15% or 45 trophies: Unlocks 2P color during the game. Press TRIANGLE at the status screen to use this.
25% or 75 trophies: Unlocks Universe mode when starting a new game
40% or 120 trophies: Unlock 3P color during the game. Press TRIANGLE at the status screen to use this.
55% or 165 trophies: Unlocks music test. Press SQUARE at the battle trophy screen.
65% or 195 trophies: Unlocks 40 mode when starting a new game.
80% or 240 trophies: Unlocks 4P color during the game. Press TRIANGLE at the status screen to use this.
95% or 285 trophies: Unlocks full active mode in battles when starting a new game.
When creating an item, choose original creation. Set the price of the original creation very high (over 4,000. After the meter completes the first finish, check the characters' expression.. If they are smiling (better if three of the characters
are smiling), then press X to see what you have created. If it is unsuccessful, load the game. This is risky where money is concerned. Note: Setting the item original creation price very high increases the chance of creating good items. This requires some patience.
After beating the game it will be saved as "CLEAR" Loading this game will take you to the Spiral Tower save point before the boss battle. Go down the stairs and talk to the bunny character to travel to the Fire Wall, the Ruins of Mosel or Surferio. The bonus dungeons include the Aquatic Gardens of Surferio, Maze of Tribulations, and the Urssa Cave Temple.
Different Battle Music in Vs Mode
As soon as you select a battle stage in Vs Mode, press and hold one of the shoulder buttons(R1,R2,L1,L2) before the battle stage loads. This will randomly select new battle music.
This trick is only available near the end of the game. Once you return to Elicoor the last time visit the outfitter in West Peterny. Check to see if the item Durian Stun Bomb-R4 has been invented. If not you might have to invent it yourself.
Once the shop has the item, buy 20 of them. This should be about 200,000 fol. Don't worry though you'll get that back and more. After you have 20 bombs, head to Irisa Plains. There will be the white winged monsters roaming the field. Go up to one and start a fight. As soon as you can use items, use the bomb. Instant Win.
Now in order to get a ton of EXP and FOL you need to get in a battle a make a bonus battle occur and win. After this happens repeat the bomb trick. When your chain starts to have 300% and 200% fol, you will see the trick at it's best. With two of the white winged monsters defeated at once you gain about 12,000 EXP and 33,200 Fol. When you run out of bombs, go to Peterny, buy some more, run back, then repeat.
This trick is ideal for people who want to level up to very high levels in a short amount of time, collect hard to get battle trophies, level up low level char, get lots of Fol. An example I will show is that in about 5 minutes I got a level 1 character
to level 40.
If you cannot leave an area, talk to everyone there.
The code for Norton's hideout is "256". It is easy because the bandits are dumb.
Peppeti Rosseti's autograph
At the hotel in the begging of the game, get to the floor with the battle system just outside of the lounge to the right, near the man standing in front of the door being blocked. Go past that and the next door will hold a brief intermission sequence. You will get Peppeti Rosseti's autograph on the back of your shirt. It will remain there as long as you wear the shirt.
When you beat Gabriel Celesta in Cave of Trials, you can go above Floor 100 in Sphere Company 211. As the name implies, It has 211 Floors. Valkyrie awaits you at Floor 210 while Iseria Queen is at the Last Floor.
After defeating the Mudman, head out West out of Peterny and then go to North to Surferio. Find Roger S. Huxley there and talk to him. He'll give you the Ancient Books (if you agreed to take him along in Duggus Forest).
Unlock 4th Dimension Difficulty
Collect 70% of the Battle Collection.
Unlock Cave Of Trials Dungeon
Beat the game, and a special bonus 10 stage boss dungeon will be unlocked.
Complete 95% or more of the Battle Collection.
Complete 60% or more of the Battle Collection.
Unlock Universe Difficulty
Complete 30% or more of the Battle Collection.
Use of the Rabbit Ears Chalice
If you do Roger's Ancient Book Sidequest, you'll eventually uncover an item called the Rabbit Ears Chalice in the Ursa Lava Caves. With the item equipped, enter the code below during a battle to have that character blow up and deal damage to the enemy.
Code - Effect
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, (Circle X or X Circle, depends on refinement) - Character explodes and deals damage.
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