by GameGhost

Senryo ave Kano runs up to you and fights you. He then asks you to be his Aniki. Do it, he will bring you jobs later. | Submitted by GameGhost

Senryo avenue. Kano approaches you and asks if your the Dragon of Dojima. Say yes, beat him. he fights like a girl but will get you missions if you agree to be his Aniki. | Submitted by GameGhost

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