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Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves on PlayStation 2

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Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves Cheats

If you go back to Venice on Sly 3, you may notice the coffee house near the police station is inacsessable. This is not true, if you know where to look.

Walk up to the front entrance of the police station(the vent on top has been boarded up), and you'll see an interaction symbol.

Hit the circle button to open the door. Instead of opening the door, the camera will zoom across the plaza and open the coffeehouse door. When the room loads, you will be in the coffeehouse! Not useless, and fun.

To defeat Don Octavio, wait for Sly's signal to lure Octavio to the tar pit. Get close to the tar pit and wait until he gets stuck in the tar, then punch him rapidly. Don has three attacks. He will ram you, punch you, and when half his health is depleted, he will send a sonic boom toward you. Once his health is half depleted, you will have to run to another tar pit. Hold R1 to sprint and follow Sly to the next pit. Run away or sidestep when he tries to charge at you, and back away when he punches you. To dodge the sonic boom, jump over it or back away from it.

To defeat General Tsao on the treetops, wait until he super jumps across the forest to try to hit you. When he does that, super jump at him, then double jump to change direction and hit him. Keep doing this until you go to the forest. When the fight begins inside the forest, it is pretty basic. Wait until he is done attacking, then hit him. When he flies off, sprint to where he is and hit him again. Once in awhile, he will duck down and rapidly spin. When he ducks, jump away from him. When he is done with that attack, keep hitting him. He will gain black magic powers at two thirds of his health, but if you keep hitting him repeatedly, he will not have time to use many of them.

To defeat Giant Carmelita, climb up to the mask hooks from her feet. Be careful, as her henchmen will try to shoot you down. When you get to the hooks on her forehead, hit them with your cane.

This fight begins with an air fight. First, shoot his ship down. When you get to the fist fight, wait until he throws a big uppercut, then hit him while he is stunned. Once he gets to two thirds of his health, he will send out guards to defeat you. If you are low on health, look for health icons that they drop. When you continue the fight against the Baron, he will have a second attack. When he growls and gets angry, he will jump on the wing of the plane. Jump to avoid this attack. Once he gets to one third of his health, he will send out more guards. When you defeat them and the fight continues, the guards will still be coming. Use the guard that sprays oil and ignites the oil against the Baron. Lure him to the oil and keep him there until he is set on fire.

Get a 100% game completion to unlock the Dimirti's Greasy Sweet Remix music video.

Complete 100% of the game.

When you beat the level "Dead Men Tale No Tales" you will unlock the boat for use whenever you go back there. Now I love to shoot the ships and sink or capture them. So you need to board the ship from the dock when you are Sly. Now go to the wheel and press circle and Sly will poliot the ship. Now just go out of the bay and find a boat to attack. I have averaged roughly 200 coins for a sink and somewhere around 300-500 coins, it all depends sometimes. If you get hit, just go to the hole in the deck and hit it with your cane and when you finish the attack find a health chest in the water. Happy Hunting! | Submitted by Cheatmaster

Beat the final boss.

When you get the feral pounce power up you will be able to travel faster but more quietly. You move as fast as if you were running but it is quiet. It also takes up none of the power up meter. | Submitted by MegaMaster

Pause the game while flying the default plane, then press R1, R1, RIGHT, DOWN, DOWN, RIGHT.

You must complete the intro level.

Progress through the game (unsure about what percent you need done).

You must finish 20 City Events and finish Class Trip in Chapter 8.

First, you need to have the bonus mission on level 2 which has Murrey collecting 100 coins and throwing the gaurds to the crocidle. All you need to do is kill many gaurds and the collect all the coins. You can go over the limit and collect all the coins you want. | Submitted by Cheatmaster

You must finish 10 City Events and finish Inexpugnable in Chapter 6.

Enter the corresponding code for each level when the game is paused:

Code - Effect

Left, R2, Right, L1, R2, L1 - Restart Episode 1, Day 1
Down, L2, Up, Left, R2, L2 - Restart Episode 1, Day 2
Right, L2, Left, Up, Right, Down - Restart Episode 2, Day 1
Down, Up, R1, Up, R2, L2 - Restart Episode 2, Day 2
R2, R1, L1, Left, L1, Down - Restart Episode 3, Day 1
L2, R1, R2, L2, L1, Up - Restart Episode 3, Day 2
Left, Right, L1, R2, Right, R2 - Restart Episode 4, Day 1
L1, Left, L2, Left, Up, L1 - Restart Episode 4, Day 2
Left, R2, Right, Up, L1, R2 - Restart Episode 5, Day 1
R2, R1, L1, R1, R2, R1 - Restart Episode 5, Day 2
L2, Left, R1, L2, L1, Down - Restart Operation Laptop Retrieval
L2, Up, Left, L1, L2, L1 - Restart Operation Moon Crash
Right, Left, Up, Left, R2, Left - Restart Operation Reverse Double Cross
Down, L2, R1, L2, R1, Right - Restart Operation Tar Be-Gone
Down, Right, Left, L2, R1, Right - Restart Operation Turbo Dominant Eagle
L2, R2, Right, Down, L1, R2 - Restart Operation Wedding Crasher

Complete at least 80% of the game.

Go back to Venice once you have completed the level and go to the place where you first fought Octavio with the tar. Go to either side and look for a blue sparkle. Once you see it jump on the rooftop near it and jump on to it. It will look like you are "Walking On Air" | Submitted by CStewart

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