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Splinter Cell

Defense Ministry: Accessing Retinal Scanner for Splinter Cell - PlayStation 2

You will find yourself starting in a freezer room, you'll most likely hear some voices and footsteps. Slowly move through the freezer room to the lightswitch and turn the lights off. Stay near the wall and peer through the plastic flaps that pose as a "door." There should be only one guard there, stirring some soup. You can shoot him or sneak up and knock him out, either way is effective. Take the body back to the freezer and hide him. Turn the kitchen lights off then open the door with your gun unholstered. At the cafeteria main doors should be a guard, well, guarding the room. His back will be against you (your lucky day!) so take your time and aim for the head. Once you have killed him, take his body to the freezer or any dark place you see fit. Go out the cafeteria doors and head towards the stairwell. You should hear a transmition from one guard to another, asking to send another guard to where they are, or something similar, I forget the words. Ignore them and proceed down the stairs.

This should lead you into the Main Hall. Run to the very far of the room and look down. You'll see one guard pacing the room and another sitting at the computer. When the guard walks towards the same end of the room you are at, look down and shoot him dead. The man from the desk will run over to the dead body and say on his radio, "I've found a dead body!" Ignore it and shoot him dead. That ought to shut him up. :P Proceed down the stairs, access the computer and Lamburt should inform you a Colonel is on his way. Go hide somewhere dark and wait for the Colonel to sit down at the computer. When he does, sneak up and grab him. Viola! One Retinal Scan coming right up! | Submitted by TriggerPZX54

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