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Sonic Heroes

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Sonic Heroes on PlayStation 2

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Sonic Heroes Cheats

When fighting the egg emperor with any team, switch to fly formation and collect 2 yellow power cores (3 if possible). Once you get to the round platform, fly as high as you can and use thunder shoot. Don't stop shooting until eggman is off the platform. If you do this well enogh, you can defeat the egg emporer before he gets to the third round platform. | Submitted by GameOverlord

It is possible for any formation to fly. First go into FLY formation. Then start flying and switch to another formation. Even though the FLY formation is on top, the new leader will have the fly gauge. Pretty niffty, huh? | Submitted by SeanBailey

As team sonic, unleash the awesomeness that is sonic's 'blast away!' move. As team sonic, right after doing team blast, while the team blast gauge drains down, try to do the tornado move as sonic near a load of enemys. Sonic will then shout 'Blast away!' and fly around like he does on team blast, only it only destroys all enemies that touch him, instead of all enemys in vicinity. | Submitted by dudenessthethird

When your team mates get captured by that floating yellow robot and you don't defeat it before it dissapears you cannot select that character anymore so find a way to raise up your gauge and use team blast, and your characters are back. p.s also works in story or challenge mode when you battle another team. | Submitted by EmoRoxas67

You know when you're to far away from the Egg Emperor he charges at you, to defend yourself so he won't make you loose your rings simply switch to power formation and keep pressing the Square buttons when he comes and now you still have your rings and he's closer. | Submitted by EmoRoxas67

On any level, switch to fly formation. Fly as high as you can, then keep using thunder shoot. Eventually, you will be able to use team blast. | Submitted by GameOverlord

If your having trouble tring to beat the final boss on final fortress, an easy way to to kill eggman is to get your speed, power, and fly characters level 3. so when you go attack the egg empour he'll have his shield up. change to charmy, cream, tail, or rogue and keep on tapping the attack button, then he'll be at round about 100 hp then use team blast to finish off the job. if you do this quick enough you might even get a a+. | Submitted by ashday

Note: This only works with Team Chaotix. Using Charmy. fly toward a wall and switch characters. Keep flying up against the wall and repeatedly hit X + Square. Do this until your flight gauge runs out, but it should fill back up giving you endless flight. This is useful in Egg Fleet when you have to defeat all the enemies to get the door to open. With this glitch you can fly over it. | Submitted by EmoRoxas67

When playing with team Chaotix, push A+B to make Espio invisible.

Hold A and Y after selecting a 2-player level to have a "metallic" skin covering over your team.

Select 2-player mode and right when you select the stage hold down X and Triangle at the same time do not let go until you see the characters talking. | Submitted by EmoRoxas67

Statue in Hang Castle: As either Team Sonic, Team Dark, or Team Chaotix, enter the Hang Castle level. Play through the stage until you get to the statue of Eggman. Then, flip the castle upside-down by using the nearby switch. Note: You cannot flip the castle here as Team Chaotix, as the statue will already be flipped over. When you flip the castle over, you will see a different statue. This is a statue of Metal Sonic, the real Boss of the game. | Submitted by EmoRoxas67

Collect 80 emblems in the story or challenge modes to unlock the two-player bobsled race.

Collect 120 emblems in the story or challenge modes to unlock the two-player expert race.

Collect 100 emblems in the story or challenge modes to unlock the two-player quick race.

Collect 60 emblems in the story or challenge modes to unlock the two-player ring race.

Collect 40 emblems in the story or challenge modes to unlock the two-player special stage.

Collect 20 emblems in the story or challenge modes to unlock the two-player team battle.

Beat the game with 141 Emblems and all A ratings.

Team Chaotix Cinema: Complete Team Chaotix in Story Mode
Team Dark Cinema: Complete Team Dark in Story Mode
Team Rose Cinema: Complete Team Rose in Story Mode
Team Sonic Cinema: Complete Team Sonic in Story Mode

Collect all 7 Chaos Emeralds and finish all stories.

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