- Afro Hair, Cropped Pants, Armwarmers, Furry Boots...
- A-Line Skirt...
- Brad Paisley - Celebrity...
- Byakuren...
- Camos w/ Scarf...
- Completion bonus...
- Devil Girl Outfit...
- Diamond Bracelet...
- Easy money and armor...
- Enrique Character...
- Flames Cowboy Hat...
- FlatTop Cowboy Hat...
- Garth Brooks - Friends in Low Places...
- George...
- Glam jacket & Scarf, Vinyl Pants...
- Glam Tower Hair, Glam Tux & Scarf...
- Gym Shorts...
- Handlebar Moustache...
- Hidden bath scenes...
- Hi-Top Hair, Star Glasses, Funk Coat...
- Josephine...
- Junior Character...
- Lady Sialeeds...
- Liberty Spikes Hair, Punk Jacket...
- Long Coat, Slacks, Motorcycle boots w/Socks...
- Monique Character...
- Muraad...
- Oboro...
- Open Shirt...
- Renaissance Outfit...
- Retro Cowgirl Outfit...
- Rocker Pants...
- Rodeo Dude Outfit...
- Skip boat sailing scenes...
- Slick Shades and Boots w/Spurs...
- Sombrero Hat...
- Super character...
- Trilby Hat...
- Turquoise Cuff...
- Velvet Supreme Outfit and Top Hat...
- Western Cowboy Outfit...
- Western Cowgirl Outfit...
Afro Hair, Cropped Pants, Armwarmers, Furry Boots
Get 500,000 Total Points.
Get 10 Platinum Records.
Get 5 Gold Records.
An easy way to get Byakuren (the giant snake that attacks you when you cross the bridge in your Headquarters) is to have Levi (the magician) in your party and defeat him. Afterwards he will join your Star Of Destiny tablet.
Get 20 Platinum Records.
Successfully complete the game and save when prompted. Start a new game and select the cleared saved game file. You will begin with the money from your previous game, collected formations, your Party SP, collected Epics, inventory and storage items, and your Hero's name. Additionally, press L2 or Triangle to run faster.
Get 8 Platinum Records.
Get 17 Platinum Records.
Once you recruit Subala, store all of your party items with Chuck. Then, play the fishing game against Subala at your headquarters. When you play the fishing game, sometimes you will catch "? Pot" and parts of fish bodies. Play the fishing game about five or six times (depending upon your skill). Go to the closest appraiser and get all of your "? Pots" appraised. You can then turn around and sell the pots to the appraiser for a significant profit. It is possible to make over 200,000 Potch in one trip. The fish body parts are armor that you can equip on a few characters. This is good armor to have fairly early in the game.
Get 14 Platinum Records.
Get 13 Platinum Records.
Get 1 Platinum Records.
Garth Brooks - Friends in Low Places
Get 6 Platinum Records.
It is recommended that you do not level up George because you cannot use him in the final battle.
Glam jacket & Scarf, Vinyl Pants
Get 21 Platinum Records.
Glam Tower Hair, Glam Tux & Scarf
Get 9 Platinum Records.
Get 16 Platinum Records.
Get 15 Gold Records.
Bring one of the following set of characters into the bath in your headquarters to trigger a hidden bath scene:
Scene 01: Josephine, Maroon, Faylen
Scene 02: Kisara, Lun, Subala
Scene 03: Eresh, Leilei, Shunmin
Scene 04: Zerase, Nikea, Bernadette
Scene 05: Lyon, Miakis, Roy
Scene 06: Flail, Byarkuren
Scene 07: Lu, Jeane, Marina
Scene 08: Nifsara, Norma, Linfa
Scene 09: Lorelai, Viki, Zweig
Scene 10: Isabel, Nelis, Sharmista
Scene 11: Lyon, Sialeeds
Scene 12: Maroon, Muroon, Faylon
Scene 13: Dinn, Isato, Matthias
Scene 14: Kyle, Gavaya
Scene 15: Roog, Nick, Rania
Scene 16: Ernst, Ax, Moroon
Scene 17: Logg, Retso
Scene 18: Levi, Wabon, Babbage
Scene 19: Alhazred, Ganoh, Sairoh
Scene 20: Zegai, Killey, Gunde
Scene 21: Nakula, Raven, Egbert
Scene 22: Rahal, Lance, Mohsen
Scene 23: Cathari, Hazuki, Urda
Scene 24: Bergen, Sorensen, Dongo
Scene 25: Georg, Richard, Yahr, Taylor
Scene 26: Shigure, Sagiri
Scene 27: Galleon, Goesch, Murad
Scene 28: Cornelio, Baslan
Scene 29: Cius, Haleth
Scene 30: Shoon, Takamu
Scene 31: Belcoot, Shinro
Hi-Top Hair, Star Glasses, Funk Coat
Get 19 Platinum Records.
She is in Haud after the Battle Of Raftfleet (around there). You must have Lady Sialeeds in your party.
Get 20 Gold Records.
It is recommended that you do not level up Lady Sialeeds because you cannot use her in the final battle.
Liberty Spikes Hair, Punk Jacket
Get 18 Platinum Records.
Long Coat, Slacks, Motorcycle boots w/Socks
Get 12 Platinum Records.
Get 750,000 Total Points.
He will be at every place where there is a large battle. Keep asking him until he joins at each of the places (such as Rainwall, Raftfleet, Lelcar, and Doorat).
When you are in Rainwall you will need him to advance in the story. When you are done speaking with him, go to the inn and talk to Norden. When you are done following the next few scenes, wait until after the battle of Raftfleet. He will be there and you can ask him to join. Note: You should do the bar scene or he will be difficult to get.
Get 7 Platinum Records.
Get 1,500,000 Total Points.
Get 250,000 Total Points.
Get 22 Platinum Records.
Get 10 Gold Records.
When you sail on a boat to a location, press Triangle while sailing to skip the boat trip and arrive immediately at your destination.
Slick Shades and Boots w/Spurs
Get 5 Platinum Records.
Get 2,000,000 Total Points.
Mohawk Hair, Super Hi-Tops, Spiked Wristband
Get 23 Platinum Records.
The following setup will basically make your character immortal:
Equip four Eyeball Rings
Rune Slot 1: A Strike-Back Rune
Rune slot 2: Double Edge Sword (If the character has a 2nd Rune slot)
Rune slot 3: Drain Rune (If the character has a 3rd Rune slot)
This setup is not cheap, but it is possible to handle many Bosses solo with it. You may need to remove the Double Edge rune from some characters because they do not have a lot of HP. Go to the big hole near the rotating bridge. In the area before the ruins, the Eyeball Ring is commonly dropped.
Get 15 Platinum Records.
Get 4 Platinum Records.
Velvet Supreme Outfit and Top Hat
Get 11 Platinum Records.
Get 2 Platinum Records.
Get 3 Platinum Records.
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