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Tony Hawk's Underground 2

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Tony Hawk's Underground 2 on PlayStation 2

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Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Cheats

Throw a bead at any girl in New Orleans, and they'll pull up their shirt to reveal the word, censor.

Complete Boston Story Mode.

Complete Barcelona Story Mode.

Complete all gaps on all 15 levels.

Complete Berlin in Story.

To make a huge grafiti tag with any person on any level ( including secret skaters ) is: Start a combo and then do a combo run out. Then, before the timer runs out, tag once. It should only be normal size. Then with the timer still running, grafiti tag again. The tag should be ten times bigger than normal. | Submitted by BenCarnes

In the Boston level, if you Natas Spin on a fire hydrant long enough, it will pop and water will come out. | Submitted by MORSN417

Enter the following at the cheat menu: straightedge.

Complete Classic mode on Sick.

Complete New Orleans in Story.

Go to Los Angeles. To the left of the start point, there is a rail that goes up to the roof of a building. Grind up it. There should be a freeway overpass in front of you. Boneless onto it and Skitch one of the cars that is going to the right (from the roof). When the car goes down a ramp, let the Skitch go. You should be skating in the background of the level. Have fun! | Submitted by Jimmy

Complete Classic mode on Sick.

Complete Classic Mode with 100%.

Complete Story on Sick

Complete Classic mode on Normal.

Complete Story on Normal

Complete Story on Easy.

Complete Story on Normal.

Complete Story on Sick.

Complete Classic Mode on Normal.

Complete Classic Mode on Sick.

Complete Story with 100%.

Complete Classic Mode with 100%.

Complete Story on Easy.

Complete classic mode.

Complete Story with 100%.

Complete Story.

To unlock the R/V halfpipe and that mission for your character, play as Jesse James and jump over three cars.

Complete Skatopia in Story.

Complete Australia in Story mode.

Grab on to what looks like a jet pack and it will take you on a very fast rope ride.

The easiest way to complete the Bomb Box mission in Skatopia is to Flip Trick onto one of the lower boxes and Caveman the rest in that row. Just jump from box to box after getting off your board, but make sure to do one row at a time.

On the Boston level, turn left from where you first start. Go past the museum into an opening that looks like a typical apartment. Skate to the right of the door you can't go in, come down and skate up that ramp and, at the top of your jump, R2 to level out. You'll break through a glass window and find the Star Wars kid sitting there.

The Star Wars Kid makes a second appearance in the final Classic level, Triangle. Grind the helicopter missiles in order to bust open two holes in the side of the mountain. There are three sets of windows showing aliens doing a variety of things including watching the Star Wars Kid demonstrate his ridiculous dance.

Complete Classic mode on Normal.

Complete Story mode on Normal.

To do the Natas Spin, approach an object, such as a trash can, statue, or a pole, while standing on the board. Jump at it and press Triangle while holding R1.

To unlock all movies enter "boxoffice" in the cheats menu. | Submitted by MORSN417

Enter "oldskool" in the cheat code menu. Alternatly, sucessfully complete classic mode under the sick difficulty setting. | Submitted by Nick

Enter the following at the cheat menu: sellout.

At main menu, select Game options and then select Cheat Codes. Enter aprilsman. | Submitted by GameGhost

Complete Story mode.

Jump on the house near the elephant then hop on the elephant's back. He will get mad and crush the aquarium door.

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