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Street Fighter Alpha Anthology

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Street Fighter Alpha Anthology on PlayStation 2

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Street Fighter Alpha Anthology Cheats

At the character selection screen highlight one of the characters below and press the start button the required times listed.

Ryu: Press START=Ryu 2; START x2 = Evil Ryu
Ken: Press START=Ken 2
Bison: Press START=Bison 2, START x2= Cammy
Chun-Li: Press START=Chun-Li 2, Start x2= Chun-Li 3
Dhalsim: Press START=Dhalsim 2
Sagat: Press START=Sagat 2
Zangief: Press START=Zangief 2
Sakura: Press START x5=Sakura 2 | Submitted by KenFougere

When you play the full version of Alpha 3 you can play as these additional fighters: Evil Ryu, Fei-Long, Guile, Juni, Juli, T. Hawk, Barlong and Dee Jay. | Submitted by KenFougere

At the character selection screen, highlight Akuma, hold start, and press x, triangle, square, circle, R1, R2, L2, or L1. Note: this will only work in the full version of Alpha 3. | Submitted by KenFougere

There are 3 EX characters in STA2. To play as one of them, select the Full Version of Street Fighter Alpha II. Then go to the character selection screen. Hilight one of these people below and follow the directions.

EX Chun-Li: Hilight Chun-Li and hold Start for 5 seconds.

EX Zangief: Hilight Zangief, hold Start and press Down, Left(4), Up x2, Right(4), Down, X

EX Dhalsim: Hilight Dhalsim, hold Start and press Left, Down, Right, Up, X | Submitted by KenFougere

To unlock the full version of Alpha 2:
Complete Arcade Mode without continuing then exit out. Highlight Alpha 2, Hold SELECT + press X.

Repeat above for Alpha 2 Gold and Alpha 3.

Note: There are no full versions for Alpha 1 and Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix. | Submitted by KenFougere

At Player Select screen
Hold Start and move cursor over Chun-Li
Leave cursor on Chun-Li for 5 seconds
Press the following buttons for these colors
Any P: Blue All P: Green Any K: Pink All K: Black

In any of the games, go to options and highlight "display adjust", and hold R1, and press x. Note: Color Edit is where you can make and customize costumes for any character you choose. | Submitted by KenFougere

In all SFA games, select Dramatic Battle and QUICKLY hold down triangle + R2 to enter Dramatic Battle Survival Mode. You will face opponants in the same order as Survival Mode and will continue fighting until both you and your partner are KO'ed.

To fight Akuma instantly without fulfilling any in-game requirements, hold the Start button and select arcade mode in Street Fighter Alpha 1. Select your character and any additional options (such as Turbo) while still holding down start. Immediately after, press and hold Medium Punch and Medium Kick buttons (Triangle and Circle) while still holding down the start button until Akuma appears. You have to be very quick into pressing Medium Punch and Kick after selection. Do not press any shoulder buttons until Akuma appears or you may invalidate the code. If done right, Akuma will do a Shun-Goku-Satsu on your 1st opponent and you get to fight him next.

Press and hold Medium Punch and Medium Kick (Triangle and Circle). Select arcade mode and press start in SFA2 Gold's main menu. If done correctly, the character selection screen will be colored blue rather than orange. Pick any character and get ready to fight Shin Akuma.

To fight your end boss instantly (usually M.Bison) in Street Fighter Alpha 3, select arcade mode. Select any character and all additional options (such as Turbo and ISMS). Immediately after, press and hold Start, Light Punch, Medium Kick and Hard Punch until M.Bison appears on the vs. screen. You must be very quick into doing this or the code might not work. Convenient for people who lost to M.Bison in regular arcade mode and can't continue.

In any of the games, go to options and highlight game options, hold R1 and press x. These are options such as health recovery. | Submitted by KenFougere

On the character select screen to choose Dan press right from Ken and to choose Akuma press left from Ryu.

When at the character select screen, go to Bison (Vega), press start twice and Cammy will appear for selection. She can be used in all modes.

Go to Ryu and hold Start for 1 second
Then go to Adon, Akuma, Adon, and back to Ryu
Press and hold Start then press any button

Highlight Akuma and Press Start 5 times.

Can only be done in 2 Player Mode

At Player Select screen
Either player press and hold Start
Move cursor to Sagat, leave it there for 5 seconds
Go to any character, release Start, and press any button

Do the same code as above but use Bison instead of Sagat

Play as Vega (Bison): Highlight the random box at the character selection screen, hold START and press DOWN x2, LEFT x2, DOWN, LEFT, LP + HP.

Play as Akuma (Gouki): Highlight the random box at the character selection screen, hold START and press DOWN x3, LEFT x3, LP + HP.

Play as Dan: Highlight the random box at the character selection screen, hold START and press LP, LK, MK, HK, HP and MP. | Submitted by KenFougere

In Street Fighter Alpha 3 Arrange mode, When you are selecting your style (Normal, Mazi, Saikyo, and Classic) Hold Start on Classic, then press down. The cursor should dissapear. Now press any button. This is M.Bison's Special bar during the last fight, for any character, referred to as Z-Ism.

To view the credits for Street Fighter Zero Fighters Generation, you must have all the games unlocked (even all arrange versions) including Hyper Street Fighter Zero.

To get to the credits staff roll, highlight Street Fighter Zero 1 from the main menu and press Select + any button you use to select it (the main buttons that confirms a menu choice) then once your in the choices for game modes at Hyper Street Fighter Zero go to Options, and hit the R1 button plus the confirmation button and you will see the staff roll (credits) for Hyper Street Fighter Zero.

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